Nutters in Knock

VOR - "This had nothing to do with Christian faith. It was an act of pure superstition instigated by a clairvoyant. I don't believe Christian faith entered into it".

I agree.

DB74 - "IMO the only miracle that occurred was that it wasn't raining!"

I definitely agree.
To the people who think that those who saw "something" is deemed OK or harmless, if the clairvoyant had said "UFOs will appear in the sky at 3pm" and then some people claimed to have seen them, would you still have the same opinion of those people?
I honestly don't care if they see Santa dancing with Rudolph. They may be very very suggestible or gullible but I don't see why they're harmful or dangerous. Lots of other people I'd be nervous of, but not them.
do you think there is much difference between someone believing they could see an image in the sky and christians believing in a greater being waiting to save our souls above the clouds??

Yes. Yes I do.
To the people who think that those who saw "something" is deemed OK or harmless, if the clairvoyant had said "UFOs will appear in the sky at 3pm" and then some people claimed to have seen them, would you still have the same opinion of those people?

2 ways of looking at this, upon hearing the clairvoyant you could scoff at the fools and be on your way, or you could take a chance go see for yourself and then you may or may not see something amazing. Would fear of looking like a fool to your peers prevent you from following curiousity?
Yes, a big one.

The existence of a god or gods cannot be proved or disproved - for the moment.

The notion that the sun 'danced in the sky' or 'changed colour' or behaved in any way out of the ordinary can be easily disproved.

I wasn't there so I can't be categoric in saying anything did or did not happen. I would be sceptical that any visions were on show but the level of bitterness aimed against people who were there and claimed to have felt or seen something holy is not warranted.

No I'd probably go a have a look but I wouldn't pretend to see something that was shown by cameras not to have been there
I wasn't there so I can't be categoric in saying anything did or did not happen

Come on.

I think you are taking this devil's advocacy a bit too far.

As you may have guessed, I wasn't there either. If you want something categoric, contact Met Eireann, European Space Agency, NASA...whoever & I'm sure they'll let you know.
Would fear of looking like a fool to your peers prevent you from following curiousity?

Not me, Im always looking foolish during the most reasonable activities!! But I wouldnt have any curiosity - I wouldnt be taken in in the first place.
Come on.

I think you are taking this devil's advocacy a bit too far.

As you may have guessed, I wasn't there either. If you want something categoric, contact Met Eireann, European Space Agency, NASA...whoever & I'm sure they'll let you know.

Any chance you could give me the name of an agency with a strong track record in getting things right!
This is terrible. Next we will have people saying that there is no such person as Santa. Will someone please think of the children !!!!
Another glorious Mayo religious experience.
It allways tickled me pink to watch dozens and dozens of coaches packed to the gills travelling one after the other down the Newport road in Castlebar on the way to Achill Island once every year as thousands made the anual pilgrimage to a woman there who claims to see apparitions or stigmata or some such.
From the comfort of an amazingly sumptuous home each year she creams tens of thousands from these gullible imbecilles, its pitifull.
Which brings me to the point that seems to have been overlooked here, the fact that many people draw comfort from unusual religious undertakings is not something that should give any concern, the fact of WHY these thousands of people turned up at the behest of some nonentity of a clairvoyant from the other side of the country, that would surely have a massive vested interest in having thousands of people turn up is a worrying aspect.
People join cults and perform some pretty bizzare things at the requests of un annointed individuals and I see little difference here.
If I announced that the virgin mary was gonna appear from the skip I hired in my garden I would be sure I could get enough fools to want to see for themselves to make a pretty penny.
Its the fact that they went like sheep without reasonable exscuse I find amazing.

Posters here watched with bated breath to see if Derren Brown could predict the lotto numbers, even though reasonable thinking would point to the impossibility of this act. Curiousity is a very strong feeling, just ask the cat.
Posters here watched with bated breath to see if Derren Brown could predict the lotto numbers, even though reasonable thinking would point to the impossibility of this act. Curiousity is a very strong feeling, just ask the cat.

Bit of a difference dont you think? Its a known fact that Derren Brown was performing a trick to make it look as though he was predicting the lotto numbers, I dont think any reasonable person thinks he was making an actual prediction - he was just doing a magic trick. And not pretending to be doing anything other than a magic trick.

The clairvoyant in the Knock situation was actually telling people that what was happening was REAL.
people can be wowed by things that make no sense, even intelligent people that have no need for such trickery in their world of facts.
people can be wowed by things that make no sense, even intelligent people that have no need for such trickery in their world of facts.

Theres still a world of difference between being wowed by something that is presented as real and being wowed by something that is presented as not real.