Calling women "Girls"


Registered User
Why is okay to call a grown woman a girl?
I often here people, usually other women, referring to women as girls; "The girl in the shop" "Ask the girl at the desk". I have never seen someone point to a man and say "ask the boy over there".
Does that bother women?
:)Jobs for the boys, the boys in green,
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Women refer to each other as girls all the time. There are often no definite rules about usage, except among those looking to be offended.
My wife is in her 60's and has her girls night out every so often and she refers to her female friends (all over 60 too) as girls. I do too. "Hello Girls" opens doors.
I was just wondering if it bother any of the women posters here. It seems it doesn't.
My wife is in her 60's and has her girls night out every so often and she refers to her female friends (all over 60 too) as girls. I do too. "Hello Girls" opens doors.
There is a difference between the collective and the individual though. "Going out with the lads" is one thing but if you were referred to as "the lad over there" in work when you were a mature adult would you be okay with it?
Only a Jackeen could ask a question like this . Go down to Paradise, aka the People's Republic, aka the Real Capital, or Cork as it is also known and try saying "how's it going woman?" and see what the reaction is :):)
Only a Jackeen could ask a question like this . Go down to Paradise, aka the People's Republic, aka the Real Capital, or Cork as it is also known and try saying "how's it going woman?" and see what the reaction is :):)
This is an Irish website. I am not that familiar with foreign customs.
Unless under the age of 16 or thereabouts I always say "lady". Like if I'm asking my small fella to pay for something in the shop I will ask him to "pay the lady".
Always a 'girl' at heart, only looking into mirror confirms not so or when the old age aches and pains kick in :(
Unless under the age of 16 or thereabouts I always say "lady".

The word is woman. "Lady" is considered unacceptable by many feminists, as much if not more than "girl" See Marylin French's "The Women's Room" for the argument in full.
The word is woman. "Lady" is considered unacceptable by many feminists, as much if not more than "girl" See Marylin French's "The Women's Room" for the argument in full.

Really? I would have thought the vast majority of females would prefer to be called a lady than a woman. Can any of the ladies(!) confirm?