The Green List

There should be no list at all. The message should be that if you travel abroad or from abroad regardless of where it is you should have to quarantine .
If we go in to lockdown (like is possible) travel abroad will not be an issue for anyone. So the lists will be no more.
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@joer , with all the scare mongering with regard to international travel there has barely been any travel whatsoever. Whatever cases attributed to international travel came from very high risk countries outside Europe and involved tiny numbers. The sensible thing for Ireland to have done from the start was to have a "red list" rather than a green list. Why were flights and travel not stopped from the very high risk countries especially outside the EU at little ecoonomic cost. Why have we rocketed up the corona league tables even though we maintained the severest restrictions and have only allowed pubs to open since Monday,
I always said that , from the start, there should have been no travel to or from Ireland . There were flights coming from all over the world when there should have been none at all. There are flights from Ireland at the moment . Granted there are not many or not many people on them but still going , from what I hear.
There should be no list at all.
I agree.

The list is down to four countries now, and I’d say they’ll be doing away with it soon to synchronise with the European model.

When the list was introduced the message was “essential travel only” but since last week this no longer applies to Green List countries.
They should have been able to come home at the start of this but after that anyone coming home should have had to quarantine .
There should be no list at all within the E.U. Covid is in every country. Planes have been found to be low risk in the spread. Prof. Schaffer said during the week she rang the Department of Health to ask how many cases were attributed to travel and they told her none. I don’t understand why the app is attributing 2% to travel. Our airports are like ghost towns. For how much longer can we shut everything down for a virus with a death rate that has been flat for months? There are approximately 540 deaths in Ireland per week. This week Covid accounts for 1% of these deaths.
Anyone making travel plans on the basis of the green list needs their head read, and a dose of common sense inserted.
Anyone making travel plans on the basis of the green list needs their head read, and a dose of common sense inserted.
It's not the travellers that need their heads examined its the government and nphet. Despite one of the most restrictive regimes in Europe , the corona is rising anyway, it's been a complete failure.
Lets go back in time a second, the first cases in Ireland were largely attributed to travel, I recall a family in Clare being mentioned as being the first cluster and they had just come back from a skiing trip. Travel is having a lesser impact now because everywhere is in lockdown to some degree and more precautions are in place

To say the restrictions have failed is also bogus in my mind since the impact without the restrictions would have been far worse. Corona is rising again, as anticipated, because some people are being morons, not because of failed restrictions
Lets go back in time a second, the first cases in Ireland were largely attributed to travel,
Yes travel from Italy where the outbreak in Europe started, so we did not restrict travel to Italy then but now that Italy has less than half the rates of Ireland and is well within the European limits for unrestricted travel we take it off our green list. That is just bonkers, I'm sorry
It's not the travellers that need their heads examined its the government and nphet. Despite one of the most restrictive regimes in Europe , the corona is rising anyway, it's been a complete failure

Why do you think Covid-19 is rising?

Are the government and NPHET infecting people?
Ah Joe. Just think if NPHET were not doing their job what the outcome would be . I do not for one minute think it would be good.
Travel is the one thing that was not done very well but in general NPHET did and are doing everything they need to do . Some people are not doing themselves or others any favors by their disregard for doing the right thing.
I think they made a big mistake by being overly restrictive for way too long, now many people have lost respect for nphet and the restrictions because they see them as illogical now. I think nphet have lost control of the situation and the young are just going to do what they want now, we saw that in Galway last night. Unless they put the army on the streets they won't be able to re impose restrictions.
I honestly believe the students in Galway should be expelled. They clearly don't care about us so why should we care what happens them. That might put manners on the young people. No point in NUIG stressing the code of conduct if it is toothless. I hope to God in a months time the HSE have not tracked deaths back to last night.

It's so easy to be wise in hindsight, I thought in general the nation did a great job given we, like everyone else, was making it up as we went along since we had no experience of all of this.
We're 54th in the list of cases per million population, our death toll per pop is ~50% that of Spain, UK, USA, Italy....we got a lot more right than many others did. The developed countries that did significantly better than we did include some that were far more restrictive and others with more effective health services.
The nation did a good job in general alright . If only the young people from schools should be brought on a tour through the hospitals perhaps the message might get through. I know THAT is not possible right now but they really do need a major wake - up - call in all of this.