Parking outside house buggy owner annoyed

....I am soooo annoyed, does anyone have any advice they can give.

Accept you are in the wrong and forget about it. Maybe you were further in than usual. Park leaving loads of space is probably a reasonable compromise. If someone makes a bigger fuss of it, everyone including yourself might get a ticket!
Dear Moderator, I believe some people may be getting a bit too angry in this debacle.

The reason people get annoyed is that it's very dangerous for pedestrians (of all kinds) to have to walk on the road because someone has parked on the footpath. If pedestrians parked themselves on the middle of the road and forced car drivers to driver around them, the reaction would be the same.

Park properly.
AlbacoreA - I agree but the OP said everyone parks on the street so I was only guessing.

I lived in an awful estate years ago where if you weren't in before 7 you hadn't a hope of getting somewhere to park and then you were often then were blocked in till morning. There simply was enough places to park.
I used to live on a street where everyone routinely parked on both sides of the street with 2 wheels on the footpath. That was until one day when more than 20 cars in a row were clamped! It was an hilarious sight (mainly because I wasn't one of them). Anyway, my point is that from that day forth, everybody parked with all 4 wheels on the tarmac. This not only cleared up the footpaths, it had the added knock on bonus of slowing down the traffic on the street.

You asked a question. You got an answer. It is illegal to park on the footpath.

Don't attack other posters because you did not get the answers you would like.

Other posters, please try to stick to the point - whether this is a bit "Irish" or not is irrelevant.

What advice are you looking for OP? If you parked on the footpath (which I still don't think has been clarified by you), then you are at fault and there's not a lot you can do about it other than park properly!!
The road that I live on everybody parks their cars on the pathways outside their respective houses as there is nowhere else to park.

Based on this I'd say she was on the footpath along with everyone else.
You'd need signs to highlight this, as otherwise people unaware of past clamping would just park on the path.
Dear Moderator, I believe some people may be getting a bit too angry in this debacle.

It would seem that you are the one getting a bit too angry.

Question has been answered many times, you are in the wrong, never mind what the other residents are doing you should not be parking on the footpath - it is illegal end of!
Dear Moderator, I believe some people may be getting a bit too angry in this debacle.

Whos getting angry? I think your the angry one, because no one has felt the way you do! You're obviously mad that this lady has sent you a note for doing something illegal, and got sour because people can see that what you did was wrong and havent taken your side!
Also Annabo, you have been asked 4 or 5 times whether or not you were actually parked on the pavement - and have not directly answered.

It is difficult to get 'constructive legal advice' which you clearly want, if you don't respond to pertinent, reasonable queries.
A bit off topic but;
The entrance to the estate I grew up on was near a park so every weekend people double parked on both sides of the road leaving just enough room for one car to get through. One day a house went on fire and the fire tender couldn’t get in do they just drove up on the bonnet of the first car and flattened it and the five behind it (imagine how heavy a fire tender is with a full load of water).
As previous posters have stated parking on the path is illegal, hwever, usually a general 'rule' if leaving a car parked on a path is to ensure a double buggy or wheelchair can get by - then you'll be unlucky to get a ticket......

I'd have read the note and left it at that, grateful that it wasn't a parking ticket......................
Dear Moderator, I believe some people may be getting a bit too angry in this debacle.

I don't see signs of anyone getting angry here. You asked a question, all other posters are of the one opinion that it is illegal to park on a footpath, indeed the relevant piece of legislation has been quoted. Just because you don't like the answer is no justification for accusing others of posting in anger.
I live in an estate where everyone(including myself) parks on the footpath, mainly because if we all parked on the road, the space left would be very very narrow

However it really annoys me (and Mrs Sox) when we are out with the smallie in her buggy or on her trike and some idiot has parked too close to the wall and we can't get past. We then have to go out on the road to get around .which is not always safe.

If you are parking on the footpath, you are breaking the law but the OP is being careless and dangerous by not at least having the manners to let people pass

Here, here Leo. My thoughts exactly.
I think we should remember the OP is relatively new and she didn't commit a grave offence.
I dunno what the fuss is about. I'll bet most people here have parked wheels up on a pavement at some point.