Gay Marraige For or Against

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My point was also that we, men and women; boys and girls, are different does it not follow that we need the differences (parents of 2 sexes 1 man and 1 woman) in life to get our heads striaght.

Unless a child is raised in total isolation from the other sex and no differences ever alluded to or explained then I cant see how itd make any difference.
I grew up without a father. Does that mean I don't understand men or relationships between men and women?

Well clearly if you didnt have the balancing factor of two opposite sex parents in your life you are now confused, dont have your head straight, dont understand gender roles, cannot relate to men, and in fact - are only partially developed mentally, completely missing that vital male balancing influence. I hope for your sake that your mother wasnt in fact a lesbian or you are REALLY in a lot of trouble ;)
That doesn't follow in the slightest! You've used your story (full of errors though it was) to prove that people are how they are and that no-one can change that, and then you argue that we need the gender role influences of our parents in order to understand how it all works. Aren't those 2 positions contradictory?
I grew up without a father. Does that mean I don't understand men or relationships between men and women? Of course it doesn't, not in the slightest. Unless you are arguing that children are generally imbeciles who cannot derive any information/knowledge/whatever about people and relationships from outside their most immediate family, then I don't see what the make up of your immediate family has to do with it.

Well clearly if you didnt have the balancing factor of two opposite sex parents in your life you are now confused, dont have your head straight, dont understand gender roles, cannot relate to men, and in fact - are only partially developed mentally, completely missing that vital male balancing influence.

Finally Truthseeker you are making sense.


Not bad for a man who wasn't coming back!

Yeah I know awful isn't it.

Anyway I refuse to have an argument with 3 women.

I have had rows with women all my life and have never won a single one.

I'm going to do what I normally do in this situation...I'm off to the pub...
I could be wrong, but I always believed that marriage was for the union of man and woman to form a family unit, I don't see the benefits in legalising gay marriage except maybe financially for the gay couple, which isn't enough to constitute allow it imo. It's not an anti gay thing I just don't see the real need for it. I would generally be liberal but would prob vote against it should it ever come to that.

Are you for real???
i have a close gay friend, he is great! when i first met him i thought he didnt have a care in the world and i envied him. but i learned through the years that he is not happy at being homosexual at times. have been out on a night out years ago and i remember askin him to come to a party and he didnt go, he said that although he enjoys sports etc. he wouldnt be able to sit with a guy and talk about this because, the boy/man would get mocked for hanging with the gay guy all night. this i know was years ago but it brought up the most intersting conversation of my life. My friend said if he had one wish in the world it would to not be attracted to men. he thinks women are wonderful but they just do not sexually attract him. for this he got very upset stating he will watch all his closest friend both male and femal marry before him, he will watch them all have children before him. he longs for a 'normal life' and because of something he has no control over, he cant have this 'normal life'.
if a man or woman longed to have children, i would prefer them to 'come out' and adpot rather than have heterosexual relationships, have children , in a very unhapy home, with very confused parents, situations, maybe parents resorting to other means/ affairs etc to satisfy thier physical urges which would not be a happy secure home for any child.

I personally believe that once a child has security and love they will be ok.
the fact that they may be bullied is ridiculus, does that mean dont get a kid braces, its something that can be prevented by not giving him/her braces, perhaps dont give him/her glasses, for the shock they might get bullied. but the fact is, those glasses or braces are whats best for the child and no matter if they are bullied, u comfort them and they know they are loved no matter what happens, its part of parenting and if anyone can understand the pains of bullying etc, i think gay parents would.
i know glasses etc is for the physical well being of the child, but i think same goes for the chance of taking a child from an orphanage or the such. its whats for the best for that child, no matter what

especialy if this thread has anything to go by.

just my opinion. thanks :)
No I made it all up, gay people always seem so happy I didn't want to ruin it for them by letting them get married.

Good point. I actually have gay friends in longer relationships than most straight people's marriages! :D

I'm in a same sex relationship for the past 6 years. I would love one single person to give me a decent reason why I should not be allowed marry.

Also anyone that says "it's not an anti-gay thing" really means "I'm actually homophobic but won't admit it." It's like the good old "I'm not racist but..."
Also anyone that says "it's not an anti-gay thing" really means "I'm actually homophobic but won't admit it." It's like the good old "I'm not racist but..."
I'm not a murderer but I think all ............
I'm not a robber but I think all ............
I'm not an alcoholic but I think all .........
I'm not a hetero but I think all ........
Why don't you finish the sentence? No heterosexual people whom I know jump up and down shouting "I'm hetero and proud". What's the big deal? Do what you want to do.
Why make assumptions on what people are thinking by only emphasising their opening gambit? People of all persuasions should be open to fair discussion. These assumptions do not help any side in any discussion.
its whats for the best for that child, no matter what

especialy if this thread has anything to go by.

just my opinion. thanks :)

As you say it's what's best for the child.

Yoy say your friend is very unhappy with being a homosexual hardly a good role model I'd have thought.

To me standing up and being proud of what and who you are is a good thing for a child to see and try to mimic, not someone dreadfully unhappy
I'm in a same sex relationship for the past 6 years. I would love one single person to give me a decent reason why I should not be allowed marry.

Also anyone that says "it's not an anti-gay thing" really means "I'm actually homophobic but won't admit it." It's like the good old "I'm not racist but..."

I can't think of any reason why you shouldn't be allowed to marry, have the same rights for inheritance or other things.

But when it comes to kids I have to draw the line.

Good point. I actually have gay friends in longer relationships than most straight people's marriages! :D

Maybe you think you do but 99.999999999999999999999% of the population of the world would disagree with you... and me too
Why make assumptions on what people are thinking by only emphasising their opening gambit? People of all persuasions should be open to fair discussion. These assumptions do not help any side in any discussion.

Good man Simeon, good post.
Maybe you think you do but 99.999999999999999999999% of the population of the world would disagree with you... and me too

You can disagree with me all you want. All you have to do is look at divorce statistics (amongst hetrosexuals) and the amount of broken families/relationships.

And what's the issue with gay couples adopting /having children? I know gay people with children and they are doing a fantastic job. No better no worse than straight people. Irish people need to drag themselves into a modern society.
No heterosexual people whom I know jump up and down shouting "I'm hetero and proud". What's the big deal? Do what you want to do.

It's very clear you don't understand it.

I don't jump up and down. I don't march down O'Connell street because "I'm proud". I live my life and I'm happy with it. But I still think I should have the right to marry.
I don't jump up and down. I don't march down O'Connell street because "I'm proud". I live my life and I'm happy with it. But I still think I should have the right to marry.
From sub Saharan Africa to the North of Canada to the tip of South America, homosexuality is no big deal. It was practiced in China long before Confucius. The Mayans and ancient Greeks took no exception to it. Go to the Boston Museum of modern Art and it is all there catalogued ........ with pottery carving etc. These were all peace loving experiences but you also had the not so peace loving characters like this.
["Much of the history of homosexual love in pre-colonial Africa has probably been lost for good. Pre-colonial Africa was largely made up of non-literate cultures that left no written records and the colonial powers were not inclined to document practices they considered "beastly"; they were already busy suppressing homosexuality at home. However, knowledge of some examples did survive, such as the boy marriage tradition among Azande warriors, and the gay sex customs at the court of the Kabaka (king) of the Buganda. It would be a stretch to call it "gay love" since those who did not submit to penetration - as a result of having recently been indoctrinated into Christian beliefs - were decapitated."]
["Much of the history of homosexual love in pre-colonial Africa has probably been lost for good. Pre-colonial Africa was largely made up of non-literate cultures that left no written records and the colonial powers were not inclined to document practices they considered "beastly"; they were already busy suppressing homosexuality at home. However, knowledge of some examples did survive, such as the boy marriage tradition among Azande warriors, and the gay sex customs at the court of the Kabaka (king) of the Buganda. It would be a stretch to call it "gay love" since those who did not submit to penetration - as a result of having recently been indoctrinated into Christian beliefs - were decapitated."]

Just out of interest, what's the source for this?

In terms of "shouting" about being hetrosexual, well in my experience I've never had the threat of violence, jail or death, because, as a bloke, I fancy women. Add to that I've never had state condoned overt or covert discrimination and religious docterine stating it's my fault when every tornado or disaster strikes.

People simply stating what they are and asking to be treated as any other human being is hardly "shouting".

As such, anyone unhappy with who they are is more likely to do so because of how society reacts and treats them, from their immediate family and friends to the larger community, rather than any lamentation on not being "normal".

Plus, bullying is an issue, but that's not an excuse not to move on as a society. Continuing to limit the rights of same sex couples only fuels the this bigotry. You can't use the example of bullying at school as a good reason for not allowing adoption, when the bullying is strongly influenced by the general bigotry shown and such policies that clearly state same sex couples are in someway abhorent.

Not that I'm against bigots, some of my best friends are bigots, but I wouldn't want one moving in next door to me.
Perhaps he is unhappy because of how other people treat him, because he isn't allowed to marry a partner of his choosing, and because people tell him he can't have children because he would be terrible at it...and various other reasons stemming from a general discrimination against gay men?

Perhaps he is unhappy because his dog died.

Perhaps he is unhappy because he feels his life is wrong.

Perhaps he would be happier if he went to a counselor and got 'cured' of his gayness.

Perhaps pigs will fly.

How many more perhaps' do you want?

I think you vastly over estimate the number of people who would agree with your point of view. Nowhere near 99% of the worlds population would agree with you, thats clear even from the sampling on this thread, not to mention the well known estimate that 10% of the worlds population is gay.

Originally Posted by Yoltan
Good point. I actually have gay friends in longer relationships than most straight people's marriages! :D

Maybe you think you do but 99.999999999999999999999% of the population of the world would disagree with you... and me too

Whether someone is gay not not they can see the blinding true when they see it.

Do you really believe this post, [quoteYoltan] Good point. I actually have gay friends in longer relationships than most straight people's marriages!

"Most peoples"....I doubt that very much.
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