How on earth can a kitchen cost 25k?

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Looking at kitchen units for the new build. Priced all units for 1500e. Easy to put together and hang in place etc. Like lego. Looks good in the showroom and thats the bulk of the kitchen bar the trim and the appliances. How on earth are people paying 25k for a kitchen? What are they putting into them??? Even with a solid granite worktop its beyond me what people are paying.
I'm pretty handy so its not an issue putting it all together but it still beats me what people are paying.
Plastic doors/pvc doors and laminate worktops, no drawer systems, no drawer inserts, no wire racks, no pull outs, basic door handles, no applicances, €90 sink, €50 tap. I guess you could get your kitchen for <2k.

That said I went with oak hardwood doors, granite worktops, miele and de detrich applicances and it still came in below €10k.
Looking at kitchen units for the new build. Priced all units for 1500e.

Where did you get your kitchen units for that price and how many did you get? It sounds very cheap. The cheapest I have found so far is Cash and Carry Kitchens (for pre-assembled units - I'd pay that little bit extra for not having the hassle of putting the actual units together).
I agree. My sister has just replaced her kitchen AGAIN (third time). Crazy!! What is it with people and kitchens. They do the rounds, from pine then shaker then stainless steel - it is like clothes, people think they should change. I have a country pine (9 yrs old) and it is staying where it is!!

Another sister of mine replaced her kitchen - not very big but tasty work done by Cash & Carry Kitchens (first change after 15 years and badly needed) and I could see no great difference between hers and mine!

With regard to granite - definitely the way to go but now I see a lot of stainless steel - NO! in my opinion - more like an operating theatre!! And I deal with houses (in the property market) every day in my job!!
Fools and their money etc......
Got 7 units in Heavins in Athlone for 770e - flat pack. Me and the auld fella put them together in about 4 hours and hung them in about another 4 hours. Piece of cake. All hinges rebated out already and just a matter of screwing them into place and fine tuning. Granted, they're not mahogany but they're just perfect as far as i can see. And it was mum that picked them out so they've passed that test already.

Stapler - i wouldnt be worried about putting them together - they really are like lego - a bit of wood glue, some dowels and some screws and thats all there is to it. The only thing you might not be sure about is the hanging of them as you need to find the studs on internal walls or drill into the external walls. If you're any way handy its a doddle. And will save you a few 100 lids labour.
I got quotes for 18-20k and ended up getting a local guy to do same job for 12k including granite counter top
How on earth could a basic house in a good area in Cork/Dublin/etc cost 700k??

Maybe people who build from their own site or those with too much money pay 25k for a kitchen?

We are in the former group and spent 15k on a kitchen & utility which is made from Walnut by a Carpenter from scratch.

I thought it was worth every cent so I suppose that is what is important.

It would have cost the same amount to landscape the building site behind our house and in front, instead I did hundreds of hrs of back breaking work with the old fella and over a few months it resembles a garden......this is an area where I cannot comprehend why fit, young & able people spend thousands of euro when even DIY challenged people like myself can achieve what they want:)
Maybe for a lot of people, spending hundreds of hours earning a wage at work and then paying someone else to do the garden, works out cheaper in the long run.

You've got to decide where your hour is best spent.
That is a fair comment, I try to only work 40 hours a week and not hundreds of hours if possible (I am a PAYE worker so limited incentive to do a 100 hr week:)) and do not work weekends, also my commute time to work is short so in the summer months I have plenty of time to do this as it is bright till 10pm.

The point I was trying to make was that there are many ways to save money in the topic area of 'Homes & Gardens' we went for a dream kitchen and to achieve this I did the landscaping as my ability to make kitchen units from raw materials would not be good:)
How on earth are people paying 25k for a kitchen? What are they putting into them??? Even with a solid granite worktop its beyond me what people are paying.
You'd be totally floored by what people are paying Design House in Dalkey & Belfast for their kitchens, usually in excess of €100,000.

An article in a kitchen magazine earlier this year described some of the things that went into their kitchens -
A Wolf range cooker between €11,000 & €20,000
Hood €1,500 - €3,000
Sub Zero fridge around €17,500
A pot filler tap so you don't have to lug heavy filled pots around your vast kitchen will set you back nearly €1,500
Unit door handles are in the order of €60 each

I can't get my head around those sort of numbers for a kitchen, but their take on it is that it's all relative when you're talking about a house worth more than €10 million.
You'd be totally floored by what people are paying Design House in Dalkey & Belfast for their kitchens, usually in excess of €100,000.

I'd be expecting Jamie Oliver thrown in for that price!
Excuse my ignorance but what is a subzero fridge? Also what is a pot filler tap, you mean one higher up? I have a tap/hose that you can pull out on like an extension lead, would it be something like this?
My guess is that people who pay 25k for kitchen eat out in restaurants most of the time.They do not use the 25k kitchen for cooking in ,its just a decorative room.I know close relation of mine recently installed an expensive kitchen [not 25k] and she rarely cooks in it.
My guess is that people who pay 25k for kitchen eat out in restaurants most of the time.They do not use the 25k kitchen for cooking in ,its just a decorative room.

Rubbish! 25k in this day and age is not a huge amount for a decent kitchen. Anyway spending is all relative - one man's luxury is another man's neccessity.

I spent 25k on a kitchen 3 years ago and it was well worth it - excellent quality and finish and, more importantly, able to withstand the constant assault of two lunatic children and still keep that wow factor - wouldn't change to a flat pack shaker kitchen if you paid me - those things are cheap and ubiquitous (sorry ubi! :D )
I spent 15k on a kitchen and all in with granite worktops & appliances it was about 22k -> are we rich?

Hell no, as efm stated "Anyway spending is all relative - one man's luxury is another man's neccessity."

We eat out about once every 3 months unless we are on a holiday, ie we had the space for a fantastic kitchen and we love cooking -> therefore we spent a lot in this area

To be able to financially achieve this we completed other items in a house build by ourselves if it was possible
I’d imagine as the economy continues to slow down and the value of people’s houses remain unchanged (at best) then we’ll see less folk splashing 25k on kitchens, bathrooms, landscaping etc. and if folk have this kind of money it will be spent on more energy efficient aspects such as triple glazing, pellet burners, insulating attics etc
On seeing this thread my first instinct, I have to admit, was to post something along the lines of "waste of money" etc etc.

I would certainly never pay anything like this - it's not important enough to me. I would spend 2K maximum (In fact to date, I have spent less)

Nor would I spend silly money on plasma/LCD tvs etc. Or even cars for that matter - 2nd hand, 10K maximum. In fact there is plenty of common expenditure that I would privately regard as silly/outrageous etc etc

The issue is simply what's important to you.

But I suppose I can't be outraged at kitchen expenditure when I have over €10,000 worth of CDs - which is important to me, and which no doubt others see as frivolous.
As some people have said, it's what's important to you that matters. My question would be, who cares what anyone else paid for their kitchen? There seems to be a trace of jealousy in some comments about how much people paid and how it's only for decoration and such - why do you care so much, maybe they can afford it and are happy to spend their money in this way? Personally we were happy to spend a decent amount on our kitchen as it's an important room to us.
Looking at kitchen units for the new build. Priced all units for 1500e. Easy to put together and hang in place etc. Like lego. Looks good in the showroom and thats the bulk of the kitchen bar the trim and the appliances. How on earth are people paying 25k for a kitchen? What are they putting into them??? Even with a solid granite worktop its beyond me what people are paying.
I'm pretty handy so its not an issue putting it all together but it still beats me what people are paying.

Because they can.
I paid twice that for our new kitchen (and if we paid full price it would have been more than 3 times). As someone else said - it depends on what's important to you. Alot of people spend hugh amounts of money on their cars whereas mine is probably worth a few hundred euros.
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