George Hook


Registered User
So George Hook didn't toe the PC line and now everyone is calling for his head.
I think he's a opinionated windbag and don't really like him but the hysteria and over reaction to him saying, in a rather hamfisted manner, "don't put yourself in harm's way" is just ridiculous.
Mary Coughlan's actions in refusing to go in the Station and saying she did it for wemmen everywhere is puke inducing.
I have two daughters and I'll certainly be saying the same thing to them that George said when they are older; if something bad like that happens it won't be your fault but please be careful and don't put yourself in harms way.
So what George Hook was saying (and you are now repeating) is that men can't be trusted not to rape women. That being alone with a man or several men is dangerous and women must avoid doing so or they will be raped.

Try this video:
Consent is a simple as tea.

Of course we have an entire religion, promulgated for 2,000 years, predicated on a woman's rape so its no wonder that rape culture is engrained.
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So what George Hook was saying (and you are now repeating) is that men can't be trusted not to rape women. That being alone with a man or several men is dangerous and women must avoid doing so or they will be raped.
No, that's not what I'm saying at all. How on earth do you get to that conclusion?

Of course we have an entire religion, promulgated for 2,000 years, predicated on a woman's rape so its no wonder that rape culture is engrained.
eh? o_O
I dislike all religions and supernatural mumbo-jumbo but that's just nonsense.
that's just nonsense
I trust we are agreed that sex without consent is rape?

Mary, the mother of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, was not asked if she wished to become pregnant - it was 'announced' to her - she did not give her prior consent to being impregnated.
How on earth do you get to that conclusion?
This is how I come to that conclusion.

You (and others) say
... be careful and don't put yourself in harms way...
So what is 'putting yourself in harms way'? It would appear to be ...being with men who cannot be trusted not to rape you.

edit typo
Mary, the mother of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, was not asked if she wished to become pregnant - it was 'announced' to her - she did not give her prior consent to being impregnated.

But if you're a Catholic you will believe that it was an immaculate conception so no hanky-panky was involved. Considering the pressure on the young women, given that the future of humanity rested with her, I think she at least deserved a bit of fun.
I have two daughters and I'll certainly be saying the same thing to them that George said when they are older; if something bad like that happens it won't be your fault but please be careful and don't put yourself in harms way.

I agree 100%. I'll be telling my son not to walk the streets late at night on his own too. Basic common sense.
Mary, the mother of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, was not asked if she wished to become pregnant - it was 'announced' to her - she did not give her prior consent to being impregnated.
The Bible say that she was all on for it. Personally I think it's all rubbish.

I trust we are agreed that sex without consent is rape?
Of course.

So what is 'putting yourself in harms way'? It would appear to be ...being with men who cannot be trusted not to rape you.
No, it is common sense to avoid potentially dangerous situations. "Potentially" being the operative word.
When I park my car in the street I don't think that everyone who passes it will steal from it but I still lock the door.
When I go to the ATM I don't think everyone in the queue will try to see my PIN and steal my card but I still shield the keypad from view.
When I go out to work I don't think everyone who passes my house will try to break in but I make sure to close the front door.
When I go out for the evening I don't think everyone will try to mug me but I don't get blind drunk and stumble around the streets on my own.
When my children are out I don't tell them that every stranger is going to try to kidnap them and rape them but I do tell them to be careful around strangers.

Do you understand? immaculate conception ...
regardless of how you believe the pregnancy came about, some form of non-consensual assault was involved.

I think she at least deserved a bit of fun
I believe she at least deserved to give her consent.
.. be careful around strangers...
The figures on rape are clear - the overwhelming majority of rapes are perpetrated by a man or men who are known to the woman.
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regardless of how you believe the pregnancy came about, some form of non-consensual assault was involved.
No pun intended but, sweet This post will be deleted if not edited immediately. How do you know there was no consent? (Why am I even asking?)
The whole religion was started by Abraham, a guy who thought God told him to kill his own son.
If your daughter came to you and said "I'm planning on going out tonight and getting really drunk, hooking up with someone I never met before, going back to his hotel, having sex with him and then passing out drunk on the bathroom floor in a state on undress", would you say, "Great love, enjoy yourself!"?
I'm planning on going out tonight and getting really drunk, hooking up with someone I never met before, going back to his hotel, having sex with him
Its not for me to judge what consenting adults wish to do in their spare time. Again, I will point you to the video I posted earlier as being an excellent analogy on consent.
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Its not for me to judge what consenting adults wish to do in their spare time. Again, I will point you to the video I posted earlier as being an excellent analogy on consent.
Okay, I would advising my daughter that it would be a bad idea. She would also be perfectly entitled to get a tattoo of a monkeys This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language on her forehead. I'd also advise her against such a course of action.
The link you posted is a good way of stating the blindingly obvious.
Nobody is asking you to judge anyone. George Hook wasn't judging anyone.
I'm asking you if it was your daughter would you tell her that you thought she shouldn't do that or would you keep quite in order to avoid her thinking you might be judging her?
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I would agree that I believe casual sex is not conducive to human happiness, neither to my mind is drinking to excess or taking drugs or eating poor quality food. But they are choices that people make.

Being raped is not a choice.

A medical professional would not carry out a (non-life emergency) procedure without your consent, and it's considered so important that you are asked to sign documents to confirm your consent. They certainly will not do it if you are unconscious - see report last week on nurse in the US who was arrested for standing by this important concept.

I'm not suggesting that providing consent in writing is to be recommended if you wish to have sex! :)

But it would seem to me, based on George Hook's and others remarks, that many people don't understand the concept of consent.
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