Need advice please! Selling house to Galway Co.Co.


Registered User
I was selling my house to Galway Co.Co. but they wanted specific things done to the house first. I carried them out even though no contracts were signed. I was told that is the way they worked, "I do the jobs on the house then they sign contracts and I would have a guaranteed sale". Now they want to back out because they say I didn't make them aware of a 10 year annurement clause on the house. Even though they had a copy of the planning conditions sent with the contracts from day one. I have spent about €20K bringing the house to their specifications. Have I anything to fall back on. Please help if anyone has any advice.
I think you or your solicitor were foolish to do any work /alterations without a concrete deal on paper ! ........If you were selling your car and a guy comes over to your house and says if you paint it green ,buy new mag wheels,spoiler,tinted windows and fuzzy dice ,he will buy it from you ,without putting it in writing ,would you do it ?? dont see the difference really. Shame on the other party though ! and i sympitise with you . hopefully the work you've done has improved the house,so i would just chalk it up to experience and look to the future ....Good Luck !