Nutters in Knock

can you expand on this?

Sorry Mr. Man, that was a bit too curt wasn't it?

I have no issue with people believing in God. Believing in a higher deity is part of most civilisations. This is also true of the after life.

However, when thousands of people are under the same Mayo sky and only a few "believers" see the signs, I have my doubts.
Firstly, they were there because a clairvoyant told them. I don't believe that nonsense and neither should any Catholic.

Secondly, they stared at the sun. You'll see light spots and flashing colours if you stare at a 60W light bulb. Does that mean Mary is sending a sign?
What happened the worship of the treestump that looked like St Mary in Rathkeale? Are Limerick people as nutty as Mayo folk?

Is there anything to be said for another mass?

If I announced that the virgin mary was gonna appear from the skip I hired in my garden I would be sure I could get enough fools to want to see for themselves to make a pretty penny.

What is in the skip legs? You sound a bit guilty about something to me. I'm watching you...
Special magical beans Teatime !!!:);), given to me by a leprechaun and a fairy and on a certain date very soon from a pile of blocks and rusty bicycles there will appear an amazing spiritual apparition.......... For further details please send a €100 cheque for specific times and directions, for a mere €50 euro's more I will also share with you all, the mass wealth I have accumalated in a Ugandan bank account :D
Anybody hear the Joe Duffy show to-day. The entire programme given to the guy who is claiming he sees the visions - I think his name is Joe Coleman. Didn't impress me with his negative comments about the Bishop and the person who is responsible for Knock shrine. Am I right in thinking he takes over the Basilica with his ''followers.'' The person responsible for the Basilica stated they left the Basilica in a terrible mess. Isn't it crazy a guy says the Blessed Virgin talks to him, thousands follow him and believe him and they take over Knock. I think he is going back there again in December. No doubt larger numbers of crackpots will turn up.
I think the whole thing is hilarious! I haven't enjoyed anything as daft as this in ages.

Having said that, I was walking home from the pub last night and I could have sworn that the moon started dancing in the sky........ Am I the Chosen One in Cork.....or should I not have had that last pint............?

Anyone interested in hearing the Third Secret of Fatima.............?
Anybody hear the Joe Duffy show to-day. The entire programme given to the guy who is claiming he sees the visions - I think his name is Joe Coleman. Didn't impress me with his negative comments about the Bishop and the person who is responsible for Knock shrine. Am I right in thinking he takes over the Basilica with his ''followers.'' The person responsible for the Basilica stated they left the Basilica in a terrible mess. Isn't it crazy a guy says the Blessed Virgin talks to him, thousands follow him and believe him and they take over Knock. I think he is going back there again in December. No doubt larger numbers of crackpots will turn up.

I thought it was pure comedy gold. He showed his true colours when anyone questioned or challenged his views. I felt sorry for him somewhat in that it sounds like he's had his fair share of bad luck but the guy comes across as either a zealot or a charlatan. But I have no sympathy for whatever grief he's now getting because of his claims. Neither do I have any sympathy for the regular "worshippers" at the Knock shrine. They built a monument to a previous delusion and so have brought their own current hassle upon themselves. Sorry if this comes across as crass or cruel but fools the lot of them.
I can exclusively reveal that the Third Secret of Fatima is the recipe for the perfect pint of Beamish.

Why, you may ask, did the Vatican keep it a secret for so long? Well, they were hardly going to make the same mistake twice, given that the recipe for Chateauneuf-du-Pape was leaked, many years ago.

And, as The Keeper of The Third Secret of Fatima, I have to take the job very seriously......

[broken link removed]
Aha! Gotcha! Could it be whether you are wearing anything under your kilt? By the way, you've got a fine pair of legs :)
This is the problem with boom years, we can't see the forest for the trees. We've missed one big opportunity to end the economic crisis and we all got caught up in this "science" fable and scepticism after watching a couple of episodes of mythbusters.

If we'd have all gone down to Knock and sworn blind we'd seen something think of what might have happened:

1. Huge tourism to the area and use of airports (airport tax)
2. Hotels filled, bars filled
3. Retail recovers by selling trinkets, t-shirts, dvds, books, and those fluffly thinks that people stick on computer monitors with the wibbly eyes.
4. Car industry picks up due to increased demand for rentals (plus we could lie and have a few "Knocks" evenly distributed through the country, its not as if the Yanks would figure it out)
5. A round of tv programmes and films where we can have a filming tax.
6. Filming requires investment, the banks could be the investors thus negating the bad debts and making NAMA a huge pile of money.
7. Designation of new planning category of "sacred site" and therefore increased demand for housing in these areas, construction picks up.
8. Need for better roads to get to the place, again construction benefits.

And yet we sat there all smug, sat on our backsides looking down on our noses at the only one of us out there trying to save this country. For shame I say.
1. Huge tourism to the area and use of airports (airport tax)
2. Hotels filled, bars filled
3. Retail recovers by selling trinkets, t-shirts, dvds, books, and those fluffly thinks that people stick on computer monitors with the wibbly eyes.
4. Car industry picks up due to increased demand for rentals (plus we could lie and have a few "Knocks" evenly distributed through the country, its not as if the Yanks would figure it out)
5. A round of tv programmes and films where we can have a filming tax.
6. Filming requires investment, the banks could be the investors thus negating the bad debts and making NAMA a huge pile of money.
7. Designation of new planning category of "sacred site" and therefore increased demand for housing in these areas, construction picks up.
8. Need for better roads to get to the place, again construction benefits.


Are you actually Michael O'Leary?

Are you actually Michael O'Leary?

You just made me think of another tax, the non-resident toilet levy.

Say $1 per visit. Average 3 "visits" (ones and twos) per person, overall €1 million visitors to the region and that's €3 million for nothing. Get the local bars to add syrup of figs or something to all their food and drink and we could double that easily.
You just made me think of another tax, the non-resident toilet levy.

Say $1 per visit. Average 3 "visits" (ones and twos) per person, overall €1 million visitors to the region and that's €3 million for nothing. Get the local bars to add syrup of figs or something to all their food and drink and we could double that easily.
You are getting dangerously close to a medical/pharmacological discussion :D