I have been trying to get details of current deposit rates from www.investec.ie but so far all I can get is a picture of the cliffs of Moher. Is it me?
5. click on "cash deposits" and voila - there's the 12 month rate fixed rate deposit, and the Euro 1 month rate....hmmmm, no a sign of the 6 mths rate
Is it unusual for a South African bank to fall under the English banking guarantee scheme.?
I refer a previous post of mine - how is this Bank are paying 3% over market - are their borrowers sub-prime ?? Their rates seem a bit out there still.
No because firstly its an opinion, not a statement of fact.is the title of this thread not defamation?
Their website is awful, but has improved!
Investec have recently sent me documents saying their 6 month term deposit rate is 4.00%, not 4.25%. I am fairly sure they have just not updated their website.
Their response was that the rate on their website is 4.00%, not 4.25% and I am probably clicking on "an old link"
I have sent them a screenprint of their own website.
Who is offering the best 6 month deposit now?