Herberton Apts, Dublin 8, Bad area?

My towel radiator is the same as yours in those photos. You change the in/out valves with an adjustable wrench. Works fine.

My point is: it's a radiator - it should be adjustable by hand, not with a wrench! Would you accept having to adjust every radiator you had with a wrench? I recognise the "handiwork" of unsupervised Irish builders here with a "twill do" rather than a "can do attitude."
My point is: it's a radiator - it should be adjustable by hand

Well it took about 90 seconds to adjust correctly when we moved in six months ago, it's the only radiator of that type we have, and I haven't had to touch it since, so I'm not really concerned.

Anyone heard anything about the water feature? Sitting lifeless forever now, wondering if the developer even knows it's there.

New apartments being launched this weekend:

- Two bedroom apartments (59-72sq.m. / 635-775sq.ft.) are priced from €230,000.
- Apartment purchasers are being given one year’s free membership to the leisure centre.

Hi everyone
We moved into block b last year and we've had a few problems with the apartment. boilers/ cysterns leaks etc our flooring is being replaced. anyone else having problems? met some of the women working downstairs in the launderette are they're lovely and i see the leisure centre is almost open. has anyone else noticed the glass that kids have kicked in and scratched out the videa cams on the door cameras. Is anyone else concerned about this? I also hear that the motor on the car park shutter had to be replaced and cost like 400K and it's coming out of our management charges next year.

Just want to touch base with other residents. Is it true that new apts are 230K for two bed?

YES! We have had the following plumbing problems:

1. Boiler itself broken - engineer came to fix it and the tank burst - water all over the floor. Eventually fixed it and promised to send a voucher for a free service next year. Never arrived.

2. Plumbing to upstairs toilet leaking for 3 months - water build up under fittings and wet carpets. Plumbers failed to find the problem and basically said there wasn't one. We had to do our own investigations to find the problem.

3. Leak above the boiler for 3 months. Plumber had to come 4 times before it was fixed.

4. Kitchen sink fell out or counter top and drain pipe cracked

5. During the snag, when we emptied the kitchen sink, water went everywhere, coming out from behind the skirting boards and everything.

All problems eventually stored. Third-party guy who came to fix the boiler did not have positive things to say about the Herberton plumbers.

Local kids are anarchists. They destroy everything. They poured oil into the door camera. Then when that was fixed the scratched the crap out of it. They have destroyed the fire extinguisher glass several times. They tore down the metal panels saying the addresses on both entrenches. That nice new glass elevator to the car park won't last long. Not sure if anything can be done about this in the way of security.

The car park shutter was only working for about 2 weeks. Some stuff was stolen from my bike while it was locked in the car park. Only after I complained about this was the shutter fixed. Totally unfair that we should have to pay for this.

On top of all this the developers have decided to turn our apartment's roof into a bloody balcony for the apartment above. This is not what were were lead to believe would happen when we bought the place.

Overall not happy with P Elliot.

Hi, yeah moved in before Xmas week and was delighted, but then had a nightmare January - massive leak and then when that was sorted about 3 weeks later and I moved back in, another leak. Was not happy with the plumbers either, but thankfully all sorted now. And the builders did get everything sorted in record time.
Yeah noticed those little gurriers breaking the glass outside etc. I dont see security guards doing too much, I think we should complain about the lack of presence around the buildings. I was walking home one night between block B and block A, and there was group of kids trying to lift the grids up and were jumping down into the car parks, they're everywhere!!! and now I have come home several nights and the main doors are open so anyone can get right through the whole complex. Few of the main doors dont seem to close behind you, you have to really push them closed, I mailed the management company about it and they said they would talk to the builders about it. As for the water feature I have never seen it do anything, I asked the management company about that too but they said it was suuposed to be a still water feature - I wonder!!! yeah and the slashed prices of the apartments is a kick in the teeth - but hopefully if more people move in we'll get more amenities like a shop or something. Bring some life to the place. Sometimes i feel like I'm the only one living in my section!!
No we really aren't happy about it either. There's a local counsellor named joe donoghue who is a youth worker for the fatima area. I contacted him to complain about two young boys playing football against the wall of the apartment block and they had an iron pole which they were kicking the ball into at 10pm at night. he said that he knew most of the kids and had warned them and sometimes kids from other areas like james' st come up and are hanging around and there's nothing he can do about that.

The only think i can think of is everyone complains about these things. I think we should all get together - the residents and ask why the car park shutter broke. We were told that there was security on the car park. If they were doing their job the shutters shouldn't have broke. they should have insurance for these types of things. It's already costing almost 2K in management fees right? i feel extremely nauseous that the apts across the road are being sold for 120K less than ours C'est la vie?

I emailed Dermot about this but I didn't even get a reply, though the door does seem to lock now. Possibly easier to get things fixed if we complain in bulk. Maybe get some sort of imformal residents' association going?

Water feature- one plumber told me that they had a pump on order for it. No one knows what's going on.

Sometimes i feel like I'm the only one living in my section!!

I know what you mean. When we moved in there were literally only 2 other apartments active. It's filling up but slowly- as far as I know most of the apartments in block B are sold. So you're one of the unfortunates on the side of block B furthest from the luas tracks who had the big leak? Bad luck.

The security used to be only one person, now they've upped it to two, but i think they are only there to protect the building site really.

Maybe we need a full time security guard? If the students can get one in block F surely one can be arranged for block B. Every time something is vandalised and has to be fixed, we pay for it!

As for property prices- what can you do. Aside from all this, they're still great apartments, and the location is absolutely brilliant.


I remember that happening alright. Hope all your stuff was replaced. Very upsetting. I once lived somewhere where there was a fire and everything got destroyed. Hope it's all ok for you now anyway!! Think I might have met you that day in the courtyard.

My husband thinks the only way we'll maintain secutity on the building is to maybe employ a local father from the area and pay him like 100 quid a week - if anything goes wrong he's fired. It's in his interest to make sure the kids aren't vandalising things. He would know the kids hopefully...

Do u know who sold us this apartment - Nikki from Hooke McDonald and she was on the apprentice on tv3 - anyway thats besides the point. She told us that the "water feature" isn't a water feature. That they were going to plant flowers in it and it was rain water collected in it. lol I think there's a bit of codology going on here!! Maybe we could drown some of the local terrors in it! Joke!!!! (not really)

100 quid a week? i wish you luck!
Gosh, a sudden flurry of activity on the board! I thought I was the only one having complaints about the apartments although nothing as bad as I've heard on here.
The front door to Block B is knackered again. I called Dermot first thing this morning and suggested they would be better replacing it if they can't figure how to fix it.
I don't suppose anyone has a problem with smelly bathrooms? No laughing! Plumbers came up and replaced pipes in the cistern but the smell is coming back.
I totally agree with the idea of having some sort of residents' association, maybe all these issues would be solved quicker. We had a leak on the corridor leading to my apartment and I reported this the first week of December. This was finally fixed this week, almost three months!!! I cannot say I am impressed with the service here. I reported the problem with the doors a few times to the management company and they have not done much about it, sometimes they did not even answer. Finally it seems to be fixed but it took too long in my opinion.

I noticed that, since the incident with the door, security has increased somehow. Last week I saw one of the security lads asking a group of kids to leave and checking that the doors were properly closed. I suppose thing will improve once more people will move there.

Regarding the prices, I received an email from Hooke & MacDonald on Monday informing of the new prices. One bed apartments are from 165K and two bed are from 230K, not very happy about it but what can you do, I still think they are great apartments. I think we should ask for free membership to the leisure centre
New apartments being launched this weekend:

- Two bedroom apartments (59-72sq.m. / 635-775sq.ft.) are priced from €230,000.
- Apartment purchasers are being given one year’s free membership to the leisure centre.


What was the original price for these apartments if they have come down in price the original buyers must be feeling sick and especially with the litany of complains that are being expressed on this forum.
Yeah def think we should start some kind of a residents committee.... glad few of you have been emailing the management company, i thought there for a while that they would block me from mailing them!! hehe! I mailed them yesterday asking them what their plan is for proper security so we'll wait to see what they say about that. Its ridiculous to be paying for new doors every second week.
Yeah I'm def going to try get free membership, the email said "residents get one years free membership" so we're all residents too! Fingers crossed anyway. Went in one night to see it, its really nice, the pool is small but still great to have one. The main room is big and seemed like there were plenty of machines, and I cant imagine there being too many members to start with, didnt see any of the studios where the classes will be. Really looking fwd to joining though, no excuses seeing as its outside the door!!! Might actually meet some of my neighbours then
[broken link removed]

Piece in the Irish Times about this weekends launch - only 25 going up apparently.
Looks like show apartments opened today:

Herberton, St. James’ Walk, Dublin 8
On view Thursday 12-2pm & 5-7pm, Friday 12-2pm, Saturday 12-5pm & Sunday 2-5pm (26thFebruary -1stMarch).

Does anyone know if they'll actually have a show apartment in Block A?

Called the leisure centre just there and they are charging us residents at a 50% discount. That is 30 euro a month or 300 euro a year. Not bad, but bit crap that new residents are not only getting apts at serious low price but also getting free membership!!! Builders must be subsiding the membership or something. Anyway 30 euro a month is pretty good for a gym outside the door If you havent seen it yet, he said the gym is open for viewings today and tomor from 12 to 7pm. And Sat and Sun from 2 to 5pm.