Gardai plan for the early release of violent rapist.


Registered User
How can this guy be allowed out on the streets again....from what i've read he's never shown any remorse for what he did and is believed to be involved in the disappearance of all those other young women and now he's simply going to be set free? something seriously wrong with the system here i believe.

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No of course not but he has refused treatment whilst in prison which IMO should negate the early release for good behaviour.

We also have to waste money employing a "team of detectives" who will be "assigned to closely monitor Murphy after his release" as well as a "a dedicated inspector" who "will be appointed to monitor on an ongoing basis whether he is, in fact, living at his nominated address"
Whilst I agree he shouldn't have been released early, due to his failure to co-operate with treatment programmes, he can't be locked up because he "might" have done something. That moves us as a country into the realms of a police state/dictatorship.

To be fair, we'd have to employ these teams whether he got out early or not. This looks good on paper, but the reality of the statement below doesn't inspire me with confidence:

"The truth is we don't know what he is going to do or where he is going to stay," said a garda source. "We have been having a number of meetings about it."
14 years for raping a woman several times and trying to kill her is a ridiculously short sentence in the first place. If Judges could sentence people to 30 years for a crime like that they might actually serve a reasonable sentence, even with time off for 'good behaviour'.
How come people like this dont get sectioned under the mental health acts?

i agree completely liaconn. this woman would definitely have been dead within minutes if those hunters hadn't come along. he should have gotten life inmo.

i don't believe they will be able to monitor him correctly when he gets out and i just hope some other unwitting young woman out there doesn't have to pay the price in the future.
Desert Island discs on BBC 4 was interesting this week, guest was a lead psychotherapist from Broadmoor.

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Desert Island discs on BBC 4 was interesting this week, guest was a lead psychotherapist from Broadmoor.

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Let me guess, "I don't care what I have to listen to as long as I don't have any of those guys with me"?

As opposed to all the money spent keeping him behind bars?
The money is wasted on a team of detectives having to monitor. They could be doing more productive work.
The money is wasted on a team of detectives having to monitor. They could be doing more productive work.


if a team of detectives have to monitor him as in he's seen as a threat to society he shouldnt be out.
The money is wasted on a team of detectives having to monitor. They could be doing more productive work.
I wouldn't believe everything I read in the Indo about this. Personally, I think it is unlikely that there will be a team monitoring this guy 24x7. The State very rarely goes to the expense and effort of this kind of monitoring for anybody - except maybe The General. It is just not feasible on an ongoing basis.
I think the fact that this guy has refused treatment he should be kept inside. What has changed with him over the years. As I see it this guy is not fit to be left out, the brutality of his attack, no remorse shown, may have committed other murders. Imagine the fear of knowing he's living in your area and a predator like him will cover many many miles.
His brother came across well on Miriam and it must be very hard on his family
If this guy has not repented, has not voluntarily undergone treatment and could still be regarded as a danger, then could he not be committed under the mental health act. Signing on regularly at a Garda station would be in the publics' interest.
Jamie Bulger's murderer got a light sentence (2 years) for viewing and swapping the most serious category of child porn.
I can't understand why his identity must remain a secret now that he has broken the conditions of his parole in this serious way.