Money no object, what is your DREAM holiday?

Any one of the holidays from ( no smutty remarks please), but particularly Peru, the US ones, Botswana or France. Or if money was no object, ALL of them ( but a rest for my muscles in between each one in a luxury spa).
Happiness for me is waking up early morning somewhere I've never been before and setting off to explore. I've always travelled, when I had absolutely no money it meant standing on the side of the road with my thumb out, hitching around Ireland.
Everest base camp - Nepal and Tibet.
On to travel the length of Japan and a trip to Hong Kong en route to the South Pacific Islands.
i would spend a week in vegas, week in maldives and then cruise around hawaii

that was my honeymoon last august, it was ok haha... nah, it was brill :)

If money was no object, it would have to be south america! Id finish off with cuba (while its still "cuba")
Also, is Petra in Jordan a safe place now? Ah to hell with it, are we safe anywhere!

Petra in Jordan is safe, Jordan is one of the safest countries, if not the safest in the region. I was there in the summer, Petra is spectacular!

I love going off the beaten track, I was on holiday in Sudan 2 years ago (seriously) and loved it!

I'd love to visit Iran
I was in Jordan this summer and I would consider it safe, though an armed guard was on the bus at all times and I know some people found this very off-putting. The hotel I stayed in in Amman had been bombed in November 2005 but now has elaborate security measures in place, including airport-like scanning machines for all luggage, handbags etc. Tourism revenue is hugely important to the Jordanian economy and they have really taken steps to protect western tourists.
re safety in places like Jordan, last year I was all over Egypt. The hotels had scanners too, as did the major tourist sites. Security was very tight at places like the Valley of the Kings where a major terrorist episode happened a few years back. I never felt unsafe at all though.

Whenever we were travelling from place to place i.e. Aswan to Luxor, we had to go in an armed convoy. It was certainly different! Some in our group were very upset, but I was delighted as the Egyptian government were obviously looking out for us. Like Jordan, tourism is very important to Egypt, and they are taking serious steps to keep the country safe.
travel around the world to the more less visited countries/places (in particular countries in africa), then retire to new zealand. live for a good few weeks in a few places learning the langauge and normal life. oh and while i am travelling the world, stop off in the phillipines/indonesian/pacific islands and go diving every day seeing what the tropical waters have to offer to view. bliss.