Gardai plan for the early release of violent rapist.

Of course there is consideration given but how will revealing his location make people safer? Are all the women in the area going to start carrying guns?

No but people can be more vigilant, which is what happens when there is a spate of any type of crime in a community, be it burglaries, cars being broken into etc etc and that's without getting into physical crimes, like assaults, rapes etc.
My point still stands that people should have a right to know if their next door neighbour is a potential threat to their family and there is are very few people who would welcome Larry Murphy to their community or who would not want to know if he is their new next-door neighbour.

Where are the rights of the ordinary citizen in this case?

If the government and judiciary did their jobs properly there would be no need for a mob mentality. All ordinary people want to is be able to live their lives in peace and safety.

And what would you do if you found out?

A child is more likely to be sexually assaulted by a family member than a stranger. We would all like to live in peace and safety but the world doesn't work like that.

Someone like Larry Murphy should not be allowed out of prison but he is and we have to deal with it. Just don't think the Evening Herald following him around publishing pictures of him is the way to keep people safe.
No but people can be more vigilant, which is what happens when there is a spate of any type of crime in a community, be it burglaries, cars being broken into etc etc and that's without getting into physical crimes, like assaults, rapes etc.

You can be vigilent anyway without knowing who is living there. What happens if there is an incident in the area and they know where Larry Murphy is. Do you think the local people will wait for justice or just reach their own conclusions?
That is not what happens in reality and you know it. It's not human nature to be on high alert all the time.

So, if you know there is an sex offender in your area, you will be more alert? Sorry to say this but there probably is a sex offender in all our areas.
Comment removed because I'm not prepared to go down the route that I can see the conversation going!
If the government and judiciary did their jobs properly there would be no need for a mob mentality. All ordinary people want to is be able to live their lives in peace and safety.

This is a good point. How much confidence does the citizen have in the judiciary in Ireland? It would be interesting to have a survey on this. Surely we should be able to say we have resounding confidence in them, and if we can't say this, then our elected legislators should take action on our behalf to make sure we can have confidence in them and our institutions of state.
This is a good point. How much confidence does the citizen have in the judiciary in Ireland? It would be interesting to have a survey on this. Surely we should be able to say we have resounding confidence in them, and if we can't say this, then our elected legislators should take action on our behalf to make sure we can have confidence in them and our institutions of state.

Not much confidence but I do feel sorry for judges sometimes.

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The system is probably wrong but trying to come up with a better alternative is above my paygrade!
Why on earth would that be a good idea? Get "the mob" onto him?

Never a good idea.

The reason I would like to know if he was in my area is simply for safety sake. Take for instance going for a walk, well if you know this guy lives in your area you're not going to go alone and risk being another victim.
This is an extremely violent and dangerous man who should never be let out in the first place and his neighbours should be entitled to know he's living in their community.
Again, chances are there are dangerous sex offenders (maybe not on the same level) in your area. Do you still walk alone? Knowing that this guy is in your area isn't going to make you any safer. It's what the Guards do with him that will make it safer.
I know the guards will keep tabs on him to their level best and he's not the only dangerous guy out there as you say but he's certainly at the high end of the scale. What really frightens me is the fact he took no treatment whilst inside and showed no remorse. Has he changed atall?
Complainer and mpsox.Nice to know civil rights are alive and well. You should maybe think about the victim first.It is a pity that his victim is not on here to give her opinion.I am not judging MR Murphy on allegations, but on what was already proven in court.Read dockintrades post again,it makes perfect sense.Somebody somewhere said MR Murphy is ok to join the rest of us in a civilised society ,just not next door to them.If someone has to be monitored by the gardai at the end of a sentence fair enough,but allowing him four and a half years off his sentence and then having to monitor him means there is something amiss here.Demoivre I agree concurrent sentencing has to be abolished.
I was reading in the times over the weekend that studies show that the chance of this type of offender - serious violent sexual assault, no remorse, no therapy - reoffending is 50:50. So I hope those advocating and facilitating his release will have the good grace to explain themselves to his next victim, God forbid, if there is one.

I often think of Manuela Riedo in Galway, and how her life would have been saved had our system of Justice not been so lenient on violent criminals. A very sad case, and one which shows that her life, and the lives of other decent citizens, are less important than the lives and creature comforts of rapists and murderers. Murphy even managed to get himself a new drivers license! A man who used his car as a tool of rape. That is our system, as bad as our politics.
Correct me if im wrong but the maximum sentence a judge can pass for rape is life, correct? So lets assume this applies to the higher end of the scale.

(Parole on a life sentence is then at the discretion of the parole officer and is dependant on the risk posed by the offender.)

Larry Murphy is convicted of kidnap, multiple rape and attempted murder. He gets 15 years.

Who was this sentencing judge?
[broken link removed])

The Just Us system in Ireland isnt there to protect the Population, its there to maintain the status quo.
Complainer and mpsox.Nice to know civil rights are alive and well. You should maybe think about the victim first.It is a pity that his victim is not on here to give her opinion.I am not judging MR Murphy on allegations, but on what was already proven in court.Read dockintrades post again,it makes perfect sense.Somebody somewhere said MR Murphy is ok to join the rest of us in a civilised society ,just not next door to them.If someone has to be monitored by the gardai at the end of a sentence fair enough,but allowing him four and a half years off his sentence and then having to monitor him means there is something amiss here.Demoivre I agree concurrent sentencing has to be abolished.

I'm really not sure what you read into my comments given that you actually managed to agree with me when I said I didn't think he should have got remission for good behaviour. I also happen to think his sentence was too light and that it should have been more then 15 years (with one suspended). And yes, concurrent sentences should be done away with and perhaps if we abolished imprisoning people for non payment of fines (and simply sent the sherrif around to seize their assets instead), maybe we would have room in the prisons for those who deserve to be there. However, justice must be fair and visible, otherwise we will all end up living, not in fear of criminals but in fear of the state.
Cant believe we have concurrent sentences at all.

I remember as a child hearing that phrase on the news. I decided then that it must mean - one after the other -, it could not mean running together.

Now I am no longer a child I know that the law is an ass?????????
release of larry murphy

here's a thought-release all prisoners convicted of non payment of fines and in the cases of people convicted of multiple crimes against the person (ie rape and assault,assault of>1 person etc) have the sentences run consecutively..
