Gardai plan for the early release of violent rapist.

thats all very well, but if we are going to take the 'lock em up and throw away the key approach' our prisons will be overflowing! there has to be a balance. he has served his time...the gaurds say they are keeping an eye on let him get on with his life.
thats all very well, but if we are going to take the 'lock em up and throw away the key approach' our prisons will be overflowing! there has to be a balance. he has served his time...the gaurds say they are keeping an eye on let him get on with his life.

Not really, it's at breaking point because of imprisonment for crimes such as non-payment of fines. Put more resources into the Sheriff to deal with that and stop concurrent sentencing when we're dealing with serious crimes.

As I said, I completely disagree with the media approach as it's more likely to mean the guards lose track of him at some point, a much more dangerous situation.

As was pointed out there are numerous dangerous offenders like Murphy out there and all monitored successfully. I still can't shake the hypocrasy that I agree with the principle of serving their time, but still wouldn't want them near to me and my family. It's a natural human reaction, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't help when they are released, but it is what it is.

If you are happy to let bygones be bygones are you also happy to have Murphy living nextdoor?
no, like yourself i would'nt like him living next door. so i dont know what that makes me! bu i agree with your point about people being locked up for tv licence, parking ect..its stupid.
no, like yourself i would'nt like him living next door. so i dont know what that makes me! bu i agree with your point about people being locked up for tv licence, parking ect..its stupid.

How do we go about changing that? Lobbying TDs, counsellors maybe? But if people knew they wouldnt go to prison they stop paying fines therefore making them useless.
Hasnt the President recently signed a new bill into Legislation which stops people being jailed for being in debt and not being able to pay but there was an attachment which allowed for monies to be taken at source. I wonder does this apply to fines or just debts to banks etc?
no, like yourself i would'nt like him living next door. so i dont know what that makes me! bu i agree with your point about people being locked up for tv licence, parking ect..its stupid.

Easiest thing to do is pass legislation allowing the bailifs or sherrif to come along and take the TV/Car in the case of non-payment of fines. Has to be cheaper then locking people.