Gardai plan for the early release of violent rapist.

Jamie Bulger's murderer got a light sentence (2 years) for viewing and swapping the most serious category of child porn.

As only a technical point, I believe it was not the most serious category of child porn. That was the issue being made in his defence.
As only a technical point, I believe it was not the most serious category of child porn. That was the issue being made in his defence.

I thought he was caught with images of different levels and some of these were described as level four, the most serious type of image?
I thought he was caught with images of different levels and some of these were described as level four, the most serious type of image?
I think level 5 is the worst one, but either way he should not have a new identity once released, it's just a matter of time before he is caught for something else.
I don't know about levels but my understading was that none of the material was considered the most serious type.

Anyway, a moot point as obviously all child porn is serious and no further taxpayers money should be wasted on this individual IMO.
What about electronic tagging of serious criminals? A system whereby the tagged individuals movement can be tracked on a computerised system - maybe imposing curfews, etc. Serious criminals could be tracked for life.
Judging by the hassle Larry Murphys brother is receiving (prompting his appearance on the Miriam O'Callaghan show on Sat night) I would think Larry Murphy would be torn assunder once he gets outs and any 24 hour surveillance will be used to protect him rather than protect the public.
Watched the MOC show there on the RTE Player.

Terrible how his brother is getting treated.
Shame on the locals. Of course they have fears and concerns but the family is not responsible for the actions of Larry Murphy
Jamie Bulger's murderer got a light sentence (2 years) for viewing and swapping the most serious category of child porn.

Venables was originally released on a life licence so after the two years he will have to convince a parole board that it is safe to release him into the community. Hopefully the parole board will get the decision right unlike the judge's sentence imo!
Maybe post this in askaboutlaw section and see if the experts over there have anything to say.
There will never be a change in the way 'we' deal with real criminals as then we'd have too much time to concentrate on the shortcomings of our government and the system it helps perpetuate.
Cases like Murphy and Venables help to create the climate of fear that we are subjected to on a daily basis.
Looks like he won't be moving "home" for now anyway
[broken link removed]
Hopefully his whereabouts will be made public.

The Gardai are electronically tagging him because of the seriousness of his crime and lack of rehabilitation, so they will know his whereabouts all the time. This is to help prevent the possibility of his reoffending upon release, and perhaps even save someones life. The law is there after all to protect the law abiding citizen...
So people are aware that their neighbour is a potentially violent rapist

Doesn't have to be about the "mob"
Considering the treatment his brother was allegedly receiving, I'd say its all about the mob.
So we can't reveal his whereabouts because of what the mob might do to him but there is no consideration given to what he might do to an innocent woman, somebody's wife or daughter or mother or sister or niece or aunt.

Is this the logic you are attempting to stand by?
So we can't reveal his whereabouts because of what the mob might do to him but there is no consideration given to what he might do to an innocent woman, somebody's wife or daughter or mother or sister or niece or aunt.

Is this the logic you are attempting to stand by?

Of course there is consideration given but how will revealing his location make people safer? Are all the women in the area going to start carrying guns?
My point still stands that people should have a right to know if their next door neighbour is a potential threat to their family and there is are very few people who would welcome Larry Murphy to their community or who would not want to know if he is their new next-door neighbour.

Where are the rights of the ordinary citizen in this case?

If the government and judiciary did their jobs properly there would be no need for a mob mentality. All ordinary people want to is be able to live their lives in peace and safety.