This book is worth €25,000

Brendan Burgess

Charlie Weston and Karl Deeter have just published a book with the above title.

You can see a sample chapter here:

Each lesson is laid out under the following helpful headings:

Expected savings or earnings: €900
Time required: 4 hours
Difficulty level ★★★
Where the problem lies
How to fix it
The savings explained

Some things to watch out for
Useful websites

You can order it directly from the publishers for €12.99 - not sure how much postage costs.

[broken link removed]

Or, in the spirit of the book itself, you can buy it from the Book Depository for only €11.07 postage included!

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I think I saw an article over the weekend about how to 'game' the Amazon algorithm and to have your book classed by them as an 'Amazon bestseller'. Assuming it still works, how about as a new title ... 'This book is worth €25,000 ... to you, but much much more to us!'
You'd want to be on a nice old income before you could contemplate saving 25k a year, very Dublin/city geared perhaps. Although I suppose that's where the bulk of the population is so maybe it makes sense. My father on reading the bit about it in last week's paper commented that a lot of people where we live wouldn't even earn that per annum.
I bought it, I doubt it will save me even €10 but i will probably enjoy the read.
Here are the contents


How to Use this Book

1 Mortgage Protection

2 Rent a Room

3 Make Extra Money

4 Mobile Phone Contracts

5 Health Insurance

6 Tax Refunds

7 Quit Smoking

8 Composting

9 Buy in Bulk

10 Energy

11 Beat the Bank

12 Generic Drugs

13 Use Cold Water

14 Scrap Expensive TV

15 Save by Going Online

16 Motor Insurance

17 Home insurance

18 Ditch the Coffee and the Takeaways

19 Overpay your Mortgage

20 Save for a Deposit

21 Welfare for Families

22 Car Finance

23 Christmas Spending

24 Start a Pension

25 Credit Cards

26 Help to Buy

27 Medical Treatment Abroad

28 Public Transport Costs

29 Broadband/TV

30 Dental Expenses

31 Car Maintenance and Fuel

32 House-swap Holidays

33 Hand-me-down Clothes

34 Recycling

35 Lose Weight

36 Change the Lights

37 Make your Lunch

38 Convert a Car

39 Eat Less Meat

40 Inheritance Tax

41 Buy a Water Filter

42 Sell and Declutter

43 Save with Bananas

44 Learn to Haggle

45 Avoid VAT

46 Get out of Debt

47 Get Mortgage-ready

48 Travel Insurance

49 Avoid Holidays from Hell

50 The Whole Picture

The book is a good idea, but does it have much cross over with John Lowe's book (The Money Doctor) ?
I'm nearly tempted to buy it just to find out what 43 - save with bananas is.
only "nearly" mind - see I've saved 12.99 already! :)
Nothing in there that is not common sense or a frequent forum reader wouldn't know really.
One can just go through the headlines and google search something he finds interesting to see if there is anything he is missing.
I'm only 5 of the 50 chapters in and yes its fairly common sense and no big surprises to most people who are active in financial forums like this. But I still got one or to nuggets so far and I like that the book is, so far, very actionable and almost tutorial like. It even mentions a broker I used previously for insurance policies who I always found to offer the best prices.

So thumbs up so far.