Working part time with the dole



Hi, could anyone give me some advice regarding the dole. I am on Unemployment assistance, but there is a strong chance that I could soon get a part time job working two mornings a week, would I still get paid off the dole for the remaining days, and would what I earn affect my dole money?
Would appreciate some advice,
many thanks
You would have to notify the dole office off your part time work and yes you would still get paid but your earnings from your part time job your be taking into account.
I agree with Johno's response but some specific details would help get a more specific response. Are you sure its Unemploment Assistance (UA)you're on and not Unemployment Benefit(UB)? If its UB then you will be paid for the 4 out of 6 days you are not working. If its UA then the amount of income you earn is important as this is a mean-tested payment. Also, are you claiming for yourself only or are you claiming for adult dependent + children? Are you unemployed less than a year, Long term unemployed or Very Long Term Unemployed? Do you qualify under any 'Back to work schemes' or for any grants?

If you post your details I'm sure there are a few contributors who could respond or if you e-mail me to my link I'll get back to you next Saturday(as I'm away till then) without access to AAM :(

Two mornings

If its only two mornings a week, surely they could just pay you cash in hand, and avoid all the paperwork?

That would constitute both social welfare and tax fraud.

The person themselves will know, and if they have any backbone or moral fibre, will know that they should not be defrauding their neighbours.

Their families, me, you, all pay more tax because the frausters pay less.

Surely they would be proud to contribute towards the education, defence and healthcare of society.

I pay approx 21.5% of my salary in tax. I don't mind, that's not that much compared to other countries.

Anyway, income up to 11,600 per annum is tax-free in Ireland, so this person probably wouldn't pay any tax.

Re: morals

I'm sure everyone knows that the unregistered user "Tommy" who posted above isn't me :)
re: working part time

Hi BG,
sorry for the huge delay in getting back to you. Yes I am on U/A and I am claiming for myself and my 2 year old son, I have been on it about a year and half, and am still looking around for a part time job, which would offer me two full days work a week. So would you know would I be means tested or would I be just docked the 2 days from the dole office?
many thanks

Why don't you just take a full time job, and put your child in a creche or with family for the day ?

Quite why we still feel under an obligation to pay out unemployment benefit to people in this country when there's a labour shortage, I don't know.

The multi-seat STV electoral system means that none of the politicians have the nerve to challenge our over generous welfare system.
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Hi witchymand - As far as I know there is opportunities for 3 day weeks. I suggest asking about this at the SW office as well as making quiries about the back to work scheme that was running up to a while ago. They have come a bit more human at the offices now and welcome people who try to sort themselves out for the better. The UA is usually means tested but you still might be better off with the 3 day week if even to give you a break from the family running.
Good luck.
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Quite why we still feel under an obligation to pay out unemployment benefit to people in this country when there's a labour shortage, I don't know.

It's a common misconception that Unemployment Benefit is money for nothing - it's nothing of the sort and is based on a person's PRSI ("stamps") payment history and, as such. a fundamental right of our social insurance system. Similarly Unemployment Assistance is another level of safety net to cater for those people who are unable to find gainful employment but who don't have the necessary PRSI payments to qualify for UB. I've availed of UB in the past and would make no excuses for doing so based on the amount of PRSI that I've paid over my working life.

This "arra sure feck 'em, I've paid me stamps, why shouldn't I rely on some other eejit to subsidise me ?" attitude is really saddening.

Social welfare should be there for those who can't work, not for those who won't work through a lifestyle choice.
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This "arra sure feck 'em, I've paid me stamps, why shouldn't I rely on some other eejit to subsidise me ?" attitude is really saddening. Social welfare should be there for those who can't work, not for those who won't work through a lifestyle choice.

I don't see that attitude represented here to be honest. I have no qualms about having drawn UB for several months when I was unemployed and could not find a job and I would not hesitate to do it again if necessary. Being made redundant is not a lifestyle choice. :rolleyes
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This "arra sure feck 'em, I've always had a job, why should I have to subsidise some other eejit who mustn't be arsed to go looking for a job just cos they can't get one ?" attitude is really saddening.

ClubMan / 0: Am I missing something ? This contributor has not been put in this position through being made redundant and is now actively seeking for a full time career. Rather, they are looking for someone else to pay them social welfare while they could work, but couldn’t be bothered.

A very different situation
Re: RE:

Could a moderator please delete irrelevant posts such as the above from now on. They add nothing to the discussion of the substantive issues in hand and serve only to distract people who are merely looking for answers to queries. Thanks.
Re: ..

Deletions made. I'd suggest ignoring any such contributions in future is probably the best response.
Re: ..

Am I missing something ? This contributor has not been put in this position through being made redundant and is now actively seeking for a full time career. Rather, they are looking for someone else to pay them social welfare while they could work, but couldn’t be bothered.

I thought that you were responding directly to my comment above. My situation and that of the original contributor seem to be slightly different all right. However if s/he is entitled to UB/UA even while working part time then s/he should claim it in my opinion.
Get yer claim in

Too right.

We pay enough tax in this country.

Ye should be able to claim as much as you can from those feckers in government.

To hell with the begrudgers like CM.