Looking for career change,dont know what?

Did you all do aptitude tests in school as part of Career Guidance? I did. These tests sound similar and are a great idea.

When evaluating my own career choices earlier this year I just sat down and wrote out of a list of my interests. These were:

The arts

Then I wrote a list of jobs and careers in these areas, even ones which wouldn't be possible for me to do, but it helped focus the mind:

Professional sportsperson, fitness instructor, sports writer
Writer, librarian, book shop worker/owner, editing, publishing
Gallery owner, arts administrator, actor, artist
Curator, teacher, researcher, writer/researcher
Writer, editor, publisher

By doing this I figured out that by combining my interests with my career I could have a more satisfying job.

The upshot is I now have an interview for library assitant which will also allow me time to qualify as a librarian.