"What is wrong with people nowadays? - PC

Re: EXam for 11 year olds

Is that superior to being able to use the Dewey Decimal System

Having access to the internet is certainly 'superior' to understanding the Dewey Decimal System. However, I suspect that many 11 year olds today know both. Many more 11 year olds today have access to information than 100 years ago.

A news item a few days ago reveals that younger people are not drawn to darts as a recreational game. Why? They can't do the basic mental arithmetic required to keep score.

So - have things "improved" or are they simply "different"?

Things have improved considerably. This news item is probably based on some biased or inaccurate study, designed for shock value. Was there a significant corelation between uptake of darts and mental artimetic skills, or were there some other confounding factors? (like Playstations being more fun than darts)

If you were to take a representative sample of 11 year olds from 100 years ago, and compare education levels of 11 year olds today, I suspect the median average would be substantially higher.
Re: EXam for 11 year olds

the skill of the throw which involved every muscle of the body...

... being anaesthetised by alcohol in the case of many players in the 70s-80s! :lol