Virgin Media Customer service


Registered User
Virgin Media Customer service is a joke.

I am using (trying to use) their web chat to resolve an issue. After 20 minutes I am number 15 in the queue.

I love this forum.
I was on it last week. Took me 20 minutes to get from #8 to actually talking to someone.
Any other year at renewal time, it only took a minute or so to get through so they must have had more staff cut backs. Meanwhile the prices of their packages have shot up! Best offer I got this year was 3 months half price, 9 at full. So I gave me notice to quit and am currently looking at other options
When it was UPC it was a disaster. It was the reason I moved to Sky (their customer service is superb). I don't suppose it has improved much with the name change.
I discovered a trick recently if you ring them. Press 1 for bills and account and then ask for customer service and you're put straight through to the Irish call centre. While I was on I chanced my arm and ended up with a half price offer
Under no circumstances would I ever use them again, even if they were offering me their package for free.
Have you had 6 month half price deals recently with them?
They tell me I've used up all on 6 month and 9 month offers
It just took nine email/telephone calls to get SKY to disconnect after I moved house
I've had a different (good) experience with Virgin. Granted it was some months ago, but I had issues with my BB and got through to someone immediately. It was an issue in the area and was resolved about an hour later.

I work from home sometimes (today for e.g.) so quality / resilience of BB is far more important to me than cost. I would give Virgin 10/10 for this over the past 3 years. It's just rock solid here anyway.
I always got talk to someone or received a reply via email, they kept contradicting themselves
I reported them to ComReg! I cancelled my account in August giving the requisite 30 days notice. A week before the contract was due to end - I got debited a full months price. They assured me that it was a system thing and it would be refunded on the next bill. Anyway the next month there was a credit on my (now dormant) Virgin Media account. I waited for it to appear in my bank. I contacted them in early November asking when would I get the money back - And they were "Oh - you needed to ask for it to be returned!"

So I asked for it and they said they'd send a cheque to my bank. No sign of it - They then told me I had to chase my bank - as it was now gone from their accounts. I had no evidence of the payment. So ultimately i reported them to ComReg and chased them incessantly. I finally got my money back in mid January - 5 months after I cancelled my account and 4 months after the contract end date.

Effectively - they would have held my money in their accounts for ever unless i was diligent on checking for its return! Blatant theft by deception- and thats what I reported to ComReg.
I reported them to ComReg! I cancelled my account in August giving the requisite 30 days notice. A week before the contract was due to end - I got debited a full months price. They assured me that it was a system thing and it would be refunded on the next bill. Anyway the next month there was a credit on my (now dormant) Virgin Media account. I waited for it to appear in my bank. I contacted them in early November asking when would I get the money back - And they were "Oh - you needed to ask for it to be returned!"

So I asked for it and they said they'd send a cheque to my bank. No sign of it - They then told me I had to chase my bank - as it was now gone from their accounts. I had no evidence of the payment. So ultimately i reported them to ComReg and chased them incessantly. I finally got my money back in mid January - 5 months after I cancelled my account and 4 months after the contract end date.

Effectively - they would have held my money in their accounts for ever unless i was diligent on checking for its return! Blatant theft by deception- and thats what I reported to ComReg.

One word...Twitter

(keep it reasonable but be sure to include Virgin UK ;))

I've always found Virgin OK to be honest, but had to resort to Twitter for another such company and it worked wonders!