Any rumours will they tax landlords less than current full tax rate?

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Sunday indo suggests supports for landlords wlll be even less than the Sunday Times suggested. According to the former:

'It is unclear if landlords will be given a significant tax break at this point. The leaders are examining whether tax relief on pre-letting expenses could be extended'.

whereas a tax credit of €400 pa for renters will be introduced

If correct then at least they are true to form with absolutely no idea how to keep Landlords in the landlordin business.....juicing up preletting expenses isn't it, not by a long , long way.
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For renters, there will be a new tax credit but the precise amount is not clear.
It is understood there may not be tax measures for landlords - something several backbenchers had called for.

The above from RTE also. This is a puzzling move if it proceeds. How can increasing pre letting expenses also convince landlords to stay in the market???? Beggers belief.
Now no mention whatsoever on tax cuts for landlords. Was actually hanging on to see what would come of it. I have too much exposure to property anyway so will look at reducing the number of properties I own by half.
It's not stacking up
Regs changing monthly
Sinn Fein in the wings
Tax treatment
As a FG member it's sad to say that FG have made a pigs ear of it.
I'm curious to know what the logic is for this approach of not helping landlords? Political backlash maybe.

Genuinely, is it a case where they want small landlords out of the market? In addition, daft announced that property prices are stable at the moment, is this just driven by the excess properties from the mass exodus of landlords? A plaster on the wound which will be a short term fix.

I see also a vacant property tax is to be introduced. So if you are in a RPZ and need to leave the property vacant to get back to market rents you will probably be hit here also.
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I understood that Revenue (seemingly) objected strongly to it and there appears to be a lot of strong anti tax reliefs articles in recent days also.

Who knows perhaps tomorrow we will find tax relief for landlords in the budget after all...let's wait and see.
There won't be. If they are giving renters a tax credit of €500 they certainly aren't going to give that or more to landlords to entice them to remain in the market place. And to be fair, €500 less tax a year won't encourage me to remain in the game. Time to start giving notice to tenants I'm afraid.
Double of pre letting expenses to 10k and a reduction of vacant time from before letting from 12 months to 6 months.

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