Did someone say "The Peace Process is almost complete&q

  • Thread starter Albert Rosenfield
  • Start date
Re: Saved from Extermination

Asimov, perhaps you could at least answer the question. Here ,for the third time : Given your support for the bank robbers in Adare, do you condemn the robbers in Belfast last Monday night? Or does it depend on their political / party allegiance ?
Re: Saved from Extermination

Madonna, I don't know what fairyland you were living in during 1969, but I just don't believe your story, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, you claim you were in QUB in 1969.
Well I have known Andytown since I was a kid, and the only residents of that ghetto that I ever heard of who went to 3rd level education were either trainee priests, or the children of the few professional classes who lived in the area pre-troubles - most of whom got out by the height of the fighting.
How did your working class parents, who lived in poverty ridden West Belfast, manage to pay your University fees?

Secondly, I've never yet met a resident of Andytown who lived through 69 and the 70's there and had such a positive opinion about the NI security forces as you seem to have.

Thirdly, you have dismissed the well documented history of persecution and state-led discrimination of Catholics in NI as simply some kind of fantasy, or churlish impatience for change. It seems you were never a victim of the oppression or deprivation that I saw every day there that was widespread throughout the society.
How did you avoid it?

Fourthly, Andersonstown was still a small development in 1969. Most of the Catholic population were herded into hastly constructed slums like the Divis Flats, and Unity Flats, or lived in decrepit and run down older housing on the Falls Road or Ardoyne. There was still massive homelessness among the Catholic population, indeed anti Catholic corruption in the process of selection for housing was one of the triggers for the Civil Rights movement. Yet you seem to have been more than self-satisfied with your own housing arrangements in Andersonstown, and failed to see a problem. How convenient for you.

Fifthly, You continue to maintain that Catholics were solely responsible for the worst of the disturbances in 1969, in spite of the fact that 150 Catholics were burned out of their tiny homes on Bombay Street by rioting Protestant mobs on August 15th. Ten civilians, including my 9 year old pal, were killed by RUC action that same night, and up to 145 people were wounded by gunfire. The Irish Government set up field hospitals on the border to cater for the mass exodus of refugees they anticipated, and the British Government sent in troops the same day...but you say " I wasn't really frightened and in the event the situation was brought very quickly under control".
No This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language sherlock!!
Just another ordinary day in your rose tinted world.

You just cannot be for real my friend. I don't know who you are or what your motives, but you are definitely not what you pretend to be.
Mr.Rabbit is a rabid Paisleyite bigot, and a known quantity as such. He is simply laughable. You on the other hand are a definite fraudster, and rather more distasteful because you paint your revisionist lies as the 'confessions of a reformed taig'.

Now Mr.Rabid Paisleyite, let me turn to you.
Given your support for the bank robbers in Adare,
The reason I ignored your question (besides its ignorance of history and bad grammar) is that the only comment I ever made about the Adare shootings was that the perpetrators should remain in Jail. So you are either trying to put words in my mouth, or you are too stupid to read.

Poor reading, poor writing, poor historical knowledge...did you ever go to school?
Maybe you should have tried the Christian Brothers, they'd have sorted you out you lazy ignorant wee Orange £@%&.....!!
Re: The Truth

Asi, everything I said was truth except of course the subjective elements which by definition are a matter of judgement.

I passed my 11 plus, I went to St Malachy's, I went to QUB, so did many working class Catholic kids thanks to the UK egalitarian education system, in sharp contrast to the elitist system that prevailed in the South. Oh BTW I got grants, isn't socialism shocking?!

Andytown was built substantially in 1955, though I accept your point that we were the "elite" of working class RCs, others had considerably worse conditions but scarcely homeless.

As to the Troubles of 1969, ignoring all history, the Catholics certainly started it but boy did the Prods finish it.

As I have said before Mr Asi you speak largely the truth, but it is such a one sided and distorted truth. Catholics never faced any really serious threat of "extermination" as you have claimed and that is not thanks to the Provos or Jack Lynch's forays to the border or Charlie Haughey's arming of the same Provos but thanks to the Brits.

But you are dead right on one thing, Catholics today are considerably politically better off than in 1969, they have parity of esteem and more. That is in part due to the IRA but was there not a better way to right the fairly modest grievances than the deaths of 3,000 people.
Re: The Truth

As I have said before Mr Asi you speak largely the truth, but it is such a one sided and distorted truth.
Who are you to lecture on what is truth or distortion? What is the truth? Your version?

In 1969 75% of the students in QUB were protestants...but at least you were alright jack, eh? One of the lucky few.

I had you figured out as a champagne rioter two pages ago, now you've confirmed it. QED. You really are a lackey. An Uncle Tom. You must be one of Paisleys pet Taigs that Rabid likes to boast about. Obviously the system has done alright by you, and you're grateful, really grateful. As you should be.

You say YOU were the one educated by the Christian Brothers!? :lol
Jeez, Rabid will be dissapointed!
Why aren't you a SF/IRA suicide bomber, like the good Brothers taught you? :lol

As to 1969, the Catholics certainly started it but boy did the Prods finish it.
Thats quite a provocative statement from such a 'reasonable' man as yourself, eh? Flash of the ould claws there.
But tell me, 'started' what exactly? Catholic emancipation?
And is 'it' finished?
I don't think so baby. Not yet.
But we'll get there...don't you worry.

The prehistoric fascist mentality of northern loyalists is still there, deeply ingrained in the likes of Paisley the DUP (and our own Rabid), and was seen in its naked form just recently on the streets outside the Holy Cross School where loyalist mobs were allowed (under the noses of the police) to terrorise small children on their way to school.
These are the same people Rabid praises for their 'honesty and integrity'.>: They are no better than the murdering b*****ds of Beslan.

Nothing has changed under the skin of the unreconstructed Orangemen since the days when NI was a 'protestant land for a protestant people'.

Incidentally, I know several guys in the Irish Army and Air Corps who served around 1969. You just wouldn't believe how close the ROI came to an invasion of NI. Thats the real reason the British sent their troops in so quickly, Westminster got wind of it. So forget about the Brits saving catholic asses...they went in to protect their strategic interest and the protestant establishment.

Now - I'm taking Christmas off, play amongst yourselves there, maybe I'll see you if I have time next week.

Tiocfaid Ar La and Joyeux Noel.
Re: A new historic insight

That is certainly fresh info from Asi, that boy certainly mixes in high places. The Brits sent in troops out of fear of an invasion by the Irish Army - did Jack Lynch's Dad's Army have secret WMD or what?

Never said I was educated by the CBs. Asimov is carrying his selective quotations a bit too far when he ascribes statements from one contributor to another.

Asimov's irrational reaction is really quite revealing - all these years nurtured on a diet of "the poor Catholics of NI are really the most put upon souls in this planet and in all history". He can't bear to give up his ingrained persecution complex.
Re: A new historic insight

Asinov, you write with great conviction, but you are incorrect about so much of what you write.

First of all, I am not a Rabid Paisleyite as you say. However, I do not have the deeply ingrained hatred of him and his community which you have
You say "The prehistoric fascist mentality of northern loyalists is still there, deeply ingrained in the likes of Paisley the DUP (and our own Rabid)".

Second, you say my English and grammar are so poor that my opinions may as well be dismissed, and you question my schooling. I actually got an honour in honours English in the Irish Leaving Certificate, before I went to third level education , in Dublin incidentally. I did not draw attention to your English grammar and spelling, which incidentally is also far from perfect. I would certainly not dismiss anyones opinions because of their inability to communicate, let alone their command of the written language.

Third, you bring up "just recent" incidents outside the Holy Cross school. I never condoned the loyalists in these incidents at Holy Cross. They have let the children go to school in peace, even though they obviously have grievances.
The police, as I understand it, held the loyalists back / kept some control on the situation. You say "These ( these loyalist mobs) are the same people Rabid praises for their 'honesty and integrity". Wrong Asimov, you are taking my words "honesty and integrity" completely out of context.
It was in an earlier post when you bragged " why was it not the prods who robbed the Northern bank ? - because they are not smart enough ", or words to this effect. I remarked in the same strain of humour " No, because they have too much honesty and integrity."
Before anyone says I am tarring everyone with the same brush, I am not. There are of course stupid and smart people in both communities up North, as well as people with integrity and honesty in both communities. This has been my experience anyway. I

Fourth, we can see Asinov's attitude to protestants / loyalists when he claims "They are no better than the murdering b*****ds of Beslan." Enough said. Asinov, you say your day will come. Yes, but will it come in a mental institution?

Fifth, you insulted my knowledge of history. What historical point did I say which was not true? It was catholics who mostly educated me. Unlike you it seems, I have many friends from both communities in N.I.; I think this helps give a better perspective on the overall situation.

Finally, you are the first follower of Gerry Adams I met who wants the Adare bank robbers / Killer of Gerry McCabe to stay in jail. This is interesting, considering that you follow the Sinn Fein line on most other things. Or perhaps you did not know Gerry McCabe was killed in Adare.

I would like to wish everyone peace and a happy Christmas.
May all of the extremists become moderates in 2005.
Re: A new historic insight

Oops, On reading what I wrote I meant to say ( in Point no. 3 ) "the loyalists should have let the children go to school in peace" , instead of the loyalists have let the children go to school in peace. Again, I do not agree with those loyalist protesters. However, to be balanced, there have been lots of other incidents carried out by elements in both communities over the years which I , or any other civilized person I think, would not agree with.
Re: A new historic insight

I've been watching this with interest.
I must say I do indeed find it strange that a Catholic from NI (as Madonna says he is) would deny the decades, if not centuries of abuse sufferred by the minority community up there. It was patently clear to anyone with a pair of unprejudiced eyes.
Yet, there are those who still deny the deaths of millions of Jews in the Holocaust, and - while the two events bear no comparison in their degree - I guess its not such a big leap for him to dismiss the trivial complaints of a few hundred thousand Catholics.

I watched the program on Beslan on RTE2 last night, and indeed it seems to me that the people who threw blast bombs at the children of Holy Cross were no better than those who killed innocents in Beslan. Again, its just a matter of degree. It was only by sheer luck that children were not killed by a bomb...and the mental damage done will live with them long after.
Whatever 'legitimate' issues you may think you have, nobody has the right to use children as targets. The RUC didn't cover themselves in glory either. Their job was not just to control a mob, but to keep the peace by whatever means necessary...which they failed to do.

By the way...in my career I've worked with ex Irish Air Corps pilots who told me exactly what Asimov said. I have no 'high level contacts', just contact with the people at the sharp end who were sitting on runways with a/c fuelled and armed to attack. Its no big secret.

Who knows what might have happened if those guys had been launched? There are many possible outcomes. Certainly Ireland has a small army compared to the UK and Maggie Thatcher (if she'd been in power) would probably have gone into full attack, but would the British Labour Government under Wilson have been so disposed? Its debatable that they would not...and that after external (UN? US?) intervention the British might have been glad to be able to hand the whole NI problem onto someone else.

Anyhow...its Christmas...War is Over...if you want it.
Re: Christmas is humbug!

Tharggy, absolutely a question of degree. NIRCs are wont to compare their lot with say the blacks of SA, or the Palestinians or even the Jews of the Third Reich. Asimov went even further and drew analogies with the peasants of both the French and Russian revolutions. These are totally utterly inappropriate comparisons but it is in the NIRC psyche to indulge such magolamaniac persecution complexes.

Asimov also talked of the NIRCs facing "total extermination", I thought that maybe this was a little over exuberance and that he might temper that theme but no, he seems genuinely to believe it and to believe that the Provos saved the NIRC community from extinction.

I have no doubt that Jack was maybe 25% the way to invading the North in 1969, absolutely no secret was made of it, as you point out - "sabre rattling" the British media dismissed it as. You make a very interesting point, maybe it would have worked against Wilson (the Loyalists faced him down in 1974) but boy what a high risk strategy, I certainly didn't want any help from Jack's Dad's Army. What is utterly preposterous is to suggest, as Asimov does, that Britain, faced with this deadly threat to its World strategic interests, made a pre-emptive deployment of troops on the ground. The Brits went in to keep the two communities from their throats or more accurately to keep the Prods from the NIRC throats. Blame them for causing the situation, suggest that their motives in controling the situation were not entirely selfless but please, please spare us these Republican fantasies.
And A Merry Xmas To You Too

Do you mean Catholics? in NI?
Well! Thats an acronym I've never heard before.
Is it your own invention?

If I was a Northern Irish Catholic I would consider it both distasteful and insulting.

Even as a (lapsed) Southern Irish Catholic - I consider it very much so!

Am I just a "SIRC"?
Or maybe a "LIRC"?
You yourself claim to be a "NIRC"!
Or is it "LNIRC"?
What a dubious way to refer to oneself!

Actually, y'know what?.... I'm sceptical! I think the use of dehumanising diminutives does no credit to your case whatever!

In fact, on reflection, I think you just blew it wide open.
Re: Balance

That's much better Tharggy. The "I'm a balanced version of Asimov" routine didn't become you. I much prefer the half two in the morning Tharggy ranting hysterically about a bit of name calling.
Re: Balance

Quote the people who threw blast bombs at the children of Holy Cross Were there really explosive devices / blast bombs thrown at the children of Holy Cross ? If so, were any children injured? I do not remember hearing about such bombs, but I am open to correction. Anyway, I and most people would condemn such action, and is it not wrong to blame an entire community for the actions of a few? Asimov blamed entire community. I would not tar all Northern Irish Roman Catholics with the same brush. For example, one Belfast Roman Catholic won a Victoria Cross in WW2. His attitude and beliefs contrasts with the attitude of some other northern Catholics, as shown by the reception he received from some in west Belfast after the war.

I really think it is a bit strong for Asimov to say the Protestant community in NI are like murdering thugs in Beslan. There have been injustices done to sections of both communities over the years, and to attack one community using part of one incident as justification says it all.

If anyone should be compared with the Muslim fanatics / suicide bombers of recent years, it is the Provisional IRA, who I seem to remember kidnapping someones family, and then forcing the father of the family to drive a lorryload of explosives in to a British army checkpoint. There are many other incidents / parallels. Muslim extremists, FARC and the IRA have many things in common, including a hatred of the UK / US.

As regards Irish air corps attacking N.I.....what a laugh. More than one Irish person I know ( who incidentally are RC , not that it matters to the Brits ) owe their life to the British RAF and R.N., who plucked them from the North Atlantic in days gone by. When the distress call was received by the Irish authorities, what did they do, because they had no suitable equipment or personnel .....phone the British.
Or maybe the Irish air corps pilot was on holidays !
Re: Balance

Glad to see you've kept the home fires burning while I was away.
So much to say! So little time! Let me begin...
First of all, I am not a Rabid Paisleyite as you say.
Really? You started right on the first page of this thread by praising and defending him. You tore into poor old Marie for daring to criticise him. This is the man who calls Catholics "vermin" and "followers of the anti-christ". I think the hat fits you Mr.Rabid, so wear it with pride like a true Paisleyite would.
I would certainly not dismiss anyones opinions because of their inability to communicate,
Thats very funny. Did you think that through before you attempted to communicate it?
I actually got an honour in honours English in the Irish Leaving Certificate
You haven't progressed much since, have you.
Third, you bring up "just recent" incidents outside the Holy Cross school. I never condoned the loyalists in these incidents
Oh really....what about this?
Were there really explosive devices / blast bombs thrown at the children of Holy Cross ? If so, were any children injured? I do not remember hearing about such bombs, but I am open to correction.
Then let me correct you!!
The answer is YES there were Blast Bombs thrown at the children, as well as bags of urine and faeces, not to mention the rocks, bolts, spitting, or the curses and abuse. But like everything else about the history of Catholic persecution up there, your memory is selective.
is it not wrong to blame an entire community for the actions of a few?
Oh! Is this moderation creeping into your tone at long last? Or is your "understanding" only reserved for the loyalist offenders?
to attack one community using part of one incident as justification says it all.
Then lets hear no more 'parts' of Republican 'incidents' either then. Fairs fair eh? A bit of balance etc....?

Some hope. Its not enough for you and Paisley that Republicans are prepared to forgive and forget, public penance is required just to establish firmly that the blame is all on one side...as Madonna likes to think.
Re: Balance

Quote First of all, I am not a Rabid Paisleyite as you say.

Really? You started right on the first page of this thread by praising and defending him. You tore into poor old Marie for daring to criticise him.

Marie said untrue things about him before I mentioned him. Marie knew she said untrue things, and I had every right to correct her. I did not tear in to her half as much as you and Marie tore in to Paisley. Paisley has described the IRA as vermin, not ordinary catholics. I personally know catholics who have met him and who have found him to be a gentleman. If everyone who does not hate Paisley as much as you do is a Rabid Paisleyite, then there must be a lot of Rabid Paisleyites around. As I said before, I never even voted for him or his party, yet you call me a Rabid Paisleyite !

Quote: I would certainly not dismiss anyones opinions because of their inability to communicate,

Thats very funny. Did you think that through before you attempted to communicate it?

No, I wrote it as you dismissed my opinions earlier in the thread because of alleged grammar mistakes, and said you would not even bother to debate any more with ignorant etc.

Quote:I actually got an honour in honours English in the Irish Leaving Certificate[/b You haven't progressed much since, have

Thats not the point, is it ? Does Sinn Fein now only accept criticism from people with language degrees ?

Quote: Third, you bring up "just recent" incidents outside the Holy Cross school. I never condoned the loyalists in these incidents[/b Oh really....what about t
Were there really explosive devices / blast bombs thrown at the children of Holy Cross ? If so, were any children injured? I do not remember hearing about such bombs, but I am open to correction.
Then let me correct you!!
The answer is YES there were Blast Bombs thrown at the children

There was a policeman injured by a blast bomb. In the link you gave me there was no mention of children injured by a blast bomb. I remember the policeman being injured, and of course there were riots by both sides, but according to someone I know in the area there were no blast bombs thrown at the children. Anyway, as I said before, I never condoned the loyalists in these incidents. Violence is never right.

Quote , I asked Asimov : Is it not wrong to blame an entire community for the actions of a few?
Oh! Is this moderation creeping into your tone at long last?

I always was moderate, Asimov. Most extremists, except you, do not even blame an entire community for the actions of a few. You earlier blamed the entire protestant community to the beasts of Beslan.

Quote Or is your "understanding" only reserved for the loyalist offenders? What understanding is that, Asinov? I never had an understanding for any loyalist offenders. As I said before, there have been evil men in both communities.
I believe that when caught, offenders from both communities should be subject to the full rigours of the law, like everyone else.

to attack one community using part of one incident as justification says it all.

Then lets hear no more 'parts' of Republican 'incidents' either then. Fairs fair eh? A bit of balance etc....?

You were the one who brought up "parts" of Holy Cross, 1969 civil rights issues etc. I just corrected your version of these a bit. I did not mention Enniskillen, Le Mons, Darkley, Bloody Friday,etc etc... Fairs fair is right, and a bit of balance.

Quote Some hope. Its not enough for you and Paisley that Republicans are prepared to forgive and forget, public penance is required just to establish firmly that the blame is all on one side...as Madonna likes to think.

Stop thinking what you like to think Asimov. Noboby said the blame is all on one side. Noboby expects publin penance from the Republicans. What people do want is the IRA to prove they have decommissioned at least some ( because nobody presumably knows for sure the total quantity of IRA munitions except the IRA ) weapons and semtex by photos. Whats the big deal? Paisley is not even insisting on a video of it. Photos can easily be forged / changed, but they would be something.... enough for the peace process to proceed.

And one question to you , Asimov, to clarify something you said earlier. As you basically back the Sinn Fein position on everything, why do you not support their calls for the release of the murderers of Jerry McCabe?

And on a light hearted Christmas note, any new looking Northern bank notes surfacing around your area ?

Happy Xmas and peace in the New Year.
Small minds

Madonna, it might surprise you to learn that not everyone has the handy little 9 to 5 - Monday to Friday - Bank Holidays off type job you do! You may be coming home from the pub at 2:30AM, but I've been at work.

I never actually suggested that the Irish Army would defeat the British militarily. The point I was making was that - contrary to your trivialisation of the Loyalist violence of August 1969, the Irish Government had such a serious view of developments they made preparations to cross into NI to assist the Catholic population.

Probably Jack Lynchs real intent was to force the British government to take action before he did.
In which case, he succeeded.

If they had not taken action, and things continued to deteriorate...I'm certain he would have moved, and who could possibly know the ultimate outcome of that.
Not even you.

You also malign the Irish Air Corps search and rescue services in your ignorance. You need to be educated a little.

Coastal cover has been provided by the Irish Air Corps since 1963, initially using Alouette helicopters. These were capable of rescues up to about 150 miles off the coast. They were later replaced by Gazelles (which the British Army used at that time) and lately by the high performance Dauphin.

The Air Corps fleet is backed up by 5 commercially contracted Sikorsky S61s, which is the same long range heavy lift SAR helicopter that the British use.

Search and Rescue (SAR) resources are shared between the UK and Ireland. It is certainly not the case that Irish seafarers must rely now...or ever...on the charity of the RAF. While RAF a/c may have pulled Irishmen out of the waters of the Atlantic, the Air Corps did the same for British sailors.

The Air Corps pilots have saved the lives of hundreds of mariners and members of the public over the last 40 years, often at great risk to their own lives. In 1999 four Irish Air Corps flyers lost their lives while returning from a rescue mission when their Dauphin hit the sand dunes at Tramore beach in thick fog.

It is appalling that you pair of fools would belittle the service of these men and women, whom you might yet rely on some day to save your worthless necks.

It also strikes me as hypocritical that you shed crocodile tears over the killing of Gerry McCabe in Adare while in the same breath belittling the integrity and professionalism of other men who've also given their lives in the service of this state.
You really are cynical, two faced, small minded cads.
Re: Wherefore now the peace process

Tharggy, I am sure everything you say about the air corps is true, I think it a wee bit disingenuous to portray me as a "cad" for not paying these folk the respect I am sure they deserve.

Returning to the actual title of this thread. I visited Andytown over the holiday. Fantastic new mural in South Link celebrating "1905 - 2005 Sinn Fein 100 years of revolution". I just mention that as evidence of my bona fides.

My friends and relations, almost universally SF supporters, were of one mind. There can never be a foto. "If SF concede a foto, I will never vote for them again" was a typical comment. Paisley has (probably deliberately) created a situation where there is no possibility of a return to power sharing until he is in the warm place.

What I didn't draw to the attention of my friends was the fact that they are totally comfortable with Plan B i.e. direct rule by HMG.

At this stage the Northern conflict is all about pride and prejudice and Northern Irish Roman Catholics will Never Never Never give the doctor his required pound of flesh, and in this I agree with my fellow NIRCs.
Re: Wherefore now the peace process

Rabbit mind you don't hurt yourself with those mental gymnastics you're displaying.

A Loyalist throws a (non existent?!) blast bomb at a group of schoolchildren...it misses them and hits a cop...but thats OK then, 'cos they missed the kids?:rolleyes
The same crowd later fired shots at the police.
Guess thats OK too?

Where is the decommissioning of these Loyalist bombs and guns? While Loyalists were (innacurately) throwing bombs at schoolchildren, and shooting at police men...the IRA was holding the 4th year of ceasefire.
It still holds.

As to Paisleys comments...I don't blame you for wishing they were untrue. Tell you what...if I verify his comments were real, and related not to the IRA, but to ALL Catholics, will you disown Paisley immediately as a sicko bigot?

Lets see you have the courage of your convictions...are you for him or ag'in him? Or do you just pick and choose the bits you like?
Re: Paisley

According to someone I met in Belfast there was an excellent article in the British Guardian newspaper which recalled some of Paisley's outrageous comments of the past. The thrust of the article was to express total incredulity that this man had within his grasp the First Ministership of NI.

I too find that Grotesque Unbelievable Bizzarre and Unprecedented and one of the most GUBU aspects of it is that SFIRA and the Taoiseach and Madam President all entertain this monster. Didn't Mary say something like it was one of her happiest moments to see Paisley across the table from Bertie. This is tripe. The man should be outed. It is he who needs to be humiliated.
Re: Paisley

The Taoiseach and The President are bound to try to deal with him, God help 'em.
No doubt many people have made the elementary mistake of thinking that by being positive toward Paisley they can disarm him. (No pun intended)
As John Hume once said...'if they removed the word NO from the english language, Ian Paisley would be speechless'.

Madonna, I can't believe...we seem to finally agree on something.
I think....?
Re: Paisley

Quote A Loyalist throws a (non existent?!) blast bomb at a group of schoolchildren...it misses them and hits a cop...but thats OK then, 'cos they missed the kids?
The same crowd later fired shots at the police.
Guess thats OK too?

Some loyalists - not all loyalists - threw the bomb at the police, among other things. Nobody said it was OK. As I said before , I condemn all violence. Can you not read?

Quote Where is the decommissioning of these Loyalist bombs and guns? While Loyalists were (inaccurately) throwing bombs at schoolchildren, and shooting at police men...the IRA was holding the 4th year of ceasefire.

I am all for all loyalist guns and bombs to be decommissioned as well. The LVF have already decommissioned some guns on television - is this, or it it not, more than the IRA has done ? Also, the PIRA will admit, if not boast, about having a much bigger supply of arms and semtex - how many boatloads came from Libya alone ? Some of the weaponry the provos have is beyond that ever found in loyalist hands e.g. some of the specialist machine guns - capable of shooting down helicopters, state of the art sniper rifles , semtex etc.
Sinn Fein has got its reforms of the RUC, its men out of prison - is it not time it gave something in return ? Everyone except Sinn Fein thinks it is.

Which reminds me - why were you against the Sinn Fein push to get Gerry McCabes killers out of prison? I asked you this already twice but you did not answer.