lawn mowing on a sunday...

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Just looking for neutral reaction.

I was on the phone to my mother today when the neighbour behind them called in. He was complaining that my dad was inconsiderate mowing the back garden at 3pm on a sunday. He was quite aggressive and said he would report it. My mam was quite taken aback and apologised. He went onto say that he wouldn't mind mornings during the week. However my dad doesn't do this as one of the neighbours is terminally ill so he doesn't want to disturb her. I don't think the first neighbour knows this.

In any event I think it's an would be a good five minute walk to walk round to my parents. The garden is hardly massive so it took 15 mins to mow. It's not like my parents are holding mad parties. They are both in 70s. All have been in estate since 1970.

All I can think of is that the first neighbour is religious...he collects for the church...and might have a thing about working on a sunday?

I'd be reporting him to the Gardaí for threatening and intimidating behaviour. There is no rule stopping people from mowing their lawns on a Sunday.

As it happens .... I've just finished cutting mine!
I agree with Paddybloggit. People should be free to cut their grass unless it's either very early (before 10?) Or very late (after 8.30》) on any day they wish. Sounds like the neighbour has some issues.
Crazy, I can hear someone cutting the lawn as I sit here now and I'm waiting for the battery to charge for my mower so I can do my own. Funny though my father always had a thing about cutting grass on Sundays, he wasn't particularly religious but it was drilled into them no work on Sundays, I used to point out it was the only day I could get it done.
Just went out to cut grass and mower will not start
Is he foreign? In some countries it is illegal. I'm trying to recall - but I think Switzerland?
Not unless he's been here since 1970 and called pat o'something!

Just struck me as being massive over reaction to walk ten mins there and back! He also uses a stick to walk.

V odd

You're to who?

Better to report other neighbour who has converted shed at bottom of garden and uses as bar with loud music.
Apparently in Germany this is the case:
[broken link removed]

Whatever sense it makes there i.e. everybody makes noise at the same time thereby leaving sunday free... in Ireland it makes no sense because there's no guarantee someone else won't make noise Sunday afternoon.

Fob the neighbour off with a "I'm afraid this is the most convenient time for me to mow the lawn, but if you feel you must report it to the authorities, that is your concern."

The neighbour - who doesn't seem the type to appreciate being corrected - can be enlightened by the proper authorities that he doesn't have any grounds for complaint.
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I cut mine at 11 a.m. My neighbour cut his shortly after.

What exactly was his problem....was he disturbed reading his Sunday paper?

Who was he going to report it to? parents received a letter in the door at 4am stating they were inconsiderate in mowing....doorbell was rung....note dropped in.

My parents in 70s assumed worse with doorbell in night. I think I shall be having words with neighbour!
Just looking for neutral reaction.


I too in the past have encountered similar bizarre behaviour, it soon became apparent that this person was in the early stage of dementia.

If it was me I would ignore, probably won’t be an issue for long.
I wouldn't ignore this. This person called to the door during the day and received an apology. That was not enough it seems. They had to call again at 4 a.m. to leave a note in the door as well as ring the doorbell.
The OP says that it would only take 15 minutes to cut the grass. No big deal House alarms ring for longer and the sound is worse.
This person might be fixated on the OP's parents.
I would call to the local Garda station and make a complaint. Nothing like a bit of a fright to show these people that you are prepared to report them to the Gardai.
You're dealing with a nutbar. Ask the Gardaí to have a word with him. Generally I wouldn't cut grass before 11am on a Saturday or noon on a Sunday myself (or after maybe 7pm) . . although I have a small garden now and a push mower so I'm done in 5 mins.
Last edited: parents received a letter in the door at 4am stating they were inconsiderate in mowing....doorbell was rung....note dropped in.

My parents in 70s assumed worse with doorbell in night. I think I shall be having words with neighbour!

If it were me I wouldn't bother approaching such a nutjob as the intimidation of your parents will probably get worse. Speak to Community Garda and get them to have a word.
While people do cut lawns on a Sunday I personally would never do it mainly due to my upbringing where Sunday just wasn't a day on which you did jobs, having said that there's no law against it. I'd just ignore it, I wouldn't call gardai over something like this.
That's a disgrace upsetting your poor elderly parents like that. I agree with the other posters here, let the guards know so at the very least there is a record of this behaviour, and maybe consider putting a security camera outside their door.
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I strongly disagree with this.

The guy who called round needs to be warned off...properly.

You should absolutely go to the guards. 100%.
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