Worst christmas present ever!

A friend of mine got a t-shirt from her fiance's mother with the logo "so many men, so little time" emblazoned on it. Needless to say she was none too impressed at the implication.
whats going on? where the hell are we at with the thread??????? :confused: x 3

To be honest I have Mixed Emotions about this as I started the musical references but anyway It's All Over Now and This Will be the Last Time I let myself be caught between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Ride On, Baby!
After watching last nights primetime documentary on cocaine, lots of people will be....'dreaming of a white christmas'
1. A black doll from Santa - brothers got cowboy outfits
2. A missal (prayer book) from Santa, while my brothers got scooters
3. A gift wrapped set of hubcaps

(not all in the same year thank God)
