Blue Blaa

If there were no WMD in IRAQ - the war was therefore illegal, regime change was wrong, so should the US set Sadam and his henchmen/women free?
Technically the war was illegal regardless of whether there were weapons or not. We knew it was illegal when it started.


Who cares , who really cares, it has as much impact on all your lives as a fart hitting a pillow.
look at me.

jm, actually it does impact us all:

- World oil prices have a huge effect on global economy. Could easily effect interest rates etc.

- Human rights ramifications.

- They've set a precedent. It's now acceptable for America and UK to invade other countries, willy nilly, whenever they like. We're probably worse off than before WWII.
If there were no WMD in IRAQ - the war was therefore illegal, regime change was wrong, so should the US set Sadam and his henchmen/women free?
I don't think the world ever worked that way. The dye is cast/ eggs are broken/ milk is spilled now anyway so the issue is really one of how do the Americans sort out this mess of their own creation.
I'm sure people will argue that George W Bush should stand trial for war crimes etc but we all know that will never happen.

No one answered the question. Should he or shouldn't he be set free?
Re: Question

No one answered the question. Should he or shouldn't he be set free?

Like purple said. No.

I'm not sure what you believe yourself but if you follow that train of thought and believe that the war was illegal (as I do) then should troops just be pulled out right now? Everyone leave...right now!
As nice an idea as it is it would undoubtedly make matters only worse.

The Americans and British created this mess. Now they need to sort it out - no matter how long it takes.

Yes, he should be released.

If they want to keep him locked up, then let's also lock up Blair and Bush, and probably most world leaders.
worse? - how exactly?

Everyone leave...right now!
As nice an idea as it is it would undoubtedly make matters only worse.

Worse? - how can it get worse?

At the moment, loads of people are being killed and injured and we have an illegal occupation.
Re: money

Yes, he should be released.

The fact that we now have him means he should be put on trial for his crimes.

Like a lot of people I also believe Blair and Bush should stand trial for their crimes, but this is never, ever going to happen so you take from a situation what you can.

How do you know it's never going to happen? - I'm sure paedo priests thought the same...

I'd have never thought a smoking ban would happen.

Never say never.
Re: worse? - how exactly?

Worse? - how can it get worse?

I agree. It is an ilegal occupation, regardless of what the current puppet government might say.
However, pulling all troops out now would merely hand the country over to insurgents and god knows who else decided to have a go. The country would undoubtedly go the way of Afghanistan with various warlords having control over areas...or worse again, someone like Saddam stepping into the breach.

The likely future for Iraq, a puppet state, controlled very much by the US is not very appealing either - but unfortunately it's better than nothing.


You mean the Iraqi people? That's a fox/sky news term.

The country would undoubtedly go the way of Afghanistan with various warlords having control over areas...

Is this a bad thing? It's just a different way of running a country. Variety can be a good thing. Who's to say that the current Western model of government is so great?

or worse again, someone like Saddam stepping into the breach.

It's worse now than when Sadders was in control.
Re: lovebuns

Hi peacelover,


You mean the Iraqi people? That's a fox/sky news term.

You're right of course. However, and I stand to be corrected here, but not all of those in armed conflict with US and British troops are Iraqi.

Is this a bad thing? It's just a different way of running a country

It's usually bad for the people in that country, yes.

It's worse now than when Sadders was in control.

In many ways, yes it is. One can only hope that it gets better.
As much as I believe that the democracy the "allies" are attempting to bring to Iraq is merely a sham and nothing more than a puppet regime that will tow the is, in my opinion, better than some of the present or possible alternatives.
Democracy is a great thing - just not when it's forced on people.

Piggy , the natives in Iraq will always agree to disagree.
They are people , who by their very nature are possessive and power seeking and value life little.If you have traveled like i have you will soon realise that we are very much a free thinking state ,
Saddam was a tough nut , you had to be to keep this country in any shape whatsoever. We are only now realising what Saddam had to do to control the , infidels, but a puppet state Iraq will never be.

USA swears by democracy , for the people and by the people etc, so open elections are a must. Another thing who ever is elected will probably have a life span similar to a parking ticket.

I was in Italy this summer and the general feeling there is hatred for Arabs , Muslim and Africans. Italians are by nature very racist , i feel some people on this site should realise that the world is made up of allot of opinions, cultures that stems from years of history and that we are not always right just because we are staying in the boundary of PC acceptability.

But as i say who cares , Saddam or a Saddamesque figure could come back in to power.

USA and UK might have invaded the country illegally but they are the new superpowers and Iraq is just a pawn in the new USA V Terrorism , Libya , Syria and Chinese cold war.

Oil prices have hiked up here for a while , interest rates rise , tell me something new this is the law of economics.
We are bound by OPEC's production of oil , but the real increase in oil comes from the fact that we are running out.
Sure it is only 100- 125 years away but that is not along time to prepare for global change on fossil fuels.
Re: $$

Hi jm,

Saddam was a tough nut , you had to be to keep this country in any shape whatsoever. We are only now realising what Saddam had to do to control the , infidels

I can't agree with that I'm afraid. No matter what side of the argument you're on, Saddam was a cruel and vicious dictator who murdered his own people willy nilly. If you're trying to tell me that that's what it takes to keep Iraq in line then I'd strongly disagree.

I was in Italy this summer and the general feeling there is hatred for Arabs

It's not just in Italy either.

i feel some people on this site should realise that the world is made up of allot of opinions, cultures that stems from years of history and that we are not always right just because we are staying in the boundary of PC acceptability.

Yes...we're all guilty of looking at the world merely from our point of view.

Iraq is just a pawn in the new USA V Terrorism , Libya , Syria and Chinese cold war.

I agree. But then I also believe that the "terrorism" line that is constantly spun to us is largely a mask for other political ends. Iraq being the best case in point.