"intrum justitia" Credit agency claim


Registered User
Out of the blue I have received a demand for payment for €92 from “Intrum Justitia” apparently a credit collection firm which is taking action for none payment.
This is a complete surprise to me, I have not received any previous bills and it is apparently for an Ebay transaction. I have never ever used Ebay.
The letter is unsigned and I first thought it was a scam but this seems to be large company.

However I am prepared to look further into this because my son did have a transaction with Ebay, there was no sale and therefore no money is owing. He was unable to contact Ebay through their talking telephone system.
I have written to the company explaining and asking how my name is involved.
Any suggestions? Can they take action?
Re: Credit agency claim

Ask them for a copy of the unpaid invoice.. and dates and times, products, services etc which were supposedly purchased.

While they may be able to take action it is not unreasonable for you not to pay when you have received no specific info like dates, products etc. Is your son a minor? Could he be afraid to admit the truth?, maybe he has run up a bill with somebody...

Why is is 'apparently' for an Ebay transaction?, presumabely because it said so somewhere.. did it say anything else?
Re: Credit agency claim

The letter states my name, Ebay and a reference number, and that they are taking formal action to recover the outstanding balance €92.
My son is 27 yrs and says he did a transaction but did not have a sale, so that he does not owe money. I do not know how Ebay works with charges but he is unable to contact them. he is going to contact "Intrum Justitia" himself. I have written them asking how my name is involved. I am assuming that this is the same transaction that is €92
Re: Credit agency claim

They won't be suing for €92. Intrum are just a pack of loud toothless dogs.
"intrum justitia" Compensation from Debt collector

Intrum Justitia (debt collectors) have made a false claim against me, threatening legal action to recover money that I do not owe. They may have dropped this because I have protested and not heard from them recently. They have not even the courtesy to let me know.
Should I take action for compensation? They cannot just send letter out like this without substantiating it.
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

Well you were not defamed as they did not publish it, so you have no case there.

It seems to me that debt collectors will make mistakes along the way in trying to collect debts. If they had to compensate people for making mistakes, then they could not function and the entire commercial system would cease to function.

Re: Compensation from Debt collector

If they had to compensate people for making mistakes, then they could not function and the entire commercial system would cease to function.

If they had to compensate people for mistakes made, they would have an incentive to make fewer mistakes. They charge a high price for their service, why should your time in defending a false claim not also be valued?
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

If they had to compensate people for mistakes made, they would have an incentive to make fewer mistakes. They charge a high price for their service, why should your time in defending a false claim not also be valued?

So should anyone found not guilty in a criminal case have their legal fees paid for by the state?
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

Brendan. Sorry I do not see your point. I am not trying to gain out of this, just to stop this practice. Why should they cause people the worry of legal action? I still do not know if I am cleared. If the system has to stop because people/companies send harmful letters then so be it.
Is there a state agency to which I can complain ?
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

Brendan. Sorry I do not see your point. I am not trying to gain out of this, just to stop this practice.

'Compensation from Debt collector'

So what compensation did you want from them, if you didn't want to 'gain'?
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

The passing of your name to the debt collectors by the person who said they were owed the money could be seen to be defamation (by the supposed creditor)
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

So should anyone found not guilty in a criminal case have their legal fees paid for by the state?
In certain cases of 'wrongful prosecution' in this country and the UK that has in fact happened.
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

Firstly, they have not told me if they have ceased proceeding, I could still end up in court, Secondly, and apology would be in order. Financially enough to hurt them, I would give it to charity. But satisfaction would be to have a government department stop this practice.
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

Firstly, they have not told me if they have ceased proceeding, I could still end up in court, Secondly, and apology would be in order. Financially enough to hurt them, I would give it to charity. But satisfaction would be to have a government department stop this practice.
It is highly unlikely Intrum will take you to court. They have no legal powers whatsoever. Intrum are like a toothless Rottweiler, all bark and no bite. They only do what their master, the original creditor says.
Did you contact who set them on you?
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

Should I take action for compensation? They cannot just send letter out like this without substantiating it.

What loss have you suffered that you are looking to be compensated for?
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

Jack2009, Look at my reply 07/06/2009. I am trying to stop the practice not gain!
They now seem to be ignoring my letters and emails. I have also found an article in the UK “Which” magazine, where there has been false claims, “Which” say it can effect a persons credit report. There is lot of useful advice, e.g. Tell them if the matter is not resolved in 28 days you will consider it deadlocked and failure to disclose details will be brought to the judge,s attention.
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

They cannot damage your credit rating. That is a myth they put out to frighten people into paying.
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

Brendan. Sorry I do not see your point. I am not trying to gain out of this, just to stop this practice. Why should they cause people the worry of legal action? I still do not know if I am cleared. If the system has to stop because people/companies send harmful letters then so be it.
Is there a state agency to which I can complain ?

If this is a genuine mistake then just drop it. If they were hired to recover a debt then presumably there is a suggestion that you owe the money by at least one party i.e the party who hired the debt collectors so your argument is with them. It is not up to the debt collection company to decide whether or not you owe the money it is up to them to follow their clients instructions and collect the debt!. As for stopping this practice you are wasting your time and even if you did get 'compensation' it would not be enough to 'hurt them' as you have stated.

Why chase debt collector and not the person who instructed them??


Also I note from this thread that the debt if €92 with possibly some involvement on your son's part, just how much compensation did you have in mind??, if it's a real debt your son will have received notifications on his ebay account - just get him to check it.
Re: Compensation from Debt collector

It is just a standard letter from Intrum as other people have already outlined!

It is not Intrum's fault that someone supplied them with false or inaccurate information. Yes it would be nice if they did at least send you a note of apology. However, this may not be that straightforward as even people who do owe money reply back saying that they dont.

Intrum firstly need to investiage or in your own words substantiate your claim before responding as they cannot just take your word for it.