Delays in rolling out vaccine

J&J vaccine use paused in US. Similar reports to AZ issues...

Six recipients in the United States developed a rare disorder involving blood clots within about two weeks of vaccination, officials briefed on the decision said. All six recipients were women between the ages of 18 and 48. One woman died and a second woman in Nebraska has been hospitalized in critical condition, the officials said. Nearly seven million people in the United States have received Johnson & Johnson shots so far

If it was a loved one of yours that died, you would be understandably upset and in time very angry. Statistics don't take into account human suffering and while vaccinating people is of the utmost importance every precaution must be made to ensure its safely done.

What needs to be done is for manufacturers to find out what is causing this issue.

As I said earlier we need this vaccine but we also need it to be safe.

Nobody wants to see any deaths so any suggestion that I am saying it is 'ok for anyone to die' is completely wrong. Using your distorted logic, are you saying that it acceptable that one person who has had their AZ vaccine cancelled since last weekend gets covid and dies because they weren't vaccinated in the time it takes for their vaccine to be rescheduled? Using their own figures, over 90% of people who have died with Covid have had underlying conditions. The risk of one those 15,000 people who had their appointment cancelled today of getting covid and dying from it is higher than they are from getting a fatal blood clot from the AZ vaccine.

If we want it to be safe, we stop giving vaccines until we get to the bottom of it. Otherwise you are just talking about levels of safety just like you are talking about with all medical products.

At the end of the day, the numbers that this decision are based on shows the risk to the Irish population are less than one death considering the amount of people due to get the AZ vaccine. The alternative is that they actually think the risk is actually much larger or they simply don't know. In which case, they should pause the vaccines. Otherwise, maybe you should tell them that statistics don't take into account human suffering....
Using your distorted logic, are you saying that it acceptable that one person who has had their AZ vaccine cancelled since last weekend gets covid and dies because they weren't vaccinated in the time it takes for their vaccine to be rescheduled?
I really don't know how you could deduce that from what I typed.
I really don't know how you could deduce that from what I typed.

Well how did you deduce that I was happy to see people die from the vaccine since you decide to tell me how I wouldn't be happy to see a loved one die? I don't want any loved one belonging to me or anyone else to die. From the vaccine or from covid. But what is the biggest risk to my loved ones with medical conditions or elderly? Going by the figures provided by the experts, it is Covid. I would have preferred by brother in law with CF to have his vaccine yesterday as planned but it was pulled. Doesn't mean I want him to die. As long as everyone is aware of the risks, I would prefer to take my chances with the vaccine as would most people I would suggest. Unless as I say, we simply don't know what the true impact is. In which case, we are still taking risks with peoples lives.
I didn't deduce nor say anything of the kind, but you go ahead and think I did if you want if it makes you feel happier.

At least the pause makes sense until they can understand it. If we are not willing to accept the risks that been made available in the AZ vaccine (1 in 1 million chance of fatality) then we might as well not accept any risk and simply pause the use of the vaccine. We now have a situation where the 60-70 age group will be given a vaccine that is not appropriate for the over 70's or the under 60's. They will rightly ask, what makes those 10 years so different. Is it just that the risks haven't been identified yet? We have young people being told to take a second dose with the same question. They have been flip flopping over this vaccine for weeks now.
NIAC is considering whether to extend the interval between the first and second Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine doses to increase the number of people who have some level of protection against Covid-19... Currently, there is a four-week gap between the first and second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in Ireland. But internationally, the gap is being extended between four and 12 weeks for Pfizer vaccines. This gives authorities time to roll out the vaccine to more people to give the some level of protection against Covid-19.

No, but if they refuse to be vaccinated then they should be required to continue to wear a mask, socially distance, stay out of pubs and restaurants and generally remain in lockdown.
Difficult for private enterprises and the government to police that - and health data is still private data
It's not like people not already meet without masks etc - even in some grocery shops it started to pick up with some staff and customers not using masks.
Also when herd immunity is reached that isn't an issue. It shouldn't be even one when the risk groups are all vaccinated.