"The Kilns", Portmarnock-any thoughts on the development?

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Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Hi neighbours,

I've bought a two bed in block seven and I also received a call in Dec from Sherry Fitz to tell me that building would not be finished until summer. To be expected really though isn't it. Can't really blame Sherry Fitz for the delay, they're relying on the builders too.

To the person who asked where anybody got their plans..... I had to go to Fingal County Council and get a copy of them there. Despite a letter from my solicitor requesting them, Sherry Fitz insisted they had no copy of the plans(ahem!!!!)

Somebody referred to "Phase two" earlier. I'm a novice in the property world, does this mean they didn't sell all the property when they launched in March and will release some more? Does the price go up (in comparison to the prices we secured) for the second phase apts if this is the case?
Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Would you be so kind and let me have the planning application number (if you have it). I would also like to get a copy of the plans from Fingal County Council. My friend (who happens to be an architect) has asked me on a number of occasions for the plans as he wants to have a look at a few details for me but I didn't have them to give to him. Would be much obliged.
Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

I don't have it sorry, but when I went up to the county council they looked it up for me. mayve if you call them they could help?
Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

The copy of the plans you got from Fingal County Council - are they the plans of the apartment blocks themselves or are they of the actual inside of the apartments? Just curious to know.
Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

The plans that I have, have the internal room measurements on them if thats what you mean?

Very interesting reading in the file in the County Council office. There are even guidelines as to how long the grass in the public areas should be and how often it should be cut to retain this standard (approx. every 10 days if you were wondering!)
Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Has anyone seen the prices for the next phase of the kilns on the Sherry Fitz website. 3 bed duplex's up to €645,000 - is this an error?
Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

yeah i saw that 645,000 for 3 bed duplex on sherryfitz.ie but i presume theyre massive sq footage. i put a deposit down on a 3 bed bed duplex may 05 and the price was 365,000.

This security gate thing is freaking me out. i'm renting in The Links at the mo. They HAVE security gates and people still nip past them to park for the DART!! If theres no gates, the kilns will be an overflow carpark for the DART. dont fancy a bunfight every morning over a lousy carpark space.

Any time frame on this affordable housing development?
That dont cheer me up too much either.

u crazy forum kids...i would have felt better if i didnt find yous.
Ignorance is bliss. LOL

(Potentially defamatory and abusive language deleted)
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Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Shiva-please read the .
Re: "the kilns", portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

WE have a submission made on the current application for gates. If the council refuse permission we will be appealing it and there will be an opportunity for anyone else with an interest to make observations to An Bord Pleanala. This will be a matter for people power to sort out but hopefully Fingal Co Co will see sense.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

The development itself looks fab...I know this is unrelated but the builders all park their cars in Potrmarnock dart station taking up a load of passenger spaces...very very annoying!!
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

does anyone know when the first Kilns showhome will be open? also, as a first time buyer of a block 8 unit, is there any good advice on the things to check out with the foreman as the construction continues? are there details I can influence as the apartment is being built? sorry to be a bit vague but first time etc....
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

I was speaking to David in Sherry Fitz - he advised that it will be March for show house and Aug/Sept for completion of block 8. I contacted F County Council - they said that you have to visit their offices in Main Street Swords to see the plans.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

thanks anna. i'll give that a go.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

I also bought in Block 8, did anyone see the prices for the one bed have gone up to 320?? Im wont be getting to see the plans so if anyone does see them - can they write some info - measurements etc..tks

Also while Im on the site I had a look at the lymewood Mews forum - its mad.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Sherry Fitz attitude seems to be the same down in Cork. Requested brochures for places numerous times and was told just to look on myhome.ie for FULL details. Had looked on myhome.ie first and there was no prices etc hence why I requested the brochures. Plus I think they overprice ALL of their developments from what I can see
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

Hi All you new neighbours,
As a resident of over 25 yrs in Portmarnock I too can say this is a great area to live BUT, over the last 7 or 8 years the noise from aircraft is getting worse by the day. I don't know how you people in the apartments at the station can put up with this. Maybe you have triple or quadruple glazing but if you have a balcony and try sitting out there on a nice sunny summers day you'll be deafened by the aircraft flying directly over you. A new runway is now proposed for Dublin airport and if that goes ahead, even more planes will be flying in and out of Dublin airport. There is a local group trying to stop this runway from getting the go ahead so maybe all you new residents should add your voice before it's too late. You've spent a lot of money on your new investment and I'm sure you don't need aircraft noise to destroy it all. Check out www.norunway.com
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but better to know now what is going on.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

I have noticed the noise from the airplanes during my visits to the area over the past few months. Anyone living in either Seabrook or The Links I would be interested in receiving your views on the noise situation and is it that bad? Do you have double glazing or other type of windows in your apartment complexes????????
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

In addtion to the planes, what about the train noise. What do people think that will be like, especially people in Blocks 2, 4, 5 and 8 closet to the tracks?
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?

I've lived in The Links for the last 18 months or so and to be honest I don't really notice the noise from the aircraft anymore. Maybe I've just subconsciencely managed to filter it out.
Re: "The Kilns", Portmarnock? any thoughts on the development?


I'm currently a resident in Seabrook Manor. The noise from the planes is very noticeable when windows are open or when outside, but when windows are closed it really wouldn't be an irritation worth mentioning (depending on the size of plane and flight path you can hardly hear some while others make a disturbance), as is shown in another thread the positives of the area, IMHO, far outweigh the negatives.

The trains in Seabrook can also be heard. Bedroom window faces directly onto the track towards one of the closer areas to the dart line. While it is heard the noise lasts all of about 6 seconds and isn't that disturbing, again, IMHO. I've had friends, not adjusted to the area (so no loss of sensitivity to the noise) who work nights manage to sleep straight through the morning/lunch rush of trains without flinching.

Having lived in slightly more built up areas in the past (small towns, large towns, Cork and Dublin) I'd easily say the disturbance from these amenities (I still consider having the dart and airport so close a positive not a negative) to be nowhere near as bad as living in more built up areas.
Again.... happy to admit it does depend on the person and the circumstances. I enjoy watching the planes at night and the dart is superb for my work location. If you are worried I'd suggest you take a trip out if you can, spend 30 minutes in the driving range (behind Seabrook Manor) or waiting at the dart station and you'll soon get a feel for the noise levels.

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