Another "I hate that ad" thread

what about that ad for the estate agents where he is singing his child to sleep "theres a house down the road for sale with hardwood floors" etc etc I cant stand it
How about any of the eircom phonewatch ads- the always add on the little tagline of :" XXX euro off if you order before the end of the month". They've been offering this discount in one shape or form since they started in the business so by my reckoning there is no discount as no one pays the full, undiscounted price. I complained about it (including the general tone of their ads to) ASAI but got nowhere.
Absolute worst has to be for Fruice!! "Nice day for it" "I see you've got yours out too!" its cringeful!! they've started showing it in the cinemas now too!!
The headache tablets add from the radio where the woman's voice is all distorted until she takes her tablets,and then all becomes clear
I hate the radio adds For coffee where the man gets up and his wife/girlfriend is asking him questions&he seems half asleep until she asks if he wants coffee and he says yes and she say yes I think so. It’s so annoying and unnatural-which I wouldn’t mind if it was funny but its not. Also can’t stand the radio add with Deirdre on her new phone in her new apartment!
seen a fruice ad on telly tonight, 2 lads in a tent, tent blows away during the night as its windy and rainy, so they go to a pub, and order fruice. WTF is that all about? very bizarre.

Has anyone seen this

"Better to light one candle than curse the darkness":)


that one for 'virgin' waxers for veet. where in Ireland would you find a virgin of that age:rolleyes: ?
I thinks its for Ocean finance, 'real person' telling how they consolidated all their loans and still had money left for a holiday....
I still shout at the TV 'you borrowed too much, and put your home at risk for a shagging holiday'.
is it just me, or do all those people in the ocean finance ads look as if they have done time...?

What, detained at Her Majesty's pleasure...?
[broken link removed]
Why do you people all watch/listen to so many ads, anyway? :confused:
The latest Rabo radio ad gets to me -- claims that any competing deposit account offering a better rate requires you to be mega-rich (e.g. NR's "huge" minimum balance) and commit your money up for a fixed period (e.g. some of the new savings accounts, but not AIB's Regular Saver, and certainly not any of NRs online deposit accounts.). ASAI complaints here we come!
Any ad that says "......this is a limited offer". Oh please !
Another ad would be the brikie mate. It is a little slidinging this that allows you to put cement on a wall. Near the end of the ad, a father and son combo say, "We added 80k value to our home and it only cost 5k to build".
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I think it's for Activia Yoghurt, daughter comes home and asks if Mum is ok, Mum is feeling a bit bloated and daughter launches into "Oh I used to get that until I started eating these, they contain bifiobacterium ( or something!) blah blah blah". If anyone in our house started talking like that we would cart them off.

Really, Why don't they just say "eat these, they'll make you poo!"
Back to my original Ocean finance ad, yes I agree most of them look like they are on the wrong side of the law.
But my favourite is a couple sitting on a couch, she's quite large while he is relatively small... all I can ever think of when I see them is a Praying Mantis and her lunch!
The ad for Senecot. The woman is all bloted. She takes a senecot the night before. Near the end of the ad she is in the shower and gives the women in the audience a knowing wink. As in, I just had a poo and am masking the smell with a fragrant shower, amin't I clever. Of course the men don't know why the woman is smiling, they just angle their heads to see if they can catch a glimsp of her boob.