Whats your Pet Hate?


Registered User
Bit of Fun - What is your Pet Hate?

-People who complain about the small print AFTER they signed the contract
-Lid left of tooth paste
too many to mention! slow walkers who block the way past.
drivers who dont indicate
queue jumpers
bad speling; punktuation, and grammar two
Do civil servants count??............. just kidding

1. Bad Drivers
2. Parents who think their kids are lovely well behaved little darlings when in reality they are precocious greedy brats sent forth to annoy you just when you are sitting down to eat! - and god forbid you don't talk to them or smile at them then the wrath of soccer mom from hell comes down on you! (sorry bit of a rant there!)
3. People who have to do everything absolutely by the book, no deviation, no exceptions, no common sense!

+1 - Very very Annoying
Whats your Pet Hate?

I think simply bad manners. It covers an awful lot of things.
People who will drive into a lake of water on a road, even though there is a queue of traffic beyond the water, who are forced to sit there, and who then are so surprised when their car cuts out and can't be restarted.

Walking on sugar.

Those awful smiling people - her at the window with a glass of wine, him, in his bare feet, chopping chillies, grinning back at her - that we used to see advertising the " Launch of a Prestigious New Development, nestled in the heart of the country, but only a short stroll from the bustling town centre "
People who cycle on footpaths then expect pedestrians to move out of their way.

Baked beans ( can one hate a baked bean ? )
People who stop to have a chat at the end of an escalator - I'm right behind you & there's nowhere for me to go.

Cyclists on footpaths

People who try to barge past me when I am getting off the dart or getting out of a lift.

people who let their children cry for hours in a restaurant in the evening & then say "they're just tired". Why aren't they "just" home in their bed then?
Dithering people with shopping trolleys who stop dead completly blocking the aisle to read the small print on the back of a packet of scotch eggs utterly oblivious to the congestion they cause.
Oh yes and inconsiderant motorists who stop in the most inconvenient place possible in the Centra car park meaning you can neither get to the petrol pump or are blocked from getting out of the LARGE car park while they stroll around inside doing the lottery, buying a birthday card and paying for their goods with a bag full of copper coins.
News readers, both on TV and radio, who feel the need to tell us who they are.

I couldn't give a toss who you are, just read the news and do what you are paid to. You're not a celebrity.
People who have email signatures with a silly font that takes up half the page. These same people usually have the stupid statement, please think about the environment before you print this email. They also tend to include their email address but not their phone number. People forwarding you an email you already have with fyi because they don't bother checking the original group.