Best Man Speech


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I am Best man at a wedding shortly. I feel like I have already used up my best material at previous ones (and that wasn't even very good!) so am struggling now! Anyone got witty one liners that have gone down well at weddings that I can use?
When [NAME] asked me to be best man, I was absolutely delighted because it meant one of my lifelong dreams was being fulfilled ... I got to be the ring-bearer like my hero Frodo!
When [NAME] asked me to be best man, I was absolutely delighted because it meant one of my lifelong dreams was being fulfilled ... I got to be the ring-bearer like my hero Frodo!

I think if you were going to do that one you'd have to bring your own tumbleweed.
Yeah, I would prefer if the jokes had been tested on a live audience!
The wedding I heard it at was a few years ago, closer to the date that the films were released in fairness.

Also I'm an accountant!
The wedding I heard it at was a few years ago, closer to the date that the films were released in fairness.

Also I'm an accountant!

Actually so are the people getting married so I guess the standard doesn't have to be high after all!
Open with. someone told me that the best man speech has to be as long as the groom can make love so heres to the bride and groom...................
(Groom) is so lucky to have found such a wonderful bride that she's writing off marrying him as a charitable expense.
Open with. someone told me that the best man speech has to be as long as the groom can make love so heres to the bride and groom...................

I would not be loving these kind of jokes at my wedding if I was the bride!
VOR's contribution is in keeping with the nature of business the bride and groom are in, it's quite good. I think it's sometimes good not to have too many jokes, or if you can recall a funny story about the couple that usually goes down well.
Maybe go with the old accountant interview joke

Interviewer: What is 1 + 1?
Interviewee A : 2


Interviewer: What is 1 + 1?


Interviewer: What is 1 + 1?
BRIDE : What would you like it to be ???
What do accountants use for contraception?
Their personality!

That'll go down well with the lucky couple!
The bridesmaids look amazing today, so good in fact they are probably going to get unwanted attention later, ladies i apologise in advance. (if your married you might want to scrap that idea).
I didn't have any speeches at my wedding last year (apart from me saying a quick thank you and enjoy the evening.)

I think it's just too much hassle for the best man and Da's, and a lot of people get very stressed out about what to say. We wanted a very relaxed day for everyone; my best man did enough for us without having him worry about a speech as well.

As well as that, you hear one best mans speech and you've more or less heard them all, rubbish jokes and congratulations.
A bit of a "baddum-tish" one, and an oldie, but tends to go down well as an opener (especially among the auld ones for some reason):

"Well, this is the second time today I've got up from a warm seat with a piece of paper in my hand"

I would like us all to raise our glasses and toast the 2 most important people in the room...........the barmen !!!!!!
This is the fourth time today I've gotton off a wam seat with a piece of paper in my hand