How on earth can a kitchen cost 25k?

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Ceist Beg: I don't think the op was intimating that there is a jealousy about all of this or indeed, what people do with their money is their own business - I don't think that was the point. But I can see where you are coming from too!

However, I am involved in the estate agency business and I have seen state of the art kitchens in houses where huge money was spent and I know the REAL COST of them! And in any case, more often than not, people (because they want to and CAN) get fed up of these kitchens and replace them after so many years!!! This is more common with the Celtic Cubs than with the babes of 50's - they know the real value of €25k and how hard they had to work for it - me included!! This is the `disposable` age and spending money on plasma tvs (as another poster suggested) and all these frivilous REPLACABLE items is part of today's `thinking`. It is the same with cars, but don't start me on THAT ONE! There will come a hungry day again in this country - take it from one who has been there!!!:rolleyes:
Ceist Beg: I don't think the op was intimating that there is a jealousy about all of this or indeed, what people do with their money is their own business - I don't think that was the point. But I can see where you are coming from too!

However, I am involved in the estate agency business and I have seen state of the art kitchens in houses where huge money was spent and I know the REAL COST of them! And in any case, more often than not, people (because they want to and CAN) get fed up of these kitchens and replace them after so many years!!! This is more common with the Celtic Cubs than with the babes of 50's - they know the real value of €25k and how hard they had to work for it - me included!! This is the `disposable` age and spending money on plasma tvs (as another poster suggested) and all these frivilous REPLACABLE items is part of today's `thinking`. It is the same with cars, but don't start me on THAT ONE! There will come a hungry day again in this country - take it from one who has been there!!!:rolleyes:

Ah yes it was all so much better in the auld days. :rolleyes:

As Dara O'Brian says "I don't do nostalga. Nostalga is just heroin for old people"
My guess is that people who pay 25k for kitchen eat out in restaurants most of the time.They do not use the 25k kitchen for cooking in ,its just a decorative room.

What rubbish! My parents have recently changed their kitchen, and it cost close to 25k, and this kitchen is used for cooking at least three meals every day!

They originally had hoped for a budget of about 10km, but the costs all add up (adding things like special sliders, so drawers close quietly, special types of cupboards etc). They also went with a granite worktop, which added about 4k.

It was expensive, but its the first time the kitchen was renovated in more than 20 years!
Just did a little bit of calculating, say you spend €25,000 on a kitchen and keep it for 10 years, that works out at €6.85 a day.
If you keep it for 15 years it's €4.57 a day, and drops to €3.42 if you keep it for 20 years!
I think it doesnt seem like too bad money for a really nice kitchen if you look at it that way. (By the way, for any pedantics out there, I haven't allowed days for leap years ;))
Just did a little bit of calculating, say you spend €25,000 on a kitchen and keep it for 10 years, that works out at €6.85 a day.
If you keep it for 15 years it's €4.57 a day, and drops to €3.42 if you keep it for 20 years!
I think it doesnt seem like too bad money for a really nice kitchen if you look at it that way. (By the way, for any pedantics out there, I haven't allowed days for leap years ;))

Hmmm....nor have you allowed for inflation or the Economic Cost of the initial expenditure.

Yours sincerely

Pedantic Pat :D
Hmmm....nor have you allowed for inflation or the Economic Cost of the initial expenditure.

Yours sincerely

Pedantic Pat :D
So I guess that makes a 25k kitchen horrendously expensive if you have to borrow for it, and dirt cheap if you have the cash already? ;)
So I guess that makes a 25k kitchen horrendously expensive if you have to borrow for it, and dirt cheap if you have the cash already? ;)

Nearly....Economic Cost (or Oppotunity Cost if you prefer) includes the accounting cost plus the value of the return you could have got if you had invested the money and not spent it, or had spent it on something else.

Kind Regards

Pedantic Pat's Partner
My friend has a budget of about €25k for her kitchen (this includes floor tiles and tables and chairs). She wants one of fancy granite tops and a high spec such as silent sliding presses. She made an appointment with a reputable kitchen designer. She went home to her husband and told him her dream kitchen would cost €70K.

He informed her that of course she could have it once she was prepared to wait 10 years for the drive and lawns to be done.
Each to their own;

I must admit that I would not have much difficulty paying a few thousand for a good cooker, and I probably would go with granite for the worktop (though mine cost less than €1000 because I made the kitchen to suit what the granite guy had in off cuts).

I would have great difficulty paying thousands for cabinets. When all is said and done, I just would not be able to accept that storage space which costs €25,000, no matter how silent, slidey and swanky is ten times as good as storage space which costs €2500. Mind you, you really can get a lot into those pull-out larder units. I might push the boat out for one of them, but that's it....
Here’s what I’d do, buy a kitchen for for 5k, and spend 20k travelling the world for 6 months in the laps of luxury!!!
Here’s what I’d do, buy a kitchen for for 5k, and spend 20k travelling the world for 6 months in the laps of luxury!!!

Now that's a waste of money - 6 months and it's all gone - all we have left are the memories and that slightly perverse carved wooden statue from Burkino Faso :D
Ah yes it was all so much better in the auld days. :rolleyes:

As Dara O'Brian says "I don't do nostalga. Nostalga is just heroin for old people"
To be fair, I think he was saying that it was worse in the auld days and that they could come round again and so people will end up in frivolous expenditure regretted.
I got a kitchen for about 12K with granite worktops and units with solid doors from ************. Granite looked lovely and so did the units. Very happy with it indeed !
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So a 'pot filler tap' can set you back €1,500 ? Does it fill your pots with liquid gold or something ? Does it predict tomorrows stock prices ? What do you mean it's only a tap ? Anyone who pays that kind of money for a tap needs some therapy (no, I am not a therapist).

So a 'pot filler tap' can set you back €1,500 ? Does it fill your pots with liquid gold or something ? Does it predict tomorrows stock prices ? What do you mean it's only a tap ? Anyone who pays that kind of money for a tap needs some therapy (no, I am not a therapist).


I'd say anyone who can afford to pay that, is doing very well. No?
So a 'pot filler tap' can set you back €1,500 ? Does it fill your pots with liquid gold or something ? Does it predict tomorrows stock prices ? What do you mean it's only a tap ? Anyone who pays that kind of money for a tap needs some therapy (no, I am not a therapist).

Relax, you can get one for less than a third of that price! Look:
It's sited beside your hob so you can fill a large pot with water and not have to carry it all the way from the sink to the hob. It still doesn't get rid of the problem of getting the pot back to the sink to drain off the water from the pasta, potatoes, ham or whatever ;)
By the way, I don't have one!
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