TV Shows, got a guilty pleasure?

America/Britains next top model....Of course I moan like hell when my girlfriend makes me watch it so she feels bad and lets me watch sport when it is on but I don't actually mind it!
The Hills (the better half would bash me over that!), Gossip Girl (another bashable offense), that's about it though, marathons of dexter, criminal minds, true blood, mad men, breaking bad etc etc etc are taking up all the hungover sundays now (was without internet for quite a while!)
I really miss The Hills and I was so gutted at the suggestion that it was fake.......I like to believe they were being ironic.....
Very popular but cult trash Caveat. There was always the question about whether it was scripted or not, it was labelled as reality tv but because the show was filmed on the streets with plenty of public around it soon emerged that they would shoot retakes etc etc and this then lead to people believing it was scripted (I personally believe that it was based on real people but the storylines were fabricated, I mean a bunch of 20 year olds partying wouldn't really be that interesting without the "drama"). Candyfloss for the brain, perfect for hungover sundays :D
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The biggest loser USA version. The wife watches it, i say i dont mind but its interesting to see some of these people. First off how they let themselves go in a really big way (yanks dont do things by half anyways), they show pics from their lives before the were over weight.
Then to see them go through the training and the sweat, and my god the amount of tears they go through as well, enough to fill a bath on any one given night. Also to look at the trainers training them, they must look at the participents and think i am going to ahve fun with you, they are also very very annoying, with their perfect bodies, bright white teeth smile etc. etc. It its kinda funny to see them all go through this for 'entertainment' but when you do see them on the scales and some amount of the weight that they have lost over the weeks is incredible, one lad lost over 100 pounds in 7 weeks!!!!
Oh, dating in the dark :eek: thoroughly ashamed of myself now (better half doesn't even know about that one!)
Nearly forgot my favourite - but only if off work sick - The Jeremy Kyle Show - never fails to fascinate me.
X Factor - although I admit to watching it
16 and Pregnant :eek:
When I was in my late teens the best hangover cure was toast & Little House on the Praire