Re: Questions that might be answered
With reference to the document above, please see below in reference to Eurexcel.
Of course the opportunity is attractive, however, the product offering is very real, and is a very competitive alternative to Eircom. In fact from 1st of December, Eurexcel customers through UK and Ireland will be able to talk to one another for unlimited time 24/7 for a small monthly charge. In relation to selling the opportunity, in the case of Eurexcel, you only really earn if you do the work, you can’t just sit back and earn off the coat tails of someone in your down-line. So it is very possible, and in fact happens regularly that reps can actually surpass the earnings of people in their up-line. This is based on the fact that they have worked harder to build their business. The No 1 money earner in the company started 8 years ago, the company was already in business for 7 years before he joined, yet he is the all time no.1 money earner…… why? because he worked harder then anyone else and built up a bigger, better business than people above him.
With Eurexcel, we are currently active in UK, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Netherlands, US and Canada. We are free to sign up customer and reps in any of these currently active countries. Eurexcel plan to roll out a new European country every 3-6 months until all of Europe is covered, providing an excellent opportunity for all of us, the deregulation of telecoms markets will continue over the next few years as any new members of EU must have started a deregulation process before joining. In terms of market penetration in Ireland, Eircom still provide telephone services to over 90% of residential homes (according to ESAT BT report last week)
It is without question that the Eurexcel product range can be sold on their own merits without using a Network Marketing distribution system. Network Marketing is a phenomenal distribution system, why not use the power of referral and word of mouth marketing. This company has massive success with system n the US, infact an independent book was written about the company. Check out “The Excel Phenomenom” by James W Robinson on Amazon. Eircom, BT, KPN, etc spend millions of pound each year marketing their products and service, without really understanding the pro-rata benefit…in terms of amount spent versus customers attracted. With Eurexcel, the company only pays us when people gather customers. I earn nothing by signing 50 reps into my downline…… its only when they start signing customer that I can earn.
With Eurexcel, it is possible to earn a substantial income by singing customers only. You are free to sign residential or business customers and your personal commission ranges from 2-10% in scale associated with your total customer spend. People can make money without actually signing reps. Your upline earn ¼% (quarter of one per for five levels above, with 1% at level 6 and 5% at level 7. It is a fact that you are also paid team building bonuses, but bonus payments are only made when your rep gathers customers, but this is where the power of Network marketing is exploited, the company pays you for helping others find customers and thus increasing customer base and market penetration..
In terms of losing money and actual investment risk, €325 is your investment, this is actually refunded once you collect 10 customer points (1 point for customer sign up, plus 1 point for Direct Debit or continuous Credit Card payment)
It is company policy for reps not to disclose income or promise specific income levels for new reps. I will admit that I don’t have the average payout percentiles, but I will try to get them. It is actually a legal obligation to have this information available in Canada, so the information is available in the public domain. I simply don’t have at the moment.
On a personal note, I understand how incomes are generated and I am happy that I can achieve my personal income goals within this system. The framework report which I use as a term of reference for this response, states that “some researchers estimate that less than 1% of Network Marketing distributors ever turn a profit” With Eurexcel your breakeven can be as low as 5 customers (paying by direct debit) so your first commission cheque will actually be profit, admittedly very small, but profit nonetheless !!!!
Pricing for the Eurexcel products are highly competitive with all other players in the market, obviously with particular focus on eircom as the incumbent. It is a fact that these services are highly marketable and saleable, with service enhancements being regularly being introduced into the market. Eg “Unlimited” as mentioned previously. It’s important to remember that there is no requirement to carry any inventories.
This Golden Rule concept is an interesting criteria for evaluation of this business, as its really a matter of personal opinion. I feel very comfortable offering my family and friends the Eurexcel products and service. After all they are not exposed to any risk, it costs them nothing extra over eircom, they save some money, there is no minimum contract so if they want they can change back at any time, and finally they are happy to be helping me to build my business.
Regarding other reps, I simply show my warm market (i.e family, friends etc) the business and explain how it works for me…. If they like it and want to learn more, then we take it to the next level. If they’re not interested, no problem….
Personally, I’m not selling a time freedom opportunity, although arguably it’s achievable, as defined in the framework document. It is possible to build a business to a level whereby you simply don’t work it any more !!! You can stop, and one of two things will happen a) your income with remain the same (unlikely as others in your downline will not stop at the same time !!) or b) your income will continue to grow because others will continue.
The extent of your time freedom, and when you might decide to walk away is dependent on the size of your business. For example, if you have 5 or 10 people recently joined your business and you walk away, its unlikely that this business will grow into a substantial income, however, if you have a few hundred reps in your business then chances are that things can continue without you. Really depends on how strong the leaders may be beneath you !!!
From a personal point of view, this business doesn’t have to be cloak and dagger. I want to up front and honest. I want to show you this like it is. If you like it.. great, we can work together. If not, so be it, I’ll keep looking for others. People are wise enough in this day and age to do their own research and not be duped into joining a business like this. With regard to information, specifically disclosure of information, my approach is to be up front from the very first contact. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to “trick” anybody to join my company. Firstly I gain nothing, because this person will leave, and secondly, when they do leave they will be a massive “negative” representative for my company in the future. The business is challenging enough without building a team of negative reps, always remember referrals work both ways !!!
I don’t try the hard sell, simply show the business, answer any questions and queries and then leave it to the individual to make a decision. I only want to focus my attention on working with people who are already comfortable with this business, time is too valuable to have to spend time “convincing” people that this business is for them. If they make the decision themselves then we can hit the ground running and I can focus on helping them build their business.
In my experience, support in this business is superb, and I don’t use that word lightly. My upline recently spent time in Netherlands during our pre-launch phase there. I had a few contacts there and he was able to meet them and help them get started in the business when it launched there at the end of October. As a result I am now building a team there without actually travelling there myself !! He also supports me with UK contacts (he’s based there) and makes regular visits to Ireland to support our growth.
At some training events a small nominal cover charge is payable to cover room hire. In terms of other support material…. The internet and websites…. Almost everything else you need is here !!! Conference calls, on-line training presentation, prospecting software etc. With 15 year history in the US, there is an unbelievable amount of support information available on the net.
So there we have it, didn’t expect an essay, but I hope I’ve gone some way to trying to outline some facts behind Eurexcel. For any further info. I think you’ll have to come along to a business presentation…….to contact me check my profile !!!