Would you vote for a FF candidate if . . .


Registered User
Just curious. If there was a general election tomorrow.

If you had a FF candidate that you knew was really good for your constituancy and worked really hard in their Job, would you vote for them.


Would you rather vote for any other party because you cant stomach the current guys in power.
I wouldn't vote in Fianna Fail, or Fine Gael or labour or the Greens or Sinn Fein.... I'm going to vote an independent.

Quite frankly, they're all useless.
In our local elections I know the two of the FF lads really well. They are both passionate about the area and are good men. Can't bring myself to vote for them, am a bit torn about it.
The only reason I could see to vote for FF would be if the only alternative was SF.

I will be voting FG and Labour.
As I stated in another thread, I voted F.F. the last time round. (It seems to me, at times ,that I was the only one who did so! ) I blame them for a huge amount of the mess the country is in at the moment, I think that they have become arrogant beyond belief and feel they need to be sent packing to the opposition benches asap.

However, I don't believe for one minute that any of the other parties would have done much differently during the illusive Celtic Tiger years. I lost all respect for Enda Kenny when he went back on his "populist nonsense" remark a day later and Eamonn Gilmore has spent the last few days demanding that we govern the country according to opinion polls.

Would I still vote for a FF candidate if he/she was a good constituency worker and worked hard at the job? Yes, I think I would. (Maybe there's a bit of a contradiction there). My alternatives in Cork South Central aren't that great, really!

I normally vote for Micheál Martin. I'd consider doing so again, if for no other reason than he totally faced down the anti-smoking ban lobby group. He's also a very good constituency worker.

I know one of the local FF councillors quite well and will vote for him. If I didn't know him, I wouldn't vote FF in the Local Elections.

All the European candidates are being asked on radio at the moment why they want to be a M.E.P.

If any of them was honest enough to come out and admit that they were only doing it for the money, they'd get my No. 1.
I would vote for the strongest candidate in the area, it is pointless voting for a party in local elections if the local candidate is useless.
I'm partly responsible for the mess the country is in

One of the big things people seem for forget is that it was FG and Lab who brought the Tiger not FF so in my book they would have made a better job of looking after the economy that the FF bunch.

The problem with FF is it doesn't matter who you vote for with them the party tells them what to do.
I think I was misquoted and quoted out of context!!!!! Maybe I should be a politician and you should be a tabloid reporter, S.L.F!!!!!
I could never vote for a F.F. person. I really believe the party is beyond redemption and that to be a member suggests a certain moral weakness. "They can't help it in their DNA" so to speak. I'm sure at an individual level there are some nice people but as a party they are awful.
At the moment, no matter how good the FF candidate was I couldn't bring myself to vote for them. The local election candidates roll up into the greater party, right up to the top, and show the party the support they have within the country as a whole. So, no, I won't be supporting this FF government or their recent choices.
I reckon I'll be a Labour and FG vote this time, we have a really good local FG & Labour candidates so will be happy to show support for him.
I purposely didnt put in what I would do to gauge a response I expected.

I understand the thinking behind not voting FF at all costs but I think this also highlights a great problem with politics in Ireland thats costing us all dearly.

Basically you are never voting for an individual, however good, in an election, if they are associated with a party. I could vote for the greatest , most educated politician in the world, with the greatest ideas and they would still be bound by the old "vote yes on every government suggestion" irrespective of how they felt. It means that great politicians can only truely get their voice and experienced ideas heard when they are near the top of the ladder.

This is really a crying shame as I feel we will (as a nation) end up voting in people who are perhaps not as good as another candidate simply because we dont like a party as opposed to a candidates credentials to do a good job. I dont blame anybody for being so angry with FF that they wouldnt vote for them, but at the end of the day, the country will not be run successfully with politicians elected out of spite towards their rivals.

The main point of this discussion is that there is no motivation for people to vote for the best candidate under the current political setup. How can we believe that we can have a successful country, long term, if the best people arent necessarily the ones we want in charge.!!!

I fear that we will end up stumbling from making one mistake to another. This is one of the main reasons that there is so much hopeless feelings among so many. They trust the alternative to FF as much as they do FF themselves, this is just not good enough . .

On a sidenote, in terms of educating the public and trying to get a new system in place were people make informed decisions, I think our media has to also consider its position. I heard Newstalk misquote Gormely last week (it shows how easily media fabricates stories). He basically said that when people are angry they can make irrational decisions. Thats actually as true a statement that there is and not really a revelation. They reported it that Gormely said the Irish People were irrational. Im sorry, its this sort of garbage that makes me sick. This is hypocracy at its best, they say its wrong for government to dress things up the way they see fit, but the media has carte blanche to take whatever they want out of a statement and twist it to suit their own agenda, this can be just as distructive when trying to make progress.
At the next election the current Government will be wiped out and we'll have a new one. They'll come in and will have to continue chopping and cutting like the current Government. And they'll have to take the tough decisions that they don't have to take in opposition. And at the following election, they'll be so hated that FF will come charging back like knights in shining armour.

That's presuming that, to use an Ian Paisley term, Labour don't "sup with the Devil" and do a deal with FF like they did in the past. They won't make the the same mistake of making a pre election pact with FG next time around after paying the price for it last time. Will Eamonn Gilmore categorically rule out coalition with FF? Totally and absolutely?

We live in very interesting times. Prediction anybody...................?
I'd vote for the Nazi Party before I'd vote FF but I've always distrusted them more than the rest. Jobs for the boys, Charlie taking Brian Lenihans operation money etc. Cannot stomach FF - not now not never. Independent all the way - maybe even Libertas even though I am pro Europe. Anything but FF!!!

But he allowed the pro smoking lobby group to get their own way. By the way, second hand smoking doesn't cause cancer. It is a myth.
No way would I vote FF. Apparently Shay Brennan was very impressive on Vincent Browne last week and a lot of people in the area are saying its an awful pity he's running for FF, as they'd definitely vote for him otherwise.
No way would I vote FF. Apparently Shay Brennan was very impressive on Vincent Browne last week and a lot of people in the area are saying its an awful pity he's running for FF, as they'd definitely vote for him otherwise.
? I thought he was dreadful.

In response to the OP. I'd have no problem voting for FF if I felt the candidate was competent, honest and the best available person for the job. I don't really think party politics make much of a difference when it gets down to the nuts and bolts of running a Country / County Council / Town Coucil.

Ultimately if you get 160 honest, competent individuals into the Dail they'll work out whatever compromises need to be made to run the country.

However if you REALLY wanted to see FF out the door, and your vote is in the North west Eurpoean constituency, then your best bet would be to vote FF Number 1 for Pat "the Cope" Gallagher. If he's elected to Europe he'll have to give up his Dail seat, reducng the FF majority by 1 and possibly 2 if someone else wins the following By Election.
Totally agree with Quarterfloun, Caveat and Vanilla - not now never, never, never

As for Shay Brennan - just another example of the nepotism that is rife in Irish politics, particularly Fiann Fail. Seems to be if a son or daughter cannot make it in the real world the family shove them into politics. Better than hanging around the streets I suppose. Don't vote for them
never have never will.

what has suprised me with the local elections is more FF candidates didnt up sticks and leave the party and stand on an independent ticket.
What suprises me even more is that i would have expected a lot more independent candidates who have been affected by the recession like ex waterford crystal workers in waterford, ex-dell in Limerick etc etc

given the choice between FF and SF i think i'd have to emigrate.

if you want to see nepotism in its truest form, drive along the coast road at Clontarf and you'll see posters for Ivor Callelly's son who looks likes he's auditioning for X factor, on his posters he has a logo for facebook which is bigger than the logo for FF