Will you go for a pint when restrictions are lifted?

It is not just older people.

Cohort breakdown of vaccinations up to April 6:

CohortDescription1ST dose2ND doseTotal
1LTCF residents aged 65+
2Frontline HCW
3Aged 70 & over
4Aged 16-69 at very high risk
Are the GAA starting an over 70's League?
Be like the over 75s all priest challenge match from fr Ted except Ted and dougal would not be allowed in fr Jack be ok though
Just shows how ridiculous the proposal is though . When you look at the hse website for information on when the over 50s will be vaccinated there is none everyone from 17 to 54 is lumped in as one cohort. If that's the case then open everything up when the over 54s are vaccinated
Well it's the HSE that provide the data to the ECDC weekly and its not the case on that data.
I'm really at a loss to what is confusing you the data is out there but rather than find it you just use words like ridiculous.

You seem content in attacking the HSE on the tiniest issue.
I'm really at a loss to what is confusing you the data is out there but rather than find it you just use words like ridiculous.

You seem content in attacking the HSE on the tiniest issue.
It's not just the HSE attacks.

It's much more fun to make claims about anything you want without any factual basis which can be easily disproven.

"Half the price of a pint is excise and tax"
"The bond markets expect runaway inflation"

And that's just this thread in the last 2 days...
You seem content in attacking the HSE on the tiniest issue.
Im not attacking the HSE I was simply referring to the data on their website , I have been attacking the government and their proposal or propaganda campaign on vaccine passports and how ridiculous it is when only around 700,000 people are fully vaccinated out of a population of nearly 5 million. I am pouring ridicule and rightly so on their "vaccine passport" proposal because it deserves to be ridiculed. I have never attacked the HSE but I have attacked bodies like Nphet for the ultra caution and extreme conservatism and the government for standing behind nphet.
It's much more fun to make claims about anything you want without any factual basis which can be easily disproven.
Or its much easier to attack the man when he disagrees with the cozy consensus, you introduced a statistic about where the bond markets expect inflation to be in 2028. I said that I bet the inflation projection by the bond markets was lower a year ago for 2028, but it was your statistic not mine , i was just giving an educated opinion based on the fact inflation is now on the horizon , Then i get a smart ass one liner reply
Why don't you look it up rather than making statements?
I was on my lunch break, Its actually not easy to google what bond markets expected inflation to be in 2028 a year ago. Its not easily accessible information which you knew very well. Its actually difficult in general to find out what financial commentators or organisations were predicting for the future a number of years later. Stuff gets revised or taken down so you never get to find out whether they were correct.
Where are you getting the figure of "around 700,000" "fully" vaccinated.

Why are you assuming vaccine passports are imminent, rather than say in 6 or even 12 months hence?
Here's the data, daily up to 28th February this year. Took me less than 2 minutes to find this publicly available information.

i was just giving an educated opinion
Much better than just making stuff up...
When you look at the hse website for information on when the over 50s will be vaccinated there is none everyone from 17 to 54 is lumped in as one cohort. If that's the case then open everything up when the over 54s are vaccinated
What evidence are you presenting to demonstrate a significant variation in risk across the 17-54 age range?
its not easily accessible information, would not be coming up on a google search.
Let me help you with that Joe. It's not going to come up if you're searching for "why can't I catch my own shadow?"

Google (without quotes) 'OATi inflation breakeven'.
I've used those words in my explanation of what inflation linked bonds are.

Possibly the very first result will be this:
This is the official website of the AFT - the French equivalent of out NTMA.

There's a little graph half way down the page, and a link to the Excel data if the graph isn't clear enough for you.

If you're interested in exploring further, there is also information on 30 year bonds available here (maturing 2047)
Joe,I posted what was vaccinated according to ECDC and I use that as its standardised across Europe and its easier to compare country by country and its a complete dataset from January and you can easily see trends in a range of things for example vaccines arriving from each producer in each week.
The raw data is provided by the HSE and unlike some other countries have reported every week.
So, the data that's being used is fine, ok the HSE websites can appear to be difficult to read but I have reconciled back from what they are reporting and can say that they are accurate with any differences in reporting is within 1% due to timing.
Nobody is publishing any false data but you still post that 700,000 "are fully vaccinated " which is incorrect 700,000 have had their first doses and 50% of those are under 60 not over 85 as you stated.
Nphet is simply reporting cases and deaths to the public and using that data to extrapolate where we are going, where cases are occurring and what people should do to prevent further outbreaks, behind the scenes they are probably running huge amounts of data, generating a huge amount of scenarios so that they can advise the Government with facts on a path back to normality. They aren't all powerful but they are experts.

Vaccine passports are being discussed on a European and Global level as another tool in the bag to get us back to normal whether they come to be is unknown now and may not happen.
Let me help you with that Joe. It's not going to come up if you're searching for "why can't I catch my own shadow?"

Google (without quotes) 'OATi inflation breakeven'.
I've used those words in my explanation of what inflation linked bonds are.
Its your attitude and smart ass put downs that are the issue, it is obvious that you are well versed on bonds and are possibly working in that area so you have access to specific sites for this information. You said it would only take 2 minutes from a simple google search, but thats not the case because you have to know the exact words to search for, then it gets blocked by my internet security as from "unknown source" . You have access to privileged information due to your profession and are using that to smack down other contributors like me. There is alot of that lately on askaboutmoney actually,
possibly working in that area so you have access to specific sites for this information
No I don't work in the area Joe.

You were the person who initially claimed that the bond markets are predicting inflation. I used a publicly available resource to challenge your claim with actual inflation predictions that can be inferred from live bond trades. You make a lot of statements as matter of fact when you are really just making what you described as 'educated guesses'. I'd love to discuss it further, but on a factual basis.

If you Google 'bond inflation breakeven' or 'bond inflation indicators' you'll find lots of resources on the subject. You might need to add some other search criteria to arrive just at the Eurozone ones. "OATi" is the only term that wouldn't be guessed by someone with just a passing interest in the subject.

You have access to privileged information due to your profession and are using that to smack down other contributors like me.
I don't have access to any privileged information. It's a number of years since I even had access to a Bloomberg terminal. I apologise if you see my posts as a personal attack, or an attempt to 'smack down other contributors' like yourself. However, I don't see what is gained by completely making things up and stating them as facts.
You introduced that particular statistic which I made an "educated guess" on but the central thrust of my argument is that bond markets are trying to move up interest rates especially on troubled country bonds like Italy and one of the reasons is the risk of higher inflation than previously calculated. The ECB had to step back into the markets in March to buy government bonds especially in countries like Italy to prevent interest rates rising, here is an actual widely available source like bloomberg not a spurious financial sector site that was blocked by my internet security

In any case the bond markets don't know where inflation will be in 2028 it is an "educated guess" thats why it was interesting to find out from your statistic where they expected inflation to be last year in 2028. The bond markets didn't know the result of the financial crises in 2008 either, its just their opinion of the future . Are you saying I am not allowed to give an opinion on whether I think they are correct. I know you hold what the bond markets might be saying with a holy reverance but they are not Gods and a lot of bond buying is driven by the central banks and financial institutions that are compelled to buy them no matter what the interest rate is.