Predictions for the reign of President Trump

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At some point during the next 4 years there will be a siege situation where right-wing militia with some type of demands against the federal government will be on the inside with government forces, Police, FBI, National guard on the outside. A situation like Waco or the Bundy occupation in Oregon.

As a candidate Trump was well supported by this section of society, despite this my first prediction for President Trump, is that he will react swiftly and ruthlessly, there will be no kid-gloves.

I confidently predict he won,t react swiftly .
Unless the TV people are ahead of him !{needs the ratings}

I confidently predict he won,t react ruthlessly .
Unless , the protestors are like the little builders he didn,t pay !ie little folk.{otherwise he will be presidential }
Cremeeg's Prediction no. 2

Soon after taking office, Trump will offer US Companies abroad an amnesty to repatriate profits from overseas subsidiaries.

As an example, Apple has large profits generated outside the US, (on which as we know the European Commission says it should pay €13bn tax to Ireland). If Apple were to bring this money, in the region of €100bn, back to the US today it would have to pay 35% tax on it. Unless it brings the money back to the US it cannot distribute it to its shareholders. So this money just sits there, some of it may be invested in factories outside the US, Athenry for example, but mostly it is just waiting for something to happen.

Within 100 days of taking office Trump will offer an opportunity to repatriate this money at a special tax rate of say 15%, special offer, limited time only. Apple can bring the money into the US, under its full control for a reduced tax payment, the money will go into the US economy, Trump will have a huge pot of new tax money to play with.

While I don't have any figures there are decades of profits for thousands of companies involved. Even if it is only taxed at 15% instead of 35% there will still be an enormous amount involvedEverybody wins !!
Actually rather than just a short-term amnesty I think Trump will drastically reduce corporate tax rates permanently and fuel a boom in business.
Wall Street is already trading at record highs.
In fairness cremeegg that's not much of a prediction - Trump has explicitly stated his intention to just that.
Low Corporation Taxes and low Income Taxes. It should really see the US economy power ahead.
Trump is directly elected by the people .I hope the people hold his feet to the fire on his pre-election promises .Expect trouble like never before in the U S A If he goes back on his promised. The change that got him elected will come against him if he fails to follow through on his promises,
The change that got him elected will come against him if he fails to follow through on his promises,

He started back-tracking on many of those promises almost immediately after being elected.
He started back-tracking on many of those promises almost immediately after being elected.

Name me a politician who doesn't.
But Obamacare will be first out of the window.
I have chums in the Midwest who have never voted Republican before but went for Trump simply because their health insurance costs have rocketed.
And the fact that they loathed Clinton and everything she stood for.
When I was there last year the anger amongst ordinary people towards Washington was greater than I've ever known it in decades of visiting.
DT is admitting to being a germophobe as proof that he didn't let prostitutes pee on his bed in a Russian hotel room in 2013, despite being allegedly caught on camera. It's not looking good for germs in America. Add them on to the list - LGBTQH(ispanics)G(erms)M(exicans)C(hinese):rolleyes:Of course Donald doesn't hate all foreigners. He loves Russians especially of the peeing on the bed prostitute variety.
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Very few of them backtrack on promises that form a significant element of their platform before they even get into power though...

You mean like Pat Rabitte admitting he made false election promises to secure votes for Labour.

Or Obama pledging to shut down Guantanamo Bay.

And the Liberal Democrats who went into coalition with the Tories in the UK with a specific pledge not to increase tuition fees - which they abandoned as soon as they were in power.

I've a feeling Trump is going to surprise people by carrying out much of what he promises to do.That seems to be what's scaring the politicial establishment in Washington.
We're in for a kick-ass four years !
I wonder what the odds are that Trump will still be POTUS by the end on 2017?
He is not yet in the job but :
- has managed to alienate the FBI, the CIA , the Intelligence community etc etc etc
- has clearly not separated his business from the White House (is it credible that he won't talk to his two sons over the dinner table as to how the Trump Corp is doing?).
- he seems obsessed spending time on Twitter responding to every criticism rather than focusing on the real issues
- issues are now arising suggesting that his business and personal history could become an impediment in the near term
- he clearly has no patience for criticism and one would wonder how he might try to shut down certain media (as with CNN yesterday). Fox News may become the official TV of choice for a Trump regime.

As for his policies, he seems totally inconsistent. He has contradicted himself often, his nominations for various offices have voiced disagreement with their leader on various policies and he seems focused on a policy of isolation.
It may be an ass-kicking four years (or however long he lasts) but what worries me is what ass's he will kick.
in the US at the mo, and whole Trump thing is really depressing. What started as a joke, turned grim, improved somewhat after election (some magnanimity) but has now nose dived again. He's the epitome of the bullying 'ugly American' stereotype. I laugh when I think of Billy Bob in his pick up truck voting for him, Trump has never know that life, and does not strike me a man with any empathy, so I doubt he will do much or anything to make the life of the ordinary man any better.

He's already continuing well down the road of personal grudges and ignoring anything that doesnt suit him - in one sense its a refreshing cut through the red tape - but oh what a pity he's a total idiot. It'll be watching through your fingers from behind the couch for the next however many year. As WWN (Waterford Whispers said) the motto has gone from "Yes we can" to "Feck, what have we done"!!

Without doubt ,he is a bully.
Without doubt , he cannot take criticism.
Without doubt , he lashes out at those he disagrees with.
Without doubt , he denigrates those who challenge him.
Without doubt, he uses fake news.

Without doubt , he is the NEW PRESIDENT.
Without doubt , God Help America.

Prediction = won,t last one year .

ps. I predicted he would not win.!
Made a few bob on him winning both the nomination and the election. To me it was a no brainer that he was going to win once he got the nomination, there is nothing that unites the Republicans more then a visceral hatred of the Clintons. There is also the fact that Hilary Clinton's suitability and ability had to be seriously questioned. If I was an American I think I would have struggled to know who to vote for

And yes, Trump is a sexist misogynistic pig (and I'm not condoning him) but so were the likes of Bill Clinton, Kennedy and Johnson. As for not believing the CIA and the FBI, given their track record of getting things very wrong, is that such a bad thing??.

I have 3 fears about Trump, firstly is the calibre of some of the people he employed, you have to seriously question the sanity of one or 2 of them. Secondly he get's easily led. Take the Russian hacking thing, he has moved from complete denial to acceptance to stating it happened but had no impact. Give a serious green campaigner an hour with Trump and you have to wonder if he would come out of the meeting and announce a ban on fossil fuels. I think one of the key things to watch out for is who has his ear. Lastly, and my biggest fear is how he will react in a crisis. Will he stop and think and listen or will he just press a button because he knows best?

As for how long he'll last, unless he does something completely and utterly daft and illegal he won't be impeached and he is too big an egoist to walk away and admit failure. 4 years, at least
So far Trump seems to be getting things his own way. I'm very surprised that he seems to be able to just step back from his business temporarily - surely there is a conflict of interest there that will cause issues during his term. I would agree with those fears daddyman. I'd add to that list my fear that he could do untold damage to relationships with other countries. He clearly is not a diplomat and does not seem to have any understanding of diplomacy or etiquette. Not surprising given that he is a bully, used to getting his own way. How he will react when he doesn't get things his own way is a big unknown.
I think Trump should be given a chance. I expect that a lot of the fear and hysteria surrounding his election will dissipate over the coming months. I don't think Obama delivered a whole lot and Clintion would have delivered nothing. I expect that Trump will get things done, and relatively quickly . . whether it's good or bad overall we'll see. In two years time there may be a lot of revisionism in relation to Trump.
Not so much a prediction as a postdiction. Any suggestions what The Donald as presie would have tweeted on the morning of 9/12?
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