BBC's The Apprentice

I didn't think Mona was particularly bad last night, but Sir Alan seems to be taking an overall look at their performance this season as opposed to basing his decision on the task at hand.

I think Debra and Jasmina are awful. They just go on the attack the minute anyone offers an opinion that differs from their's. And they both have permanently sour expressions on their faces.

Lorraine was pathetic the way she was all over Ben. And the guy just didn't want to know. I am fascinated by Kate's teeth. I reckon they must glow in the dark.
Jennifer Maguire was in the UK version of The Apprentice, and didn't make it any where near the final. The girl who lost in the final of the Irish version was called Nikki something, said she was an estate agent before the show.
Is it overly cynical to think that Debra's being kept on to keep the TV audience? She's rude and doesn't seem overly competent. She completely messed up that task as PM. I can't believe there's any chance she'd get the position.
Not a great episode last night. This is the second task in three weeks that relied almost solely on product selection. I'd like to see a bit more variety in the tasks.

Ben redeemed himself a bit on 'You're fired' I thought. At least he was able to laugh at himself and admit he'd come across as a bit of a twat.
Its poor this year alright. I agree with you about Ben but the you're fired always shows them in a good light.

I think James, Yasmin and Kate will be the last 3. Yasmin is this dark horse I think.
I really didn't think Ben would go last night, thought Sir Alan was gunning for James only to turn to Ben at the last minute. Debra could well be the next to go, she's done her unlikeable act for long enough now. Thought Ben came across well on Yer Fired alright, felt a bit sorry for him actually and the edited Sandhurst comments were very funny :D

Next week - the live TV thing, looks like Lorraine messes up big time...
I don't watch the previews alright.

I too was wondering why he did a 'pick 2 products one' again.

Have they done 'find all the products on the list' - I missed one or two. I especially like those ones.

I thought Debra should have gone last night, she did push the rocking horse as much as Ben if not more. Also I don't she will win and Ben entertained me a lot more then her.
You didn't watch the preview? Car crash tv awaits. :D

The tele-shopping task provided one of the funniest Apprentice moments when one of the previous winners (Simon, I think) demonstated how to screw on the legs of a trampoline. Unfortunately, he could have picked a better place to hold the leg. (He held it in front of his groin).
Have I mentioned I have a scholarship to Sandhurst?
I have already proven I can lead this Thread in the right direction
and have proven again and again i am a leader.
you need me

After that I sacked myself:eek:
I thought Lorraine should have been fired last night. I liked Howard and would like to have seen him go to the final. I don't think he could have won it though. He got a great reception on the BBC2 show, they really liked him.

Interview week next week, can't wait for that one. Hope Debra gets put in her place!
Bit of a damp squib last night, I thought. Overall, this series was a bit dry and serious. Sir Alan said they were the best candidates he'd seen over the five years and maybe that was it. We've become so used to inadequate candidates falling back on bullying and backstabbing to hold their own, that a group of intelligent competent people (pantsman notwithstanding) competing earnestly for a job just seemed a bit dull. Maybe this programme has run its course?