Two litres of milk price increase/Dunnes?


Registered User
I was in Dunnes Stores this morning and paid €1.69 for two litres of milk. When did this increase from €1.50?
a litre has increased by 10c in Supervalu as well. In fairness it's been 75c for own-brand milk for at least 5 years. On the other hand, all the supermarkets increasing at the same time (which I assume is what has happened, I'll be in Tesco later and will check) sounds like price fixing.
2L price was increased in Tesco when I was in the other day. Can't remember how much but it was higher than the usual (?) €1.49.
3l carton in my local store is €2

I recall at least 20 years ago on a trip to NI, stocking up on 30 litres of milk as the cost saving paid for the petrol for the trip.
(Storage = Freezer and reason = small children before anyone asks!)
a litre has increased by 10c in Supervalu as well. In fairness it's been 75c for own-brand milk for at least 5 years. On the other hand, all the supermarkets increasing at the same time (which I assume is what has happened, I'll be in Tesco later and will check) sounds like price fixing.

Or the main milk suppliers just increased their prices at the same, which the supermarkets passed on? Seems more likely.
it was 20 years ago and I won't pretend to recall a full list of all the shopping / visiting I did that day; I'm sure you understood my point.
I think we all understood what you were saying. Well most of us understood.....
Everyone spending their money in the North on, booze, groceries, etc? Will those people look to the same stores and local Goverment up there for their kids holiday work, sponsoring local community activity, and payment of grants, SW, etc? No they won't, but they'll make an awful lot of noise when they come down here again.
I presume that this may be a factor in the recent retail price increases?
Everyone spending their money in the North on, booze, groceries, etc? Will those people look to the same stores and local Goverment up there for their kids holiday work, sponsoring local community activity, and payment of grants, SW, etc? No they won't, but they'll make an awful lot of noise when they come down here again.
The idea that there is something "wrong" or even unpatriotic with cross-border shopping is fundamentally incorrect. Ever since the Maestricht treaty and the creation of the European Single Market, it has been the firm policy of EU Member States that EU consumers have the right to engage in personal cross-border shopping with very few exceptions and restrictions. There's good reasons for this. Opening up competition for goods and services increases efficiencies, reduces prices and rewards producers and suppliers that can meet customers needs. Costs fall, money goes further and the overall societal wellbeing increases. In the absence of competition, inefficiencies are sheltered behind national tariff and non-tariff barriers. There's nothing particularly novel or unusual about this, it's the standard philosophy of free trade that has been accepted economic theory for a couple of centuries now.

Exactly the same principle applies to taxation and tax competition across frontiers. If governments have a captive taxable population, they can (and will) tend to maximize the tax extraction ability of the State rather than spend what's available more efficiently. Forcing government to be cognoscent of what the State next door is doing encourages lower taxation, more efficient government spending and increases overall economic activity to the benefit of all.

So, go ahead and spend your money where government gives you more bang for your buck. It's actually the responsible and patriotic thing to do. As well as being good for your pocket.
Brennans large 800g pan €1.75 now, up from €1.49 fairly recently. I buy a loaf once a week so it's an extra €12ish p/a - not crippling but add all the increases up across the board and it will be noticeable.
So milk our house plus 52 p.a butter 30 p.a bread 30 p.a everything going up so I guess. Shop around for your fruit and veg where you are lucky enough to have all the major stores is my plan.