

Registered User
I love this programme so much :) What a brilliant idea to show two episodes together. Does anyone know if the double header is going to be a regular thing?
I like Sawyer best ..at the start Jack was more my man though ;-)
Anyone know what the hell is going on in this program, there are a lot of sites speculating on the plot,what the island is etc etc. Anyone got their own theories?

I thought maybe they were all in purgatory but I read that this was ruled out my the producers of the show. How can they all survive such a crash and they all seem to have some dodgy backgroung so I thought they must be stuck in some sort of after life void until the Big Man decides where to put them. But that really would be a crap plot for the program.

It seems full of symbols and hints which are easily missed.
Noor77 said:
I don't want to know what happens!

I wonder does the shows producers even know :)

Its a really addictive programme though, bit like the X Files in that you get small tastes of things but only enough to get you to watch again next week. You never get it all.

I have read what happens into series 2 but I wont spoil it for you!
SteelBlue05 said:
I have read what happens into series 2 but I wont spoil it for you!

No don't tell me! I love the not knowing :) I kind of thought it might be a purgatory type thing myself. Some of the characters are a bit bizarre. I change my mind every week though about what's going to happen.
Whole forum on this on boards.ie (Plenty of spoliers, so be careful). One of my friends said yasterday that he heard there is no island, that everyone died in the crash, and that the island is in fact purgatory!!!!!!!

I have to say that I do enjoy a lot of US produced drama: Lost, 24, Nip/Tuck etc.
i am hooked also and so as there is a double episode next week again will have to miss Eddie Hobbs show! I live the double episode too as the single one is just too short.
Want to know the fat guys story!

I also am a big fan of Sawyer and found it bizarre that he had met Jack's dad!

Would also hate to know what happens in it as thats what makes it addictive!

I also thought that they had died and that they were in a heaven of sorts.
I missed the first few episodes because way back then I had access to channels other than those directly related to my licence fee. But now I watch it and wouldn't like to miss an episode.

I have to say, that while the story line with cliffhanger upon cliffhanger and back stories is interesting and great for suspense; sometimes I think there is just something missing from the formula. I can't put my finger on it yet; it could be dodgy acting or it could be that there are just too many characters or maybe it's the polar bear thing or the ease they cope with day to day living with that just takes it too far into the realm of fantasy/improbable for my tastes. For all the money spent on it, the quality of production just is not up to the likes of CSI, Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City. It really does have the feel of something that is being made up as they go along with everything and the kitchen sink thrown in for the craic.

I hate the O2 ads that keep peppering every episode and I wish they had the little prologues and epilogues that lots of US shows go in for "Previously on Lost ... " and "Next on Lost ...".

I'm still addicted though :)

I think the double episodes may be something to do with the fact that viewers are getting seriously p!ssed off with the amount of ads and lack of progress — I know I did, and downloaded them ... em, I mean had them posted over from a cousin in the States. Easier to watch all of them on a burned DVD than watching RTE turn a 42 minute show into an hour with O2 ads.

The boards.ie forum is here:

fobs said:
i am hooked also and so as there is a double episode next week again will have to miss Eddie Hobbs show!
Yeah - who cares about "Rip-Off Ireland" when there's something better on the telly! :p
I'm hooked on this as well. I think Locke is a great character and the most mysterious!!

I have to admit if it turns out they are in purgatory it will be the biggest cop out for a decent TV programme................ kinda like a Junior Cert essay that ends "And then we all woke up" :)
I would be really upset if I found out what is going to happen :) So no-one on this thread reveal their insider information!
>the ease they cope with day to day living<

Rebecca, a practical woman after my own heart! I've been wondering how nobody seems to be hungry with only the odd fish and bit of fruit to sustain them after the boar (except Sawyer's) left the area due to the hunting.
I see that for those that can' t wait Season 1 of lost is being released on DVD in the US. Have a look here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005JNOG/ref=amb_center-1_67003301_1/104-7601821-6653530Haven't seen this programme myself. Missed it both times on RTE and Channel 4.
Marion said:
I've been wondering how people haven't lost weight.


And I've been wondering how the women all stay immaculately made up! Do you think there might be a Clinique counter somewhere on the island?! ;)
This isn't reality TV folks.

You could just as easily wonder why they all didn't die in the first place (maybe they did????)

Suspend your disbelief
Yeah - who cares about "Rip-Off Ireland" when there's something better on the telly! :p

I can't buy into the "rip-off republic" thing anyway and son't feel too ripped off as I have said on other threads. i want a break from reality when I get the kids to bed at night and this hits the spot. also love
CSI,Silent Witness (on BBC1),America's next top model (cringeworthy but hooked),
All home improvement shows,Ten years younger on Chanel 4,What not to wear.....

And I've been wondering how the women all stay immaculately made up! Do you think there might be a Clinique counter somewhere on the island

Also wondered this!!! Also their clothes look quite good as does their hair. Anyway still hooked. Easier to watch the double episode but still don't need 10 minute add breaks!
One of the best programmes on TV right now.

For all those who are griping about lack of reality...jeeze, if they were to try to play it real it'd be as boring as all hell and no one would watch it. Do you think CSI is for real???

I've no doubt the end to series one will be stupendous. Anything less than stupendous and I'll slate it forever more. It has got to be a wonderful idea...something very few have guessed I reckon.

Also...I don't want to know so no one tell me please.

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Boston Legal as a great show right now. Shatner at his best (without a shadow of a doubt) and James Spader is amazing as usual. Has to be the funniest thing on TV right now though.
Not giving anything away but the end of series one is far from amazing, there is a second series (and probably a third) so dont expect much yet........