When can i send pvt messages?

pclive - if you click the ID / name of the person you want to "send a private message to", then a "popup" box appears, and click "private_conversation", which will then open a page that you can send to that person.
Alternatively, click on your own name, then click "Conversations" (right hand side of the window) and click the "start a new conversation" button.
No still can’t see where to send see screenshot


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Here is what else I see
Screen grabs attached


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Although your title was shown as "Registered User", you were actually classified as a new user by the system.

The classifications system and permissions system is ridiculously complex. What surprises me is that no other registered user has raised the issue.

Anyway, I have changed your status to registered user so you should be able to start conversations now.

Although your title was shown as "Registered User", you were actually classified as a new user by the system.

The classifications system and permissions system is ridiculously complex. What surprises me is that no other registered user has raised the issue.

Anyway, I have changed your status to registered user so you should be able to start conversations now.

Hi Brendan,

I would also like to send a message to someone but can't start anything or don't have the option to, could this be changed for me also?
Hi guys having the same issue can't see the option to send a PM

part of the rules & regulations on AAM. Once you have a certain number of posts, you move from "new Member" to "Registered User" - at that stage you can sent a private message.
I have this issue also I can respond to private messages but not send a new one. If someone has time to look at it thanks