Money no object, what is your DREAM holiday?

4th estate

Registered User
Just wondered, say you won the lotto or came into a few bob, where would you go?

Would you travel the world, go to a few countries, spend time in the sun, or pay your bills!!!!

I would take two trips - one East, Japan, Vietnam, Phillipines, etc. and one West, South America, Galapagos Islands, Panama Canal area. If I had anything left over I would do the Rockies by train.

Oh and I'd like to see the Northern Lights, and Patagonia,

Love Eastern European history and architecture and have been to many countries so if I could afford it I'd revisit all those places again in one visit, my favouries being Salzburg, Krakow, Prague and a most beautiful small city one hour from Prague called Ceskey Krumlov (absolutey magical at Xmas). Check it out on net and you will want to visit very soon.

Would also love visit Canada for an extended holiday and spend some time off the beaten track in France.

If I could do all that more or less in one go would be very happy but for now with three in college am happy for a summer hol and a city break before Xmas which will be Edinburgh this year.
If you work your butt off and save and really want it, it doesn't have to be a dream!! I waited 8 years to visit a remote island in the Bahamas this I've done that. I've saved even more at the sametime (2 jobs) and have just booked to go up to see Polar Bears around Churchill Canada next season. Figure out where you wanna go (the easy part) then keep it in mind, you might get there someday!
- Helicoptor trip over the Victoria falls
- India (although Mumbai gets struck off the list as of this morning!)
My lotto dream holiday is 6-8 months around the world. The itinerary would be relatively open, but my must do's are:
  • Petra in Jordan
  • Oman
  • Malaysia / vietnam
  • Hong Kong, Peninsula Hotel
  • China: terracotta army / great wall...
  • New Zealand, see some of LOTR locations
  • Macchu Picchu
  • Tokyo / rural Japan and stay in a traditional guest house (ryokan)
  • drive San Fran -> Vegas -> Page arizona
  • Stay at daniellis in Venice
  • Ski in South America,
  • Cruise to see the Northern Lights
I'd like to stay in good hotels, not 5* (except danielis and peninsula) and let my inclination lead me to the next place, money no object!
i would spend a week in vegas, week in maldives and then cruise around hawaii
I would love to go to Alaska, live as the eskimos do. (Think its alaska anyway)

I would love to go the Africa on a real wild safari.

I would love to visit Canada.

Do you know that Bear Gryllis guy on tv, think that is his name. Do visit the places he has been to and do the things he has done, mix with the natives, it must be fantastic.
If I won the lottery I would buy myself an old vw camper van and just go! I have always wanted to be a traveller rather than a tourist and I have travelled fairly extensively but I've never known that delicious feeling of just going where the road takes me with no constraints of time etc. hindering me. So I'd take the ferry to France and just head off, armed with a laptop to make my travel arrangements and I'd just go as far as the ferry connections would take me. Getting back to the real world! I do have a travel plan, I finally visited Petra this year after longing to do so for years, it was well worth the wait, it was all I imagined it would be and more. I saw the midnight sun past the artic circle in Finland last year and it was weird and wonderful (I couldn't sleep and joined other insomniacs playing basketball at 4am - surreal!) So I'd like to take that a step further and go to Alaska and see it there. I've always wanted to go to the Desert Music Festival in Essakane, about 45km from Timbuktu in Mali and I'm going in January 2010!
This is more a fitness levels no object, Id love to climb Kilimanjaro and/or go gorilla watching in Uganda - but both require up to 8 hours of trekking in rough terrain, doubt Id manage it!!
Money no object I would love to go skiing in Chile / Argentina for their winter (our Summer) and then do some travelling around South America when it got warmer....
Have my eye on Kilimanjaro next year and think I have the required fitness for it. It's more of a trek than a climb - but cold.

Off to Asia this year if they stop messing in Bangkok.

This is more a fitness levels no object, Id love to climb Kilimanjaro and/or go gorilla watching in Uganda - but both require up to 8 hours of trekking in rough terrain, doubt Id manage it!!
If you work your butt off and save and really want it, it doesn't have to be a dream!! I waited 8 years to visit a remote island in the Bahamas this I've done that. I've saved even more at the sametime (2 jobs) and have just booked to go up to see Polar Bears around Churchill Canada next season. Figure out where you wanna go (the easy part) then keep it in mind, you might get there someday!

I agree with you there. In the past few years I've visited Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Morocco, Brazil, Argentina, Chile & Peru. I've swum with dolphins, taken a helicopter flight & landed on an ice field of the Franz Josef glacier in NZ & wonder of wonders trekked Machu Pichu.
They're just the exotic ones, I've taken quick breaks closer to home as well.......Budapest, Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon,Krakow,Barcelona,Salzburg to name a few. Off to Prague next w/end. I'm not a millionaire, never won the lotto but it's my dream to see as much of this world as possible & bit by bit I'm slowly getting there !
I'd like to see all of the new "wonders of the world" as announced last year. I've already seen Christ the Redeemer, Petra, Great Wall of China, Roman Colosseum( & the honorary one the Pyramids:)). I'm off to India in a few months so will get to visit the Taj Mahal. So only two left on the list, Macchu Picchu & Chichen Itza:D

My ultimate holiday would be either Antartica or the Arctic.
if i won the lotto, i would visit S America in particular Argentina and Chile for approx a month, love to see Buenos Aries, its meant to be an interesting place, then i would fly to South Africa and chill out in Cape Town for a week--- Bliss!
Am really loving all your uplifting comments. Don't we just need them now!

I'm fired up, and have to dip into the savings. No point doing it when too old. Kiddo where is that Chichen Itzsa (sp) place, sounds intriguing.

Also, is Petra in Jordan a safe place now? Ah to hell with it, are we safe anywhere!