Would you vote for a FF candidate if . . .

Bamboozle - I think some already are Independents judging from their posters where it like spot the ball to see the name Fianna Fail
if you want to see nepotism in its truest form, drive along the coast road at Clontarf and you'll see posters for Ivor Callelly's son who looks likes he's auditioning for X factor, on his posters he has a logo for facebook which is bigger than the logo for FF

Gene Kerrigan had a brilliant article about that in the Sunday Independent.

I think the guy is about 22. How on earth would he have the experience, wisdom or common sense to become involved in running the country. It is an absolute joke.
Gene Kerrigan had a brilliant article about that in the Sunday Independent.

I think the guy is about 22. How on earth would he have the experience, wisdom or common sense to become involved in running the country. It is an absolute joke.

His father was a terrible TD and an even worse Junior Minister. So based on the fact that he has approx. half his father's DNA (poor fellow), its a safe bet that he doesnt have the genetic make-up to be a good public representative.
Incidently, the c.40% of the population who voted for FF in the last election - how do you feel now about your vote and the implications it had for the future of this country?
His father was a terrible TD and an even worse Junior Minister. So based on the fact that he has approx. half his father's DNA (poor fellow), its a safe bet that he doesnt have the genetic make-up to be a good public representative.

Apparently his slogan is something like 'we need change'.

Too true. I will be taking his advice on that one.
Shay Brennan is actually 35 years old! Am I the ony one who thinks he looks terrified all the time? All that responsibility on such young shoulders I suppose, all those family expectations...
Just curious. If there was a general election tomorrow.

Without a doubt.

FG are even now coming around to support government policy on banks.

I think the guy is about 22. How on earth would he have the experience, wisdom or common sense to become involved in running the country. It is an absolute joke

He has a background in econonics.

Far Better than the teaching qualifications of many TDs like Enda Kenny.
How much 'background' can he have at 22. He could only be straight out of College at that age.
Cork - in Shay's own words he was/is "an ordinary bank clerk" so not much experience in anything except working in a bank. He has never shown any interest in politics before his father's death. When asked if he and his father had discussed his entering politics he replied "not really, no". He is only there because of his surname
Ignoring SF and the other crazies, can you really believe that FG/Lab would be any better? I'm no fan of the FF brigade but some of the statements coming from Kenny and from Joan Burton in particular go to show what we have waiting for us if they get elected to government.

If we leave the shower we have now where they are for another couple of years I think they will do as good a job as anyone else in pulling the country through the worst of it. If there was an election tomorrow, then the new Government would spend the next few years gving the excuse "ah sure we only inherited this mess, its not our fault that we can't get it right..."

Also, did the IT misquote George Lee when he said "I have no money in the bank. The only money I have I put into a pension fund which has fallen by 40%"

And this guy is running on the back of his ecomomic prowess having seen this crisis coming?

The problem with any political thread is the old 'devil can cite scripture for his purpose' idea.

Anyone with FF leanings is going to say- oh sure if FG, Labour or anyone else was in power during the boom they would have made a mess of it too. Or- sure FG and Labour are just as bad, what's the point in changing now.

People who have a deepseated loyalty to one party will find a reason to vote for that party.

It's people without this loyalty that will change parties- probably the younger and urban population that we will see the biggest shift in.

I only hope that people won't vent their ire in the council elections and have it forgotten by the time a general election comes along.
If we leave the shower we have now where they are for another couple of years I think they will do as good a job as anyone else in pulling the country through the worst of it. If there was an election tomorrow, then the new Government would spend the next few years gving the excuse "ah sure we only inherited this mess, its not our fault that we can't get it right..."


That's exactly the kind of thinking that FF are banking on ('scuse the pun).

I don't agree...kick 'em out, let FG in and we'll see Richard Bruton stake his place as the next good leader. Kenny is a liability for FG and I think FG know it.
People who have a deepseated loyalty to one party will find a reason to vote for that party.

Good point. I was talking politics with a colleague, years ago, from NE Donegal. His view was that if FF ran a donkey on the party ticket, people from his town would vote for it.

My local constituency/ward was unusual 5 years ago in that no FF candidate was elected. Even though the boundaries are now different, I can't see that changing. And in the GE, one of the FF TDs was shown the door in favour of an empty suit from FG.
Ignoring SF and the other crazies, can you really believe that FG/Lab would be any better? I'm no fan of the FF brigade but some of the statements coming from Kenny and from Joan Burton in particular go to show what we have waiting for us if they get elected to government.

If we leave the shower we have now where they are for another couple of years I think they will do as good a job as anyone else in pulling the country through the worst of it. If there was an election tomorrow, then the new Government would spend the next few years gving the excuse "ah sure we only inherited this mess, its not our fault that we can't get it right..."


But if you vote them back in, its like rewarding them for the mess they've made of things. And I really don't think the other parties are as bad for 'croneyism' as FF.
I think FFs choice of by-election candidates speaks volumes for the way they do things.
The son of a former minister and brother of an ex-taoiseach. In both cases trying to preserve the respective dynasties.

But what does it say about the electorate who will actually vote for people because of who they are related to ? Ye get what ye deserve ;)

Even Labour are not immune to this, unfortunately. I got one of those 'Litir um Thogain' (Freepost letter) from Nessa Childers, the Labour Euro candidate.
The first line reads; " My father, ex-president Erskine Childers ..."

At local level i'll vote for whoever does good work for the local area. I don't care which party they belong to, even <shudder> SF.
Incidently, the c.40% of the population who voted for FF in the last election - how do you feel now about your vote and the implications it had for the future of this country?

I'm one of the 40% so let me try and answer that question. Perhaps firstly, why did I vote FF. Lots of reasons
  • Partially family history, my family have always voted FF, the local TD is from the same parish (and is a good local politician and a decent man who has helped us in the past). In addition, the ancestors of the local FG politicians fired guns at my ancestors, don't underestimate the impact that memory that has in rural areas.
  • Partially their performance in the past, FF did deliver the most prosperous period in Irish history, they did play a major role in the peace process and as an ex-emigrent, if it wasn't for the Celtic Tiger I'd still be living on foreign soil.
  • Partially the competition was largely non existant. I have no time for Enda Kenny as I think he doesn't have an original thought in his head. Pat Rabbitte gave me the impression of being nothing more then FGs *****, PDs were nothing more then right wing turncoats and Sinn Fein's armed wing pointed guns at my wife when they robbed her, blew up the head office of my last employers at Bishopsgate and shook my house when the Canary Wharf bomb went off.
So was I right to vote FF?. Probably not in hindsight but hindsight is a wonderful thing. In fairness, some of the issues were out of their control, it's not FF fault that the housing market in the US plunged for example. What has disappointed me is the lack of leadership from Cowan, the perception I have that Lenihan is making it up as he goes along, Coughlin is out of her depth and so on and so forth and ultimately the fact that they blew it.

Howver I also remain to be convinced that other parties would have done things radically better. In fairness, they may have done but can we say for certain they would have.?

So who am I going to vote for in the upcoming elections. It's difficult because I have moved house since the last election and am in a different constituency.
Instinct and Enda Kenny means I won't vote FG, (bar possibly a number 2 for Mairead McGuiness in the Euro). At the minute I am leaning towards voting Labour in the local elections, 2 reasons, firstly the candidate is actually the only counciler to date who has knocked on my door and secondly, he is the only canvesser who closed the front gate after him, and given that I have a toddler and a Jack Russel, closing the front gate is important in my world !!!!
I'm one of the 40% so let me try and answer that question. Perhaps firstly, why did I vote FF. Lots of reasons
  • Partially family history, my family have always voted FF, the local TD is from the same parish (and is a good local politician and a decent man who has helped us in the past). In addition, the ancestors of the local FG politicians fired guns at my ancestors, don't underestimate the impact that memory that has in rural areas.
  • Partially their performance in the past, FF did deliver the most prosperous period in Irish history, they did play a major role in the peace process and as an ex-emigrent, if it wasn't for the Celtic Tiger I'd still be living on foreign soil.
  • Partially the competition was largely non existant. I have no time for Enda Kenny as I think he doesn't have an original thought in his head. Pat Rabbitte gave me the impression of being nothing more then FGs *****, PDs were nothing more then right wing turncoats and Sinn Fein's armed wing pointed guns at my wife when they robbed her, blew up the head office of my last employers at Bishopsgate and shook my house when the Canary Wharf bomb went off.
So was I right to vote FF?. Probably not in hindsight but hindsight is a wonderful thing. In fairness, some of the issues were out of their control, it's not FF fault that the housing market in the US plunged for example. What has disappointed me is the lack of leadership from Cowan, the perception I have that Lenihan is making it up as he goes along, Coughlin is out of her depth and so on and so forth and ultimately the fact that they blew it.

Howver I also remain to be convinced that other parties would have done things radically better. In fairness, they may have done but can we say for certain they would have.?

So who am I going to vote for in the upcoming elections. It's difficult because I have moved house since the last election and am in a different constituency.
Instinct and Enda Kenny means I won't vote FG, (bar possibly a number 2 for Mairead McGuiness in the Euro). At the minute I am leaning towards voting Labour in the local elections, 2 reasons, firstly the candidate is actually the only counciler to date who has knocked on my door and secondly, he is the only canvesser who closed the front gate after him, and given that I have a toddler and a Jack Russel, closing the front gate is important in my world !!!!

You can't have it both ways- that FF were responsible for the boom times through careful and diligent planning but not somehow responsible for the recession.
You can't have it both ways- that FF were responsible for the boom times through careful and diligent planning but not somehow responsible for the recession.

Where in my comment did I say FF had carried out careful and diligent planning? I simply stated 2 things, firstly that they delivered the most prosperous period in Irish history (which is a fact) and that they blew it (which is also a fact).
FF did deliver the most prosperous period in Irish history,
I would argue that they presided over this period rather than delivered it - big difference IMO.

Arguably, FG/Lab deserve the credit for being responsible for the general upward trend in the economy - but a different argument I guess, and OT.

Ultimately, you have hit the nail on the head though with the old historical FF/FG pro & anti treaty allegiances. That it can be more likely that a FF supporter will switch to SF over FG speaks volumes IMO.
Basically you are never voting for an individual, however good, in an election, if they are associated with a party. I could vote for the greatest , most educated politician in the world, with the greatest ideas and they would still be bound by the old "vote yes on every government suggestion" irrespective of how they felt.

If that individual is so wonderful, they can always choose to go independent. They don't have to choose a party like FF with all it's connotations.

I dont blame anybody for being so angry with FF that they wouldnt vote for them, but at the end of the day, the country will not be run successfully with politicians elected out of spite towards their rivals.
It isn't out of spite, it's because of what FF stand for that I don't vote for them.

On a sidenote, in terms of educating the public and trying to get a new system in place were people make informed decisions
Aside from a political system overhaul (is that what you mean?) the current system is the one in place and I vote in accordance with that system. I currently don't need re-education on my views ;)