Bought a new house in Beaupark - Some Questions



Hi everyone, recently bought a house in Beaupark and was hoping that anyone who has recently snagged their house could answer a few quastions for me.
Regarding flooring, is downstairs concrete and is upstairs floorboards? if so is it possible to varnish these or do they need to be covered?
are the batroom floors tiled or is it just the walls?
also is it possible to change any of the kitchen units before completion, ie the door style, quality of wood etc. Are you given an allowance for these?


title edited by ajapale
Hi Pamela,

I've also bought house in the same development and got snag done and handed over list to the builder. From that I can say that all the downstairs flooring is cemented. I'm not sure on the varnish side but I'm planning for laminate or semi-wood flooring and vinyle for the kitchen area.

Upstairs floorboards and my surveyor told me that I can't get floor tiles in bath and ensuite. All the baths and kitchen are wall tiled. I didn't try to change anything from standard installation firstly I didn't want to secondly bulider also stated that they will not change but it's worth checking with the builder.

I hope this helps.

Hi fakeera,

Thanks for that info, was just what I was looking for. Could you also tell me, when you went in to see the house were there any suprises, as in things you had thought would be there and weren't? Also how accurate are the floor plans that Sherry Fitz provided in comparsion to the actual plans you'd now have?

Thanks again,

Hi, i also bought a house in same development and went to see it just before Christmas. We are just waiting for our snag to be done before completing sale.
Very impressed with the house and the finish on the inside is very good. Nothing major at all to report.
Best of luck with your purchase. Which road are you on? We are the Row
Hi Pamela,

I had my snag done in mid dec and I can say there wasn't any surprises, floor plans exactly same as given by agent. Apart from few common new house snag issues in general it is fine.

Did it take long for your snag to be donw and was there much that needed to be done after you checked your snag. We are just waiting on them to finish ours. Left it into them Christmas week, so allowing for builders holidays etc, we were told that it would be this week by the time they get around to completing it.
Upstairs floorboards and my surveyor told me that I can't get floor tiles in bath and ensuite
i think he's wrong there. standard procedure is to lay (glue?)down a sheet of thin marine plywood and tile over that. that stops the tiles cracking as the boards move and swell
That's right. Snag only says that it should be noted that hard board is laid in bath and this is not suitable for tiles. It didn't explore on different possible options. Thanks for one EAMONN66.
I did my house snag and posted to builder in mid Dec. Today checked with them and got confirmation that house is ready for final inspection. Fingers crossed.
Re the management company fee. Does anyone know if you sign say at the end of this month, do you have to just pay 11 months fee, or does the yearly fee start when you sign and is next due on the anniversary that you signed?.
I thought this is from the date you sign/complete as different people would sign on different dates/months. I'll check this again with the builder, b.t.w. we are on Beaupark row as well.
We are also the Row. Hi there new neighbour. We hope to be in by the end of the month. lets know what you hear about the Management Fee!.
Hiya Ash.. All goin good??? Answer to your fees ??? is, yes, you must pay on singing/closing BUT you wont be charged until they start working on the area. When your first bin is collected, take note and contact them to confirm thats when you will be paying your fees again next year. No point in paying for a yearly service again after 10/11months!!
In the meantime theres a few builders skips around for your Argos boxes ;) Enjoy!! Any ??? email me
We are also the Row. Hi there new neighbour.

Hi there new neighbour. I checked with SF and my solicitor on the management fees. It looks like that fees will be charged at the completion of every year after you sign up not jan-dec. However it will be interesting to see what services be provided for early movers as GrahamP mentioned. We are planning to move by month end as well.
Yes Fakeera, checked this out as well and it will be interesting to see what services are offered to the early movers by the management co.
It looks like the far side of the estate, over where the train tracks are is alost complete as well. its just the centre of the estate that they are still building houses on. Anyone know when its due for full completition. Is it May of this year.
I'd say alot of people will move in next week, being the beginning of Feb for mortgage purposes etc. We hope to move next week.
Well I've been told my house isn't due to be completed until September, but I can't see how it could possibly be that late.
Perhaps you are part of the development that they have not developed yet. Have you been down to the site to have a look and see where your house may be. There are only a couple of roads completed so far nearer the entrance to the estate, which is where we are. But from looking over the far side of the estate the building is well underway. perhaps take a trip up at the weekend to see if you can see anything. bring the map of the estate from the brochure with you, to give you an idea as to where you may be.
Are you actually allowed into the site now? Or is it just people whose houses are completed? Am actually from Raheny, so have been up to the sight a good few times but have never tried to gain entry. My house is on Beaupark Avenue, so I'm literally around the corner from the Row, which is why I don't think mine will take til September.

Well PamCL if you just drive up to the security box and say you are going to Beaupark Row (that road is finished) then he'll just wave you on. We have our keys a week or so and hope to move in next week, but we were in our house on saturday morning and a good few "strange" cars were cruising around....Infact we even had 2 strangers in our back garden having a look around....We soon ran them out!..haha. So basically PamCL you shouldn't have a problem getting into the estate.
Thanks for that ABYR, managed to get in over the weekend but definitely wasn't wandering into anyones gardens!
Have one other question if someone could answer it please. In regards to space in the kitchen for the fridge and cooker. Is there a space for a fridge freezer or just for a small fridge and for the cooker, is it just one space for an all-in-one cooker and grill and hob or is there a space for a hob and then a separate space for the oven part? You know the way you can put them half way up a wall? Not sure what you call them!

Thanks again for all the info.