My media training

At the end of the day, all such issues have a human impact. Ignoring them, being snide about the people impacted or being cold or calous will not help get your point of view accross.
Emotion is the enemy of reason. Emotion isn't a policy or a solution and prefacing your point with "I just feel" invalidates it.
In the interest of facts - What is new "I am sorry" or "I caused you any offence"

Apologies Mr Burgess, I'll never allude to your need for Media Training ever again. I am sorry if I caused you any offence.
No you did the right thing Leper and he actually listened to you. Clearly BB is not going to change overnight into being the oppositie of what he is, instead he's getting some media pointers to help him deal better with the ambushes and the populism. It drives me mad when he's on and I know he's right but Joe goes off to an ad break or other deliberate strategies to twart him.

That opening post of do's and don'ts is right out of the David Hall of media training.
Folks - ye are forgetting one fundamental truth about commercial radio / tv / print media - their no. 1 priority is to entertain.

Entertainment gets viewers/listeners and pushes up ad revenue.

Having said that, if you choose to get into the ring, you need to know the rules of the game. You can still speak with integrity and character, but you need to be crystal clear about your message.

Or, as my mother used to say - "If you sup with the devil, be sure and bring a long spoon".
Folks - ye are forgetting one fundamental truth about commercial radio / tv / print media - their no. 1 priority is to entertain.

Entertainment gets viewers/listeners and pushes up ad revenue.

Having said that, if you choose to get into the ring, you need to know the rules of the game. You can still speak with integrity and character, but you need to be crystal clear about your message.

Or, as my mother used to say - "If you sup with the devil, be sure and bring a long spoon".

Yes, but RTE is only partly commercial and has a core public service broadcasting remit and responsibility.

Speaking of which, anybody else look at their public service broadcasting feedback survey recently? I started it but the questions were rubbish and basically mom and apple pie fare to which most people would be inclined to answer "very much so". I gave up less than half way through.
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At the end of the day, all such issues have a human impact. Ignoring them, being snide about the people impacted or being cold or calous will not help get your point of view accross.

Part of the problem here is that simply stating facts that disagree with some individual's woolly anecdote is perceived as cold, callous and offensive by some.

We've seen it for years here on AAM where some people get in a huff because they ask for advice and don't like what they get back in response.
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@Leper knows I'm joking. Otherwise I wouldn't say it. He's also well able to give as good as he gets.
1. Let me say I have no truck whatsoever with Purple and I find the guy to be a good poster and if I'm to be more honest he's the kind of guy I'd love to have a conversation with. I also know he has a terrific sense of humour and would offer no malice to anybody.
2. Let me point out that it was Mr Burgess started this thread and the other thread on the subject and the threads concerning him walking into an ambush set for somebody else.
2. Let me point out that it was Mr Burgess started this thread and the other thread on the subject and the threads concerning him walking into an ambush set for somebody else.

You started this thread which is the one referenced in the first post by Brendan in the current thread:

Some posters seem to suggest that stating "facts" is the equivalent of "truth". And some seem to conflate "communication" with either or both.

Anyway, all this talk of "facts" has sent me back to my schooldays and the very boring "Hard Times" set text for Leaving Cert English. Anyone who studied it will probably (and, unfortunately) recall Gradgrind:
1. Let me say I have no truck whatsoever with Purple and I find the guy to be a good poster and if I'm to be more honest he's the kind of guy I'd love to have a conversation with. I also know he has a terrific sense of humour and would offer no malice to anybody.
I've always said you are a great judge of character :D
You started this thread which is the one referenced in the first post by Brendan in the current thread:

No he didn't Clubman as far as I recall Burgess moved it from a different thread. From the thread where we discussed the Joe Duffy show and what happened on it.
That is brilliant! You are so right.
That's actually quite the point. He drives me nuts. He's really good at getting a jab in, he loves it and I reckon he's had loads of media training. But he's also smart, he never says for example these types of loans should be pulled, he says the banks are awful. It's his bread and butter to get people in trouble in the door to him by being 'sympathetic' if he didn't dish the banks/the vulture funds he would have no customers. And he knows that.
Some posters seem to suggest that stating "facts" is the equivalent of "truth". And some seem to conflate "communication" with either or both.

Anyway, all this talk of "facts" has sent me back to my schooldays and the very boring "Hard Times" set text for Leaving Cert English. Anyone who studied it will probably (and, unfortunately) recall Gradgrind:
Indeed, 90% of the truth can still be a lie as context is important, but on issues of policy and public good emotion can cause us to ignore the broader picture and focus on the specific.

The cries to relax the Central Bank lending rules is a good case in point. I spoke to a colleague recently who said that his son could afford to pay rent which was much higher than the amount that the lending rules allowed him to borrow.
I asked him if 3 people were looking to buy a house, one could afford to borrow €500k, one €400k and one €300k who would end up buying the house if each was given leave to borrow another €100k?
Of course the obvious answer that the first person would end up buying the house anyway but would just end up paying another €100k for it hadn't occurred to him. His judgement was clouded by emotion and the specific needs of one individual.
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