What are we watching on TV?

Into the West

No, not the Irish one with Tayto and the traveller children

It covers the expansion of the USA and the life of the Native Indians. Produced by Speilberg's company Dreamworks, it's interesting

Though Gabriel Byrne is in the Irish one and this one
The old documentary about the American Civil War called, coincidentally, 'The Civil War' was a class act in the way to show a complex, convoluted conflict and keep it educational and informational as well as gripping.

Fantastic show.

Well worth the money.
Survivor 24 One World. Have to download but worth the trouble. Pity TG4 have stopped showing the series.
Watching Homeland on Channel 4.

Just finished watching Season 2 of the Walking Dead, looking forward to Season 3.

Mad Men starting tomorrow night, double epidode, great show.

Looking forward to Season 2 of Game of Thrones as well.
Just finished GoT last night, in perfect time for season two :-D Great show, was a bit sceptical initially as I dont usually like fantasy stuff. All the killing, backstabbing and incest makes up for it though ;-)

About to finish spartacus season two also, not as good as the first IMO but still worth a watch.
Death Row on Channel Four. I'll watch anything by Werner Herzog anyway, and yet again he's on fine form. Just amazing how he gets everyone to open up so completely and with so little time.

The feature length version Into the Abyss is worth seeing at the IFI while it's on. Though I think it could have been made into another episode of the Death Row series with some editing. The most impressive thing is that the whole documentary was compiled from just 4 hours total of interviews.

Same with the TV series, he effectively gets an entire life story from just 40 minutes with people.

Plus, the TV series opens with his a clear statement that he's against the death penalty, but that isn't what the series is about. But his opening talk to the inmates is that just because he disagrees with their punishment, it doesn't mean he likes them. All delivered in a blunt Bavarian accent.

I'll stop as I tend to go on about Werner a bit too much.
Latrade , did you by any chance catch " Burden of dreams " last night on Sky Arts ?

One of the best documentaries ever - detailing the chaos surrounding the filming of Herzog's Fitcarraldo - Klaus Kinski must be up there with Denis Hopper when it comes to demented actors !

No, I don't have Sky Arts. I've seen Burden of Dreams though a few times and it is great. Mind I do have some sympathy with Kinski, I'm sure I'd be slightly demented too if a director was actually insisting on pulling the steamship over land.
Game of Thrones is back, hurray

'When you play the game of thrones you win or you die.'

Yep, and unlike the Germans who accept that what they did was evil and have totally reconstructed their society there is a sizable proportion of the Japanese people who regret losing the war.
The Chinese, Koreans, Burmese and others have never really forgiven them.
It's Master week, so that's what we'll be watching on our tele this week godammit