"If crypto is not the answer to our money problems, what is?" Good FT article

Where -> #237 <- is code for someone who won't admit that he's posting a groundless, baseless claim and doesn't have the manners or decency to acknowledge that. #classy.
Where -> #237 <- is code for someone who has for years posted groundless, baseless claims and doesn't have the manners or decency to acknowledge that. #classy.
Lightning network capacity continues to grow all the while - so given that Lightning is largely retail/payments-related, I think it's a reasonable assumption that more stuff is being purchased with Bitcoin.
More deflection. You were wrong in your assertion and you don't have the good manners to own up to it.
@tecate the whole body language of your posts is that the existing monetary order is corrupt and unsound. Can there be any doubt that a failure of a major fiat would give you great pleasure, if only to tell us "I told you so". Stop arguing like a barrister chewing on a semantic bone. I am honest enough to say that when bitcoin fails I will wallow in telling the cult that "I told you so"; actually done a bit of wallowing already.

Ian Paisley probably never actually said "I wish the Pope would choke on his cornflakes". He didn't have to.
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@tecate the whole body language of your posts is that the existing monetary order is corrupt and unsound.
Firstly, that is incorrect. And secondly, even if you wrongly believe that to be the case, to even use that and extend it to what the other guy has run with lacks any shred of honesty.

Last time I checked, my thoughts on this subject were my own. And if we must go there, I've oftentimes pointed to deficiencies in traditional finance/currency/banking/economics. The nature of any systems that we have is such that there is always scope for innovation and improvement - or optionality. That doesn't mean that I want current systems thrown out. As you well know, I've explicitly pointed that out to you many times.

I am honest enough to say that when bitcoin fails I will wallow in telling the cult that "I told you so"; actually done a bit of wallowing already.
See above on your honesty, Duke. I've learnt a lot in spending time on this subject here - and the most valuable learnings have nothing to do with crypto or Bitcoin and everything to do with the last few posts. In fact it was the 'wallowing' that you refer to that intrigued me most in 2017.

I don't foresee a scenario where one system wins out over another. I do foresee a scenario where systems adapt and mesh in with whatever new innovation proves to be useful - over time.

Ian Paisley probably never actually said "I wish the Pope would choke on his cornflakes". He didn't have to.
If anyone thought the notion of 'thought police' was bad, this is a far more advanced form of tyranny (in policing thoughts that the accused has never assembled). Let me put it like this. Because you approach this discussion with an entrenched and embittered view, don't assume that everyone else does.
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Quick search of @tecate to see any evidence that he would like to see the demise of the current monetary and geopolitical order. Picked up this and there will be 100s more but I need to watch a World Cup match.
tecate said:
The central bank high priests that Dukey tells us we have to blindly trust are getting it wrong. On the back of that, Drukenmiller predicts that the reserve currency status of the USD will come to an end within 15 years.
Quick search of @tecate to see any evidence that he would like to see the demise of the current monetary and geopolitical order. Picked up this and there will be 100s more but I need to watch a World Cup match.
So - tell me where in that tract of text have I said that I "would like to see the demise of the current monetary and geopolitical order"????
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So - tell me where in that tract of text have I said that I "would like to see the demise of the current monetary and geopolitical order"????
I'm going to play your game. When did I ever say we had to "blindly trust" the Central Bank high priests? I have stated that monetary policy is probably the most challenging human group behaviour to manage and that the professionals of the Central Banks are best placed to do that. I have frequently admitted that they could get it wrong. I am not going to search your 2,000 posts but you have frequently questioned not only their competence but their basic integrity.
I am not going to search your 2,000 posts but you have frequently questioned not only their competence but their basic integrity.
Of course I have. The claim that is being made is this -> The fall of the dollar is the primary wish and desire. Me critiquing current systems and the boffins that you have told us previously that we'd simply have to trust does not equal 'a primary wish and desire' for the entire system to collapse/for the dollar to collapse.

When did I ever say we had to "blindly trust" the Central Bank high priests?
Hold my beer....

"I prefer to trust to the wisdom of mainstream commentators and Nobel laureates" - Duke, 2017.
"In this very complex world we all have to trust experts in those fields we are not expert ourselves." - Duke, Dec. 2017.
"We even trust our Central Banks to manage the value of our currency." - Duke, Dec. 2017.
"I actually still have trust in experts in their field" . . . "who am I to disagree with the experts." - Duke, Jan. 2018.
"With the unprecedented money printing, they may lose the plot but I have to trust them." - Duke, Nov. 2020.
"I have a fair bit of trust that my €X in my bank account won't lose too much of its purchasing power" - Duke, Nov. 2020.
"I trust that when I see online that I have €X in my bank account that indeed I do have €X.: - Duke, Nov. 2020.
"I trust in the motivations and expertise of the monetary authorities in their efforts to steer us through this." - Duke, Apr. 2021.

I think they have a facility to change username on AAM. Might I suggest 'trust me bro' if it's not already taken?
It was the word "blindly" that I questioned. But that is fair in the context and tone of the debate. But when you gleefully show graphs of the US$ going up in flames, as provided by Cult Central, it is also fair comment that you would welcome a final bonfire.
I see you are now latching on to the semantics of "primary". Your primary desire is to see bitcoin lord it over the corrupt and unsound fiats of this world. @Firefly is substantially correct in his assertion despite the semantics.
But when you gleefully show graphs of the US$ going up in flames, as provided by Cult Central, it is also fair comment that you would welcome a final bonfire.
Lol. I'm not sure what 'graph' your talking about. Other than that, once again, I have not said and have never said that I 'wish or desire' the ruination of the dollar or the current financial system.

I see you are now latching on to the semantics of "primary".
I was quoting Firefly.

Your primary desire is to see bitcoin lord it over the corrupt and unsound fiats of this world.
If you can't cite it, then I never said such a thing.
I'll concede you the last word. Did a search and it turns out that 420 of your 1,921 posts are in fact the last word. So either your incisive logic defeats us all or you just wear us out
I'll concede you the last word. Did a search and it turns out that 420 of your 1,921 posts are in fact the last word. So either your incisive logic defeats us all or you just wear us out
I was shocked and disappointed with those findings - and started to contemplate checking myself in somewhere for 'last word' counselling and then this happened..
Hold my beer.

"I am glad that you are conceding the last word on this." - Duke, in a non-bitcoin-related discussion.
"Great, you have given me the last word." - Duke, in a non-bitcoin-related discussion.
"Please Sarenco let this one go, let me have the last word." - Duke, in a non-bitcoin-related discussion.
+9 other instances of LWIS (Last Word Insecurity Syndrome).