lawn mowing on a sunday...

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Really? Though my landlord and his family were ignorant you just read bitter and nasty.

Despite my annoyance at their behaviour, and my grave reservations about the landlord's son giving his eight year old daughter spins (more ignorance) on their Honda ride-on while mowing our lawn, when she did fall off I did drive them to the A&E (landlords son banned from driving for two years; had sold his car). Unfortunately for the poor girl, she lost her foot. The blade ripped her flesh and shattered her bone above the ankle.
Apparently, the blade was in shocking condition. Had the mower blade been sharp and well maintained (yet more ignorance) it could have been a clean cut and the leg re-attached.

Not sure if I'd do this for your daughter though.

Drakon LOL. Have to go now will sharpen the blade get a new ride on and strap the triplets on board for next Sundays cut. Seriously though I have rabbits everywhere at the moment bagged four last saturday with the .22
in the back garden next door took the rabbits for the pot.. Fair bang there.
I don't think there is any need for the graphic descriptions- this guy's only trying to get advice on how to help his parents deal with a rude neighbor.

OP I'm only delighted that his son got done for drugs- if that lunatic was my father I'd probably turn to drugs too!
I've had a final, slightly off topic thought on this. There's division here whether it's acceptable or not to use a lawnmower on a Sunday. I wonder if the breakdown would be mirrored by those that find it acceptable or not to read a work email or answer a work phone call at home/outside of business hours?
Some have lost the ability to switch off. Maybe it's all part of the "we live in an economy, not a society" thing?
Maybe the father knew about the son and the pending visit of the Gardai hence his odd behaviour.

I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to start annoying the neighbour by mowing the lawn on purpose on a Sunday. I would just carry on with my life and mow the lawn on a Sunday if it needed mowing on a Sunday or whenever.

I would report the individual to the Gardai so that it's on record.

Is there "history" between your father and neighbour?
I think it just show that we're not all on the same schedule.

More & more people are working unsociable hours and so the typical "business hours" and mon-fri work week are applying less and less. I work as a security guard and I'm seeing loads more office workers working at the weekends and late in the evenings- not too different from my own shifts to be honest.. but at least I knewwhat hours I was getting in to when I started 15 years ago- I doubt the typical UCD business grad has these hours in mind when they send in their application. I hear them arguing with there housemates making noise or being inconsiderate of them when there trying to get to sleep.

While some of you might find mowing the lawn or drilling holes in their walls on a tuesday afternoon or a sunday morning the most suitable, I have just gone to sleep. Is it a bit annoying? Yes. But do I cause a fuss like them office workers? No, of course not- because I'm aware that I'm the one workign a different schedule. So rather than give them a earful, I put in my earplugs and try to get some sleep.

Now when I'm doing DIY, I let my neighbours on either side know that I'm going to be doing work so they have a heads up, which I think they appreeciate. Although one asked if I could do it another day because of her daughter's communion, which I didn't mind, and now actually she's told me she makes sure her kids know not to make too much noise in the morning in case they wake me.

The reason I'm saying this is that I herd someone say the other day: the only way to offend no one is to do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. No matter what you do, your going to be offending someone. All we can do is try and treat our neighbours the same way we would like to be treated.
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