98FM Wedding Factor Competition

Perhaps I am wrong, but have the rules of the game been changed durinag the game and not beforehand?
Of course it would, at least morally. You cannot change the rules of a competition as it goes along and as it suits you. Best of luck anyway!
Ah get what you're saying now. Sorry for the confusion.
Well they must have had serious justification to pull the voting when they did and I suppose morally you can't continue with a competition if it's not fair and equitable for all concerned. That would be my take on it anyway.
Well, we lost. We're upset naturally and it was a very tough day. BUT, it's nice to have closure on a very hectic and stressful few weeks.
Thanks so much to everybody who voted for us, canvassed and campaigned for us and sent us their best wishes.
I'm sure your wedding will be much more dignified as a result. It's probably a blessing in disguise.
Sorry to hear that you lost....but I thought as we all voted, you were well ahead?? I haven't been listening to it...How did they decide on the winners?
That's very unfair to change the rules during the cometition :(
The published rules included the following. Note that it was specified that listeners should vote for their favourite couple. Perhaps someone objected to the solicitation of votes from non-listeners? Just a theory.
The game procedures for "Wedding Factor" are as follows. Failure to abide by these procedures will result in immediate disqualification

* Listeners must text "Wedding" plus their name to 53981 (texts cost 20 cent) to be enter
* The Morning Crew will select the final couples
* Each couple must be available to come into the studio at appointed times
* Each couple will be asked to perform a task on air
* Listeners will vote for their favourite couple to win the prize
Thanks everybody, messages much appreciated.
Funnily enough, I was very clear from the start with the radio station that we would be canvassing internationally for votes and they told us both that they had no difficulty with this. Also we know that all the other couple looked for votes internationally.
All done and dusted and time to get on with having a much more civilised and private wedding sooner than later.
Somebody please explain what happened!
1. Did mo3art not abide by the rules and was disqualified?
2. Did mo3art not get enough votes?
3. Has mo3art been the victim of a "fiddle"?
1) I was not disqualified
2) Votes were irrelevant, the voting was suspended due to possible voting irregularities. That's all the information we have received to date.
3) Don't know what you mean by this one!
By "fiddle" I mean a swindle. I don't expect you to answer me but my thought is that if you were not disqualified and had more votes than anyone else despite the fact that voting was suspended, then you ought to be the winner. If you did not win perhaps this was not a real competition and the winner was not decided on their merits as outlined in the rules of the competition.
Have I overlooked something?
maybe the couple causing the voting irregularites won the draw. mayabe the couple meant to win weren't ahead and 98 pulled the plug to start again. happens in politics.
sorry about the result. for what its worth Cu and Mrs Cu are now maried over 25 years. in those years we have attended loads of weddings which were 10 times as lavish as the Cu's. in fact at one wedding we attended we actually wondered aftewards if we were married at all!. Enjoy the wedding day and all it entails but more importantly enjoy each other. cheers and good luck.
I read the terms and conditions on the link which was originally posted by Mo3art.

The competition rules stated that the poll/voting could be suspended. The radio station has covered its back.

If the radio station wanted listeners only to vote then why on earth did they put a poll on their website? The obvious thing to have done would have been to have had a phone-in to the radio station for a set time.

I suspect that Mo3art's diplomatic replies also have something to do with the fact that entrants agreed not to disparage the said radio station. This was also stated in the rules.

Mo3art: the ending is disappointing.

Put it behind you and forget about it. Chalk it down to experience, rise above it and move on: you will have learned some valuable lessons from it - some good and some hard.

More importantly, concentrate on your own life and your future with John.
